
Fork of AMDESE/linux with modifications for CachePC side-channel attack
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pi433.txt (11096B)

      8This driver is for controlling pi433, a radio module for the Raspberry Pi
      9( It supports transmission and reception. It can be opened
     10by multiple applications for transmission and reception. While transmit
     11jobs are queued and processed automatically in the background, the first
     12application asking for reception will block out all other applications
     13until something gets received terminates the read request.
     14The driver supports on the fly reloading of the hardware fifo of the rf
     15chip, thus enabling for much longer telegrams than the hardware fifo size.
     17Description of driver operation
     20a) transmission
     22Each transmission can take place with a different configuration of the rf
     23module. Therefore each application can set its own set of parameters. The driver
     24takes care, that each transmission takes place with the parameterset of the
     25application, that requests the transmission. To allow the transmission to take
     26place in the background, a tx thread is introduced.
     27The transfer of data from the main thread to the tx thread is realised by a
     28kfifo. With each write request of an application, the passed in data and the
     29corresponding parameter set gets written to the kfifo.
     30On the other "side" of the kfifo, the tx thread continuously checks, whether the
     31kfifo is empty. If not, it gets one set of config and data from the kfifo. If
     32there is no receive request or the receiver is still waiting for something in
     33the air, the rf module is set to standby, the parameters for transmission gets
     34set, the hardware fifo of the rf chip gets preloaded and the transmission gets
     35started. Upon hardware fifo threshold interrupt it gets reloaded, thus enabling
     36much longer telegrams than the hardware fifo size. If the telegram is sent and there
     37is more data available in the kfifo, the procedure is repeated. If not the
     38transmission cycle ends.
     40b) reception
     42Since there is only one application allowed to receive data at a time, for
     43reception there is only one configuration set.
     44As soon as an application sets a request for receiving a telegram, the reception
     45configuration set is written to the rf module and it gets set into receiving mode.
     46Now the driver is waiting, that a predefined RSSI level (signal strength at the
     47receiver) is reached. Until this hasn't happened, the reception can be
     48interrupted by the transmission thread at any time to insert a transmission cycle.
     49As soon as the predefined RSSI level is met, a receiving cycle starts. Similar
     50as described for the transmission cycle the read out of the hardware fifo is done
     51dynamically. Upon each hardware fifo threshold interrupt, a portion of data gets
     52read. So also for reception it is possible to receive more data than the hardware
     53fifo can hold.
     56Driver API
     59The driver is currently implemented as a character device. Therefore it supports
     60the calls open, ioctl, read, write and close.
     63params for ioctl
     66There are four options:
     67PI433_IOC_RD_TX_CFG - get the transmission parameters from the driver
     68PI433_IOC_WR_TX_CFG - set the transmission parameters
     69PI433_IOC_RD_RX_CFG - get the receiving parameters from the driver
     70PI433_IOC_WR_RX_CFG - set the receiving parameters
     72The tx configuration is transferred via struct pi433_tx_cfg, the parameterset for transmission.
     73It is divided into two sections: rf parameters and packet format.
     75rf params:
     76	frequency
     77		frequency used for transmission.
     78		Allowed values: 433050000...434790000
     79	bit_rate
     80		bit rate used for transmission.
     81		Allowed values: #####
     82	dev_frequency
     83		frequency deviation in case of FSK.
     84		Allowed values: 600...500000
     85	modulation
     86		FSK - frequency shift key
     87		OOK - On-Off-key
     88	modShaping
     89		shapingOff	- no shaping
     90		shaping1_0	- gauss filter with BT 1 (FSK only)
     91		shaping0_5	- gauss filter with BT 0.5 (FSK only)
     92		shaping0_3	- gauss filter with BT 0.3 (FSK only)
     93		shapingBR	- filter cut off at BR (OOK only)
     94		shaping2BR	- filter cut off at 2*BR (OOK only)
     95	pa_ramp (FSK only)
     96		ramp3400	- amp ramps up in 3.4ms
     97		ramp2000	- amp ramps up in 2.0ms
     98		ramp1000	- amp ramps up in 1ms
     99		ramp500		- amp ramps up in 500us
    100		ramp250		- amp ramps up in 250us
    101		ramp125		- amp ramps up in 125us
    102		ramp100		- amp ramps up in 100us
    103		ramp62		- amp ramps up in 62us
    104		ramp50		- amp ramps up in 50us
    105		ramp40		- amp ramps up in 40us
    106		ramp31		- amp ramps up in 31us
    107		ramp25		- amp ramps up in 25us
    108		ramp20		- amp ramps up in 20us
    109		ramp15		- amp ramps up in 15us
    110		ramp12		- amp ramps up in 12us
    111		ramp10		- amp ramps up in 10us
    112	tx_start_condition
    113		fifo_level	- transmission starts, if fifo is filled to
    114				  threshold level
    115		fifo_not_empty	- transmission starts, as soon as there is one
    116				  byte in internal fifo
    117	repetitions
    118		This gives the option, to send a telegram multiple times. Default: 1
    120packet format:
    121	enable_preamble
    122		optionOn	- a preamble will be automatically generated
    123		optionOff	- no preamble will be generated
    124	enable_sync
    125		optionOn	- a sync word will be automatically added to
    126				  the telegram after the preamble
    127		optionOff	- no sync word will be added
    128		Attention: While possible to generate sync without preamble, the
    129		receiver won't be able to detect the sync without preamble.
    130	enable_length_byte
    131		optionOn	- the length of the telegram will be automatically
    132				  added to the telegram. It's part of the payload
    133		optionOff	- no length information will be automatically added
    134				  to the telegram.
    135		Attention: For telegram length over 255 bytes, this option can't be used
    136		Attention: should be used in combination with sync, only
    137	enable_address_byte
    138		optionOn	- the address byte will be automatically added to the
    139				  telegram. It's part of the payload
    140		optionOff	- the address byte will not be added to the telegram.
    141		The address byte can be used for address filtering, so the receiver
    142		will only receive telegrams with a given address byte.
    143		Attention: should be used in combination with sync, only
    144	enable_crc
    145		optionOn	- an crc will be automatically calculated over the
    146				  payload of the telegram and added to the telegram
    147				  after payload.
    148		optionOff	- no crc will be calculated
    149	preamble_length
    150		length of the preamble. Allowed values: 0...65536
    151	sync_length
    152		length of the sync word. Allowed values: 0...8
    153	fixed_message_length
    154		length of the payload of the telegram. Will override the length
    155		given by the buffer, passed in with the write command. Will be
    156		ignored if set to zero.
    157	sync_pattern[8]
    158		contains up to eight values, that are used as the sync pattern
    159		on sync option
    160	address_byte
    161		one byte, used as address byte on address byte option.
    164The rx configuration is transferred via struct pi433_rx_cfg, the parameterset for receiving. It is divided into two sections: rf parameters and packet format.
    166rf params:
    167	frequency
    168		frequency used for transmission.
    169		Allowed values: 433050000...434790000
    170	bit_rate
    171		bit rate used for transmission.
    172		Allowed values: #####
    173	dev_frequency
    174		frequency deviation in case of FSK.
    175		Allowed values: 600...500000
    176	modulation
    177		FSK - frequency shift key
    178		OOK - on off key
    179	rssi_threshold
    180		threshold value for the signal strength on the receiver input.
    181		If this value is exceeded, a reception cycle starts
    182		Allowed values: 0...255
    183	threshold_decrement
    184		in order to adapt to different levels of singnal strength, over
    185		time the receiver gets more and more sensitive. This value
    186		determs, how fast the sensitivity increases.
    187		step_0_5db	- increase in 0,5dB steps
    188		step_1_0db	- increase in 1 db steps
    189		step_1_5db	- increase in 1,5dB steps
    190		step_2_0db	- increase in 2 db steps
    191		step_3_0db	- increase in 3 db steps
    192		step_4_0db	- increase in 4 db steps
    193		step_5_0db	- increase in 5 db steps
    194		step_6_0db	- increase in 6 db steps
    195	antenna_impedance
    196		sets the electrical adoption of the antenna
    197		fifty_ohm	- for antennas with an impedance of 50Ohm
    198		two_hundred_ohm	- for antennas with an impedance of 200Ohm
    199	lna_gain
    200		sets the gain of the low noise amp
    201		automatic	- lna gain is determined by an agc
    202		max		- lna gain is set to maximum
    203		max_minus_6	- lna gain is set to  6db below max
    204		max_minus_12	- lna gain is set to 12db below max
    205		max_minus_24	- lna gain is set to 24db below max
    206		max_minus_36	- lna gain is set to 36db below max
    207		max_minus_48	- lna gain is set to 48db below max
    208	bw_mantisse
    209		sets the bandwidth of the channel filter - part one: mantisse.
    210		mantisse16	- mantisse is set to 16
    211		mantisse20	- mantisse is set to 20
    212		mantisse24	- mantisse is set to 24
    213	bw_exponent
    214		sets the bandwidth of the channel filter - part two: exponent.
    215		Allowd values: 0...7
    216	dagc;
    217		operation mode of the digital automatic gain control
    218		normal_mode
    219		improve
    220		improve_for_low_modulation_index
    222 packet format:
    223	enable_sync
    224		optionOn  - sync detection is enabled. If configured sync pattern
    225			    isn't found, telegram will be internally discarded
    226		optionOff - sync detection is disabled.
    227	enable_length_byte
    228		optionOn   - First byte of payload will be used as a length byte,
    229			     regardless of the amount of bytes that were requested
    230			     by the read request.
    231		optionOff  - Number of bytes to be read will be set according to
    232			     amount of bytes that were requested by the read request.
    233		Attention: should be used in combination with sync, only
    234	enable_address_filtering;
    235		filtering_off		  - no address filtering will take place
    236		node_address		  - all telegrams, not matching the node
    237					    address will be internally discarded
    238		node_or_broadcast_address - all telegrams, neither matching the
    239					    node, nor the broadcast address will
    240					    be internally discarded
    241		Attention: Sync option must be enabled in order to use this feature
    242	enable_crc
    243		optionOn	- a crc will be calculated over the payload of
    244				  the telegram, that was received. If the
    245				  calculated crc doesn't match to two bytes,
    246				  that follow the payload, the telegram will be
    247				  internally discarded.
    248		Attention: This option is only operational if sync on and fixed length
    249		or length byte is used
    250	sync_length
    251		Gives the length of the payload.
    252		Attention: This setting must meet the setting of the transmitter,
    253		if sync option is used.
    254	fixed_message_length
    255		Overrides the telegram length either given by the first byte of
    256		payload or by the read request.
    257	bytes_to_drop
    258		gives the number of bytes, that will be dropped before transferring
    259		data to the read buffer
    260		This option is only useful if all packet helper are switched
    261		off and the rf chip is used in raw receiving mode. This may be
    262		needed, if a telegram of a third party device should be received,
    263		using a protocol not compatible with the packet engine of the rf69 chip.
    264	sync_pattern[8]
    265		contains up to eight values, that are used as the sync pattern
    266		on sync option.
    267		This setting must meet the configuration of the transmitting device,
    268		if sync option is enabled.
    269	node_address
    270		one byte, used as node address byte on address byte option.
    271	broadcast_address
    272		one byte, used as broadcast address byte on address byte option.