part2 (633B)
1--- Part Two --- 2 3Impressed, the Elves issue you a challenge: determine the 30000000th number spoken. For example, 4given the same starting numbers as above: 5 6 7 - Given 0,3,6, the 30000000th number spoken is 175594. 8 - Given 1,3,2, the 30000000th number spoken is 2578. 9 - Given 2,1,3, the 30000000th number spoken is 3544142. 10 - Given 1,2,3, the 30000000th number spoken is 261214. 11 - Given 2,3,1, the 30000000th number spoken is 6895259. 12 - Given 3,2,1, the 30000000th number spoken is 18. 13 - Given 3,1,2, the 30000000th number spoken is 362. 14 15 16Given your starting numbers, [1m[37mwhat will be the 30000000th number spoken?[0m 17 18