
Advent of Code 2018 Solutions in Python
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      1Immune System:
      22728 units each with 5703 hit points (weak to fire) with an attack that does 18 cold damage at initiative 12
      3916 units each with 5535 hit points (weak to bludgeoning) with an attack that does 55 slashing damage at initiative 20
      42255 units each with 7442 hit points (weak to radiation) with an attack that does 31 bludgeoning damage at initiative 8
      5112 units each with 4951 hit points (immune to cold) with an attack that does 360 fire damage at initiative 9
      67376 units each with 6574 hit points (immune to cold, slashing, fire) with an attack that does 7 bludgeoning damage at initiative 4
      777 units each with 5884 hit points (weak to slashing) with an attack that does 738 radiation damage at initiative 6
      86601 units each with 8652 hit points (weak to fire, cold) with an attack that does 11 fire damage at initiative 19
      93259 units each with 10067 hit points (weak to bludgeoning) with an attack that does 29 cold damage at initiative 13
     102033 units each with 4054 hit points (immune to cold; weak to fire, slashing) with an attack that does 18 slashing damage at initiative 3
     113109 units each with 3593 hit points with an attack that does 9 bludgeoning damage at initiative 11
     141466 units each with 57281 hit points (weak to slashing, fire) with an attack that does 58 slashing damage at initiative 7
     15247 units each with 13627 hit points with an attack that does 108 fire damage at initiative 15
     161298 units each with 41570 hit points (immune to fire, bludgeoning) with an attack that does 63 fire damage at initiative 14
     172161 units each with 40187 hit points (weak to fire) with an attack that does 33 slashing damage at initiative 5
     1857 units each with 55432 hit points (weak to cold) with an attack that does 1687 radiation damage at initiative 17
     193537 units each with 24220 hit points (weak to cold) with an attack that does 11 fire damage at initiative 10
     20339 units each with 44733 hit points (immune to cold, bludgeoning; weak to radiation, fire) with an attack that does 258 cold damage at initiative 18
     211140 units each with 17741 hit points (weak to bludgeoning; immune to fire, slashing) with an attack that does 25 fire damage at initiative 2
     22112 units each with 44488 hit points (weak to bludgeoning, radiation; immune to cold) with an attack that does 749 radiation damage at initiative 16
     232918 units each with 36170 hit points (immune to bludgeoning; weak to slashing, cold) with an attack that does 24 radiation damage at initiative 1