part2 (1281B)
1--- Part Two --- 2 3Next, you need to find the largest basins so you know what areas are most important to avoid. 4 5A [1m[37mbasin[0m is all locations that eventually flow downward to a single low point. Therefore, every low 6point has a basin, although some basins are very small. Locations of height 9 do not count as being 7in any basin, and all other locations will always be part of exactly one basin. 8 9The [1m[37msize[0m of a basin is the number of locations within the basin, including the low point. The 10example above has four basins. 11 12The top-left basin, size 3: 13 14[1m[37m21[0m99943210 15[1m[37m3[0m987894921 169856789892 178767896789 189899965678 19 20The top-right basin, size 9: 21 2221999[1m[37m43210[0m 23398789[1m[37m4[0m9[1m[37m21[0m 24985678989[1m[37m2[0m 258767896789 269899965678 27 28The middle basin, size 14: 29 302199943210 3139[1m[37m878[0m94921 329[1m[37m85678[0m9892 33[1m[37m87678[0m96789 349[1m[37m8[0m99965678 35 36The bottom-right basin, size 9: 37 382199943210 393987894921 409856789[1m[37m8[0m92 41876789[1m[37m678[0m9 4298999[1m[37m65678[0m 43 44Find the three largest basins and multiply their sizes together. In the above example, this is 9 * 4514 * 9 = [1m[37m1134[0m. 46 47[1m[37mWhat do you get if you multiply together the sizes of the three largest basins?[0m 48 49