
CSCG 2022 Challenge 'Gearboy'
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      1var index =
      3    [ "Introduction", "index.html#autotoc_md217", null ],
      4    [ "About the Documentation", "index.html#autotoc_md218", null ],
      5    [ "About GBDK", "index.html#autotoc_md219", null ],
      6    [ "Historical Info and Links", "index.html#autotoc_md220", null ],
      7    [ "Getting Started", "docs_getting_started.html", [
      8      [ "1. Download a Release and unzip it", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md6", null ],
      9      [ "2. Compile Example projects", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md7", [
     10        [ "Windows (without Make installed):", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md8", null ],
     11        [ "Linux / MacOS / Windows with Make installed:", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md9", null ]
     12      ] ],
     13      [ "3. Use a Template", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md10", null ],
     14      [ "4. If you use GBTD / GBMB, get the fixed version", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md11", null ],
     15      [ "5. Review Coding Guidelines", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md12", null ],
     16      [ "6. Hardware and Resources", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md13", null ],
     17      [ "7. Set up C Source debugging", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md14", null ],
     18      [ "8. Try a GBDK Tutorial", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md15", null ],
     19      [ "9. Read up!", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md16", null ],
     20      [ "10. Need help?", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md17", null ],
     21      [ "Migrating From Pre-GBDK-2020 Tutorials", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md18", [
     22        [ "Also see:", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md19", null ],
     23        [ "Use auto-banking", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md20", null ],
     24        [ "Non-standard types (UINT8, etc)", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md21", null ],
     25        [ "If using GBTD / GBMB, get the fixed version", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md22", null ],
     26        [ "LCC and SDCC flags that are not needed", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md23", null ],
     27        [ "ROM Header Settings (such as Color, SGB, etc)", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md24", null ],
     28        [ "GBDK Header include changes", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md25", null ],
     29        [ "Include .h headers, not .c source files", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md26", null ],
     30        [ "Use the Template Projects", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md27", null ],
     31        [ "Use hUGEtracker instead of gbt_player", "docs_getting_started.html#autotoc_md28", null ]
     32      ] ]
     33    ] ],
     34    [ "Links and Third-Party Tools", "docs_links_and_tools.html", [
     35      [ "SDCC Compiler Suite User Manual", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md29", null ],
     36      [ "Getting Help", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md30", null ],
     37      [ "Game Boy Documentation", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md31", null ],
     38      [ "Sega Master System / Game Gear Documentation", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md32", null ],
     39      [ "Tutorials", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md33", null ],
     40      [ "Example code", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md34", null ],
     41      [ "Graphics Tools", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md35", null ],
     42      [ "Music drivers and tools", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md36", null ],
     43      [ "Emulators", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md37", null ],
     44      [ "Debugging tools", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md38", null ],
     45      [ "Continuous Integration and Deployment", "docs_links_and_tools.html#autotoc_md39", null ]
     46    ] ],
     47    [ "Using GBDK", "docs_using_gbdk.html", [
     48      [ "Interrupts", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md40", [
     49        [ "Available Interrupts", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md41", null ],
     50        [ "Adding your own interrupt handler", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md42", null ],
     51        [ "Using your own Interrupt Dispatcher", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md43", null ],
     52        [ "Returning from Interrupts and STAT mode", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md44", null ]
     53      ] ],
     54      [ "What GBDK does automatically and behind the scenes", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md45", [
     55        [ "OAM (VRAM Sprite Attribute Table)", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md46", null ],
     56        [ "Font tiles when using stdio.h", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md47", null ],
     57        [ "Default Interrupt Service Handlers (ISRs)", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md48", null ]
     58      ] ],
     59      [ "Copying Functions to RAM and HIRAM", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md49", null ],
     60      [ "Mixing C and Assembly", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md50", [
     61        [ "Inline ASM within C source files", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md51", null ],
     62        [ "In Separate ASM files", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md52", null ]
     63      ] ],
     64      [ "Including binary files in C source with incbin", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md53", null ],
     65      [ "Known Issues and Limitations", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md54", [
     66        [ "SDCC", "docs_using_gbdk.html#autotoc_md55", null ]
     67      ] ]
     68    ] ],
     69    [ "Coding Guidelines", "docs_coding_guidelines.html", [
     70      [ "Learning C / C fundamentals", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md56", [
     71        [ "General C tutorials", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md57", null ],
     72        [ "Embedded C introductions", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md58", null ],
     73        [ "Game Boy games in C", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md59", null ]
     74      ] ],
     75      [ "Understanding the hardware", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md60", null ],
     76      [ "Writing optimal C code for the Game Boy and SDCC", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md61", [
     77        [ "Tools", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md62", [
     78          [ "GBTD / GBMB, Arrays and the \"const\" keyword", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md63", null ]
     79        ] ],
     80        [ "Variables", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md64", null ],
     81        [ "Code structure", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md65", null ],
     82        [ "GBDK API/Library", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md66", null ],
     83        [ "Toolchain", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md67", null ],
     84        [ "chars and vararg functions", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md68", null ]
     85      ] ],
     86      [ "When C isn't fast enough", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md69", [
     87        [ "Calling convention", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md70", null ],
     88        [ "Variables and registers", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md71", null ],
     89        [ "Segments", "docs_coding_guidelines.html#autotoc_md72", null ]
     90      ] ]
     91    ] ],
     92    [ "ROM/RAM Banking and MBCs", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html", [
     93      [ "ROM/RAM Banking and MBCs (Memory Bank Controllers)", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md73", [
     94        [ "Non-banked cartridges", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md74", null ],
     95        [ "MBC Banked cartridges (Memory Bank Controllers)", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md75", null ]
     96      ] ],
     97      [ "Working with Banks", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md76", [
     98        [ "Setting the ROM bank for a Source file", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md77", null ],
     99        [ "Setting the RAM bank for a Source file", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md78", null ],
    100        [ "Setting the MBC and number of ROM & RAM banks available", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md79", null ],
    101        [ "Getting Bank Numbers", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md80", null ],
    102        [ "Banking and Functions", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md81", [
    103          [ "BANKED/NONBANKED keywords", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md82", null ],
    104          [ "Banked Function Calls", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md83", null ]
    105        ] ],
    106        [ "Const Data (Variables in ROM)", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md84", null ],
    107        [ "Variables in RAM", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md85", null ],
    108        [ "Far Pointers", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md86", null ],
    109        [ "Bank switching", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md87", null ],
    110        [ "Restoring the current bank (after calling functions which change it without restoring)", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md88", null ],
    111        [ "Currently active bank: _current_bank", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md89", null ]
    112      ] ],
    113      [ "Auto-Banking", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md90", null ],
    114      [ "Errors related to banking (overflow, multiple writes to same location)", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md91", null ],
    115      [ "Bank space usage", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md92", [
    116        [ "Other important notes", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md93", null ]
    117      ] ],
    118      [ "Banking example projects", "docs_rombanking_mbcs.html#autotoc_md94", null ]
    119    ] ],
    120    [ "Supported Consoles & Cross Compiling", "docs_supported_consoles.html", [
    121      [ "Consoles Supported by GBDK", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md116", null ],
    122      [ "Cross Compiling for Different Consoles", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md117", [
    123        [ "lcc", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md118", null ],
    124        [ "sdcc", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md119", null ],
    125        [ "Console Port and Platform Settings", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md120", null ]
    126      ] ],
    127      [ "Cross-Platform Constants", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md121", [
    128        [ "Console Identifiers", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md122", null ],
    129        [ "Console Hardware Properties", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md123", null ]
    130      ] ],
    131      [ "Using <gbdk/...> headers", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md124", null ],
    132      [ "Cross Platform Example Projects", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md125", [
    133        [ "Cross Platform Asset Example", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md126", null ]
    134      ] ],
    135      [ "Porting From Game Boy to Analogue Pocket", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md127", [
    136        [ "Registers and Flags", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md128", null ],
    137        [ "Boot logo", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md129", null ]
    138      ] ],
    139      [ "Porting From Game Boy to Mega Duck / Cougar Boy", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md130", [
    140        [ "Registers and Flags", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md131", null ]
    141      ] ],
    142      [ "Porting From Game Boy to SMS/GG", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md132", [
    143        [ "Tile Data and Tile Map loading", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md133", [
    144          [ "Tile and Map Data in 2bpp Game Boy Format", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md134", null ],
    145          [ "Tile and Map Data in Native Format", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md135", null ],
    146          [ "Emulated Game Boy Color map attributes on the SMS/Game Gear", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md136", null ]
    147        ] ]
    148      ] ],
    149      [ "Hardware Comparison", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md137", [
    150        [ "Safe VRAM / Display Controller Access", "docs_supported_consoles.html#autotoc_md138", null ]
    151      ] ]
    152    ] ],
    153    [ "GBDK Toolchain", "docs_toolchain.html", [
    154      [ "Overview", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md95", null ],
    155      [ "Data Types", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md96", null ],
    156      [ "Changing Important Addresses", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md97", null ],
    157      [ "Compiling programs", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md98", [
    158        [ "Makefiles", "docs_toolchain.html#Makefiles", null ]
    159      ] ],
    160      [ "Build Tools", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md99", [
    161        [ "lcc", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md100", null ],
    162        [ "sdcc", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md101", null ],
    163        [ "sdasgb", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md102", null ],
    164        [ "bankpack", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md103", null ],
    165        [ "sdldgb", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md104", null ],
    166        [ "ihxcheck", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md105", null ],
    167        [ "makebin", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md106", null ]
    168      ] ],
    169      [ "GBDK Utilities", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md107", [
    170        [ "GBCompress", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md108", null ],
    171        [ "png2asset", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md109", [
    172          [ "Working with png2asset", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md110", [
    173            [ "Terminology", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md111", null ],
    174            [ "Conversion Process", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md112", null ],
    175            [ "Maps", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md113", null ],
    176            [ "Meta sprites", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md114", null ],
    177            [ "Super Game Boy Borders (SGB)", "docs_toolchain.html#autotoc_md115", null ]
    178          ] ]
    179        ] ]
    180      ] ]
    181    ] ],
    182    [ "Example Programs", "docs_example_programs.html", [
    183      [ "banks (various projects)", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md139", null ],
    184      [ "comm", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md140", null ],
    185      [ "crash", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md141", null ],
    186      [ "colorbar", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md142", null ],
    187      [ "dscan", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md143", null ],
    188      [ "filltest", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md144", null ],
    189      [ "fonts", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md145", null ],
    190      [ "galaxy", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md146", null ],
    191      [ "gb-dtmf", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md147", null ],
    192      [ "gbdecompress", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md148", null ],
    193      [ "irq", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md149", null ],
    194      [ "large map", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md150", null ],
    195      [ "metasprites", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md151", null ],
    196      [ "lcd isr wobble", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md152", null ],
    197      [ "paint", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md153", null ],
    198      [ "rand", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md154", null ],
    199      [ "ram_fn", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md155", null ],
    200      [ "rpn", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md156", null ],
    201      [ "samptest", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md157", null ],
    202      [ "sgb (various)", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md158", null ],
    203      [ "sound", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md159", null ],
    204      [ "space", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md160", null ],
    205      [ "templates", "docs_example_programs.html#autotoc_md161", null ]
    206    ] ],
    207    [ "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)", "docs_faq.html", [
    208      [ "General", "docs_faq.html#autotoc_md162", null ],
    209      [ "Graphics and Resources", "docs_faq.html#autotoc_md163", null ],
    210      [ "ROM Header Settings", "docs_faq.html#autotoc_md164", null ],
    211      [ "Errors / Compiling / Toolchain", "docs_faq.html#autotoc_md165", null ],
    212      [ "API / Utilities", "docs_faq.html#autotoc_md166", null ]
    213    ] ],
    214    [ "Migrating to new GBDK Versions", "docs_migrating_versions.html", [
    215      [ "GBDK 2020 versions", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md167", [
    216        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 4.0.6", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md168", null ],
    217        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 4.0.5", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md169", null ],
    218        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 4.0.4", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md170", null ],
    219        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 4.0.3", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md171", null ],
    220        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 4.0.2", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md172", null ],
    221        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 4.0.1", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md173", null ],
    222        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 4.0", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md174", null ],
    223        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 3.2", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md175", null ],
    224        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 3.1.1", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md176", null ],
    225        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 3.1", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md177", null ],
    226        [ "Porting to GBDK 2020 3.0.1", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md178", null ]
    227      ] ],
    228      [ "Historical GBDK versions", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md180", [
    229        [ "GBDK 1.1 to GBDK 2.0", "docs_migrating_versions.html#autotoc_md181", null ]
    230      ] ]
    231    ] ],
    232    [ "GBDK Releases", "docs_releases.html", [
    233      [ "GBDK 2020 Release Notes", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md182", [
    234        [ "GBDK 2020 4.0.6", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md183", null ],
    235        [ "GBDK 2020 4.0.5", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md184", null ],
    236        [ "GBDK 2020 4.0.4", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md185", null ],
    237        [ "GBDK 2020 4.0.3", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md186", null ],
    238        [ "GBDK 2020 4.0.2", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md187", null ],
    239        [ "GBDK 2020 4.0.1", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md188", null ],
    240        [ "GBDK 2020 4.0", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md189", null ],
    241        [ "GBDK 2020 3.2", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md190", null ],
    242        [ "GBDK 2020 3.1.1", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md191", null ],
    243        [ "GBDK 2020 3.1", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md192", null ],
    244        [ "GBDK 2020 3.0.1", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md193", null ],
    245        [ "GBDK 2020 3.0", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md194", null ]
    246      ] ],
    247      [ "Historical GBDK Release Notes", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md195", [
    248        [ "GBDK 2.96", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md196", null ],
    249        [ "GBDK 2.95-3", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md197", null ],
    250        [ "GBDK 2.95-2", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md198", null ],
    251        [ "GBDK 2.95", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md199", null ],
    252        [ "GBDK 2.94", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md200", null ],
    253        [ "GBDK 2.93", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md201", null ],
    254        [ "GBDK 2.92-2 for win32", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md202", null ],
    255        [ "GBDK 2.92", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md203", null ],
    256        [ "GBDK 2.91", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md204", null ],
    257        [ "GBDK 2.1.5", "docs_releases.html#autotoc_md205", null ]
    258      ] ]
    259    ] ],
    260    [ "Toolchain settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html", [
    261      [ "lcc settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md206", null ],
    262      [ "sdcc settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md207", null ],
    263      [ "sdasgb settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md208", null ],
    264      [ "sdasz80 settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md209", null ],
    265      [ "bankpack settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md210", null ],
    266      [ "sdldgb settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md211", null ],
    267      [ "sdldz80 settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md212", null ],
    268      [ "ihxcheck settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md213", null ],
    269      [ "makebin settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md214", null ],
    270      [ "gbcompress settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md215", null ],
    271      [ "png2asset settings", "docs_toolchain_settings.html#autotoc_md216", null ]
    272    ] ]