
Fork of AMDESE/linux with modifications for CachePC side-channel attack
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      1spk key_f9 = punc_level_dec
      2spk key_f10 = punc_level_inc
      3spk key_f11 = reading_punc_dec
      4spk key_f12 = reading_punc_inc
      5spk key_1 = vol_dec
      6spk key_2 = vol_inc
      7spk key_3 = pitch_dec
      8spk key_4 = pitch_inc
      9spk key_5 = rate_dec
     10spk key_6 = rate_inc
     11key_kpasterisk = toggle_cursoring
     12ctrl spk key_8 = toggle_cursoring
     13spk key_kpasterisk = speakup_goto
     14spk key_f1 = speakup_help
     15spk key_f2 = set_win
     16spk key_f3 = clear_win
     17spk key_f4 = enable_win
     18spk key_f5 = edit_some
     19spk key_f6 = edit_most
     20spk key_f7 = edit_delim
     21spk key_f8 = edit_repeat
     22shift spk key_f9 = edit_exnum
     23 key_kp7 = say_prev_line
     24spk key_kp7 = left_edge
     25 key_kp8 = say_line
     26double key_kp8 = say_line_indent
     27spk key_kp8 = say_from_top
     28 key_kp9 = say_next_line
     29spk key_kp9 = top_edge
     30 key_kpminus = speakup_parked
     31spk key_kpminus = say_char_num
     32 key_kp4 = say_prev_word
     33spk key_kp4 = say_from_left
     34 key_kp5 = say_word
     35double key_kp5 = spell_word
     36spk key_kp5 = spell_phonetic
     37 key_kp6 = say_next_word
     38spk key_kp6 = say_to_right
     39 key_kpplus = say_screen
     40spk key_kpplus = say_win
     41 key_kp1 = say_prev_char
     42spk key_kp1 = right_edge
     43 key_kp2 = say_char
     44spk key_kp2 = say_to_bottom
     45double key_kp2 = say_phonetic_char
     46 key_kp3 = say_next_char
     47spk key_kp3 = bottom_edge
     48 key_kp0 = spk_key
     49 key_kpdot = say_position
     50spk key_kpdot = say_attributes
     51key_kpenter = speakup_quiet
     52spk key_kpenter = speakup_off
     53key_sysrq = speech_kill
     54 key_kpslash = speakup_cut
     55spk key_kpslash = speakup_paste
     56spk key_pageup = say_first_char
     57spk key_pagedown = say_last_char
     58key_capslock = spk_key
     59 spk key_z = spk_lock
     60key_leftmeta = spk_key
     61ctrl spk key_0 = speakup_goto
     62spk key_u = say_prev_line
     63spk key_i = say_line
     64double spk key_i = say_line_indent
     65spk key_o = say_next_line
     66spk key_minus = speakup_parked
     67shift spk key_minus = say_char_num
     68spk key_j = say_prev_word
     69spk key_k = say_word
     70double spk key_k = spell_word
     71spk key_l = say_next_word
     72spk key_m = say_prev_char
     73spk key_comma = say_char
     74double spk key_comma = say_phonetic_char
     75spk key_dot = say_next_char
     76spk key_n = say_position
     77 ctrl spk key_m = left_edge
     78 ctrl spk key_y = top_edge
     79 ctrl spk key_dot = right_edge
     80ctrl spk key_p = bottom_edge
     81spk key_apostrophe = say_screen
     82spk key_h = say_from_left
     83spk key_y = say_from_top
     84spk key_semicolon = say_to_right
     85spk key_p = say_to_bottom
     86spk key_slash = say_attributes
     87 spk key_enter = speakup_quiet
     88 ctrl spk key_enter = speakup_off
     89 spk key_9 = speakup_cut
     90spk key_8 = speakup_paste
     91shift spk key_m = say_first_char
     92 ctrl spk key_semicolon = say_last_char
     93spk key_r = read_all_doc