
Fork of AMDESE/linux with modifications for CachePC side-channel attack
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Hal8188EPhyCfg.h (3477B)

      1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause */
      2/* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. */
      4#ifndef __INC_HAL8188EPHYCFG_H__
      5#define __INC_HAL8188EPHYCFG_H__
      7#define MAX_AGGR_NUM			0x07
      9enum rf_radio_path {
     10	RF_PATH_A = 0,			/* Radio Path A */
     11	RF_PATH_B = 1,			/* Radio Path B */
     14#define MAX_PG_GROUP 13
     16#define	RF_PATH_MAX			3
     17#define		MAX_TX_COUNT		4 /* path numbers */
     19#define CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER		14	/*  14 is the max chnl number */
     20#define MAX_CHNL_GROUP_24G		6	/*  ch1~2, ch3~5, ch6~8,
     21						 *ch9~11, ch12~13, CH 14
     22						 * total three groups */
     24struct bb_reg_def {
     25	u32 rfintfs;		/*  set software control: */
     26				/*	0x870~0x877[8 bytes] */
     27	u32 rfintfi;		/*  readback data: */
     28				/*	0x8e0~0x8e7[8 bytes] */
     29	u32 rfintfo;		/*  output data: */
     30				/*	0x860~0x86f [16 bytes] */
     31	u32 rfintfe;		/*  output enable: */
     32				/*	0x860~0x86f [16 bytes] */
     33	u32 rf3wireOffset;	/*  LSSI data: */
     34				/*	0x840~0x84f [16 bytes] */
     35	u32 rfLSSI_Select;	/*  BB Band Select: */
     36				/*	0x878~0x87f [8 bytes] */
     37	u32 rfTxGainStage;	/*  Tx gain stage: */
     38				/*	0x80c~0x80f [4 bytes] */
     39	u32 rfHSSIPara1;	/*  wire parameter control1 : */
     40				/*	0x820~0x823,0x828~0x82b,
     41				 *	0x830~0x833, 0x838~0x83b [16 bytes] */
     42	u32 rfHSSIPara2;	/*  wire parameter control2 : */
     43				/*	0x824~0x827,0x82c~0x82f, 0x834~0x837,
     44				 *	0x83c~0x83f [16 bytes] */
     45	u32 rfSwitchControl;	/* Tx Rx antenna control : */
     46				/*	0x858~0x85f [16 bytes] */
     47	u32 rfAGCControl1;	/* AGC parameter control1 : */
     48				/*	0xc50~0xc53,0xc58~0xc5b, 0xc60~0xc63,
     49				 * 0xc68~0xc6b [16 bytes] */
     50	u32 rfAGCControl2;	/* AGC parameter control2 : */
     51				/*	0xc54~0xc57,0xc5c~0xc5f, 0xc64~0xc67,
     52				 *	0xc6c~0xc6f [16 bytes] */
     53	u32 rfRxIQImbalance;	/* OFDM Rx IQ imbalance matrix : */
     54				/*	0xc14~0xc17,0xc1c~0xc1f, 0xc24~0xc27,
     55				 *	0xc2c~0xc2f [16 bytes] */
     56	u32 rfRxAFE;		/* Rx IQ DC ofset and Rx digital filter,
     57				 * Rx DC notch filter : */
     58				/*	0xc10~0xc13,0xc18~0xc1b, 0xc20~0xc23,
     59				 *	0xc28~0xc2b [16 bytes] */
     60	u32 rfTxIQImbalance;	/* OFDM Tx IQ imbalance matrix */
     61				/*	0xc80~0xc83,0xc88~0xc8b, 0xc90~0xc93,
     62				 *	 0xc98~0xc9b [16 bytes] */
     63	u32 rfTxAFE;		/* Tx IQ DC Offset and Tx DFIR type */
     64				/*	0xc84~0xc87,0xc8c~0xc8f, 0xc94~0xc97,
     65				 *	0xc9c~0xc9f [16 bytes] */
     66	u32 rfLSSIReadBack;	/* LSSI RF readback data SI mode */
     67				/*	0x8a0~0x8af [16 bytes] */
     68	u32 rfLSSIReadBackPi;	/* LSSI RF readback data PI mode 0x8b8-8bc for
     69				 * Path A and B */
     72/*  BB and RF register read/write */
     73u32 rtl8188e_PHY_QueryBBReg(struct adapter *adapter, u32 regaddr, u32 mask);
     74void rtl8188e_PHY_SetBBReg(struct adapter *Adapter, u32 RegAddr,
     75			   u32 mask, u32 data);
     76u32 rtl8188e_PHY_QueryRFReg(struct adapter *adapter, u32 regaddr, u32 mask);
     77void rtl8188e_PHY_SetRFReg(struct adapter *adapter, u32 regaddr, u32 mask, u32 data);
     79/*  Initialization related function */
     80/* MAC/BB/RF HAL config */
     81int PHY_MACConfig8188E(struct adapter *adapter);
     82int PHY_BBConfig8188E(struct adapter *adapter);
     83int PHY_RFConfig8188E(struct adapter *adapter);
     85/*  BB TX Power R/W */
     86void PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8188E(struct adapter *adapter, u8 channel);
     88/*  Switch bandwidth for 8192S */
     89void PHY_SetBWMode8188E(struct adapter *adapter,
     90			enum ht_channel_width chnlwidth, unsigned char offset);
     92/*  channel switch related funciton */
     93void PHY_SwChnl8188E(struct adapter *adapter, u8 channel);
     95void storePwrIndexDiffRateOffset(struct adapter *adapter, u32 regaddr,
     96				 u32 mask, u32 data);