
Advent of Code 2018 Solutions in Python
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      1import sys
      3import aoc
      4import math
      6# nanobots consist of tuples containing: (position, radius)
      7nanobots = list()
      9# parse a line of input file
     10def parse_entry(l):
     11    s = l.split(">, ")
     12    pos = [int(v) for v in s[0].split("=<")[1].split(",")]
     13    radius = int(s[1].split("=")[1])
     14    nanobots.append((pos, radius))
     16data = [parse_entry(l) for l in"\n") if len(l) != 0]
     18# manhattan distance
     19def dist(p1, p2):
     20    xd = abs(p1[0] - p2[0])
     21    yd = abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
     22    zd = abs(p1[2] - p2[2])
     23    return xd + yd + zd
     25# two nanobots range overlap
     26def is_overlap(nb1, nb2):
     27    return nb1[1] + nb2[1] >= dist(nb1[0], nb2[0])
     29# nanobots range completely inside anothers range
     30def is_inside(nb1, nb2):
     31    return dist(nb1[0], nb2[0]) <= nb2[1] - nb1[1]
     33# check if range of nanobot is inside grid
     34def tile_in_range(tile, nb, gridsize):
     35    hgridsize = math.floor(gridsize / 2) # case gridsize = 1 => squares should have 0 width
     36    nbp = nb[0]
     37    ds = [abs(nbp[i] - tile[i]) for i in range(3)]
     38    md = max(ds)
     39    if md == 0:
     40        return True
     41    ds = [d * hgridsize / md for d in ds] # get distance along squares sides
     42    return dist(nbp, tile) - sum(ds) <= nb[1]
     44def solve1(args):
     45    maxr = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[1])
     46    inrange = 0
     47    for nb in nanobots:
     48        if dist(nb[0], maxr[0]) <= maxr[1]:
     49            inrange += 1
     50    return inrange
     52def solve2(args):
     53    global nanobots
     55    # use smaller getting grid like binary search to find position in range of most nanobots
     56    minpx = min(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][0])[0][0]
     57    minpy = min(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][1])[0][1]
     58    minpz = min(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][2])[0][2]
     59    minp = (minpx, minpy, minpz)
     61    maxpx = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][0])[0][0]
     62    maxpy = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][1])[0][1]
     63    maxpz = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][2])[0][2]
     64    maxp = (maxpx, maxpy, maxpz)
     66    gridsize = max([maxp[i] - minp[i] for i in range(3)]) # largest dif dim to ensure all nanbots are in the grid
     68    bestpos = None
     69    while gridsize >= 1:
     70        maxintile = 0
     72        # traverse grid in steps of gridsize
     73        xsteps = math.ceil((maxp[0] - minp[0]) / gridsize) + 1
     74        ysteps = math.ceil((maxp[1] - minp[1]) / gridsize) + 1
     75        zsteps = math.ceil((maxp[2] - minp[2]) / gridsize) + 1
     76        for nx in range(xsteps):
     77            for ny in range(ysteps):
     78                for nz in range(zsteps):
     79                    x = minp[0] + nx * gridsize
     80                    y = minp[1] + ny * gridsize
     81                    z = minp[2] + nz * gridsize
     82                    intile = 0
     83                    for nb in nanobots:
     84                         # check if nanobots range intersects with tile
     85                        if tile_in_range((x, y, z), nb, gridsize):
     86                            intile += 1
     87                    if maxintile < intile:
     88                        maxintile = intile
     89                        bestpos = (x, y, z)
     90                    elif maxintile == intile:
     91                        dist = sum([abs(v) for v in (x, y, z)])
     92                        bestdist = sum([abs(v) for v in bestpos])
     93                         # if two gridtiles have the same count,
     94                         # choose the one closest to the origin
     95                        if maxintile == 0 or dist < bestdist:
     96                            bestpos = (x, y, z)
     98        if gridsize == 1:
     99            break
    101        gridsize = math.floor(gridsize / 2)
    103        minp = [v - gridsize for v in bestpos]
    104        maxp = [v + gridsize for v in bestpos]
    106    return sum(bestpos)
    107, solve2, sols=[573, 107279292])