part2 (1243B)
1--- Part Two --- 2 3The tile floor in the lobby is meant to be a living art exhibit. Every day, the tiles are all 4flipped according to the following rules: 5 6 7 - Any [1m[37mblack[0m tile with [1m[37mzero[0m or [1m[37mmore than 2[0m black tiles 8immediately adjacent to it is flipped to [1m[37mwhite[0m. 9 - Any [1m[37mwhite[0m tile with [1m[37mexactly 2[0m black tiles immediately adjacent to it is 10flipped to [1m[37mblack[0m. 11 12 13Here, [1m[37mtiles immediately adjacent[0m means the six tiles directly touching the tile in 14question. 15 16The rules are applied [1m[37msimultaneously[0m to every tile; put another way, it is first 17determined which tiles need to be flipped, then they are all flipped at the same time. 18 19In the above example, the number of black tiles that are facing up after the given number of days 20has passed is as follows: 21 22Day 1: 15 23Day 2: 12 24Day 3: 25 25Day 4: 14 26Day 5: 23 27Day 6: 28 28Day 7: 41 29Day 8: 37 30Day 9: 49 31Day 10: 37 32 33Day 20: 132 34Day 30: 259 35Day 40: 406 36Day 50: 566 37Day 60: 788 38Day 70: 1106 39Day 80: 1373 40Day 90: 1844 41Day 100: 2208 42 43After executing this process a total of 100 times, there would be [1m[37m2208[0m black tiles 44facing up. 45 46[1m[37mHow many tiles will be black after 100 days?[0m 47 48