
Minimal Graphical Ping Tool
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com.github.cntools.cnping.metainfo.xml (1408B)

      1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2<component type="desktop-application">
      3  <id>com.github.cntools.cnping</id>
      4  <name>cnping</name>
      5  <summary>Minimal Graphical IPv4 Ping/HTTP Ping Tool</summary>
      6  <launchable type="desktop-id">com.github.cntools.cnping.desktop</launchable>
      7  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
      8  <content_rating type="oars-1.1"/>
      9  <description>
     10    <p>
     11        cnping is a minimal graphical real time IPv4 ping tool written in C.
     12It can send pings via ICMP (regular ping) or HTTP which is useful 
     13in case ICMP is prohibited. Responses are displayed as vertical bars 
     14in a graphical window. Red bars indicate a response was not (yet) 
     15received, white bars indicate the response was received with a height 
     16relative to the round trip time. Additional statistics are displayed 
     17as an overlay.
     18    </p>
     19    <p>
     20        cnping uses rawdraw so it is OS independent and very light weight.
     21    </p>
     22  </description>
     23  <url type="homepage"></url>
     24  <screenshots>
     25    <screenshot type="default">
     26      <image></image>
     27      <caption/>
     28    </screenshot>
     29  </screenshots>
     30  <releases><!-- add new versions on top -->
     31    <release date="2019-10-04" version="1.0.0"/>
     32  </releases>
     33  <project_license>MIT or BSD-3-Clause</project_license>
     34  <url type="bugtracker"></url>