
CSCG 2022 Challenge 'Gearboy'
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SDL2.lua (10613B)

      1-- Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Sam Lantinga <>
      3-- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
      4-- warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
      5-- arising from the use of this software.
      7-- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
      8-- including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
      9-- freely.
     11-- Meta-build system using premake created and maintained by
     12-- Benjamin Henning <>
     17	This file provides the project definition for the entire SDL2 library, on all
     18	platforms supported by the meta-build system. That includes Windows, MinGW,
     19	Cygwin, Mac OS X, iOS, and Linux. This project is responsible for setting up
     20	the source trees and the complicated dependencies required to build the
     21	final SDL2 library. In order to simplify this process, the library is split
     22	into several different segments. Each segment focuses on a different
     23	dependency and series of configurations which are thrown into the generated
     24	config header file, used to build this project.
     27SDL_project "SDL2"
     28	 SDL_isos "windows|mingw" -- all other bindings should be a shared library
     29		SDL_kind "SharedLib"
     30	SDL_isos "macosx|ios" -- macosx employs a static linking
     31		SDL_kind "StaticLib"
     32	-- the way premake generates project dependencies and how that affects linkage
     33	-- makes it difficult to use shared libraries on Linux. Cygwin has issues
     34	-- binding to GetProcAddress, so a static library is an easy fix.
     35	SDL_isos "linux|cygwin"
     36		SDL_kind "StaticLib"
     38	SDL_language "C++"
     39	SDL_sourcedir "../src"
     40	-- primary platforms
     41	SDL_isos "ios"
     42		SDL_platforms { "iOS" }
     43	SDL_isnotos "ios"
     44		SDL_platforms { "native" }
     45	-- additional platforms
     46	SDL_isos "macosx"
     47		SDL_platforms { "universal" }
     48	SDL_isos "windows|mingw"
     49		SDL_defines { "_WINDOWS" }
     51	-- Following is the dependency tree for SDL2
     52	-- (no SDL_os call means platform-independent)
     54	-- The core and minimal of the SDL2 library. This will not quite build
     55	-- standalone, but it's doable with a bit of tweaking to build this using the
     56	-- minimal configuration header. This is a good start to adding SDL support to
     57	-- new platforms.
     58	SDL_config
     59	{
     60		["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_DISK"] = 1,
     61		["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_DUMMY"] = 1,
     62		["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_DUMMY"] = 1
     63	}
     64	SDL_paths
     65	{
     66		"/",
     67		"/atomic/",
     68		"/audio/",
     69		"/audio/disk/",
     70		"/audio/dummy/",
     71		"/cpuinfo/",
     72		"/dynapi/",
     73		"/events/",
     74		"/file/",
     75		"/haptic/",
     76		"/joystick/",
     77		"/power/",
     78		"/render/",
     79		"/render/software/",
     80		"/stdlib/",
     81		"/thread/",
     82		"/timer/",
     83		"/video/",
     84		"/video/dummy/"
     85	}
     87	-- SDL2 on Windows
     88	SDL_dependency "windows"
     89		SDL_os "windows|mingw"
     90		SDL_links { "imm32", "oleaut32", "winmm", "version" }
     91		-- these are the links that Visual Studio includes by default
     92		SDL_links { "kernel32", "user32", "gdi32", "winspool",
     93			"comdlg32", "advapi32", "shell32", "ole32",
     94			"oleaut32", "uuid", "odbc32", "odbccp32" }
     95		SDL_config
     96		{
     97			["SDL_LOADSO_WINDOWS"] = 1,
     98			["SDL_THREAD_WINDOWS"] = 1,
     99			["SDL_TIMER_WINDOWS"] = 1,
    100			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_WINDOWS"] = 1,
    101			["SDL_POWER_WINDOWS"] = 1,
    102			["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_WINMM"] = 1,
    103			["SDL_FILESYSTEM_WINDOWS"] = 1
    104		}
    105		SDL_paths
    106		{
    107			"/audio/winmm/",
    108			"/core/windows/",
    109			"/libm/",
    110			"/loadso/windows/",
    111			"/power/windows/",
    112			"/thread/windows/",
    113			"/timer/windows/",
    114			"/video/windows/",
    115			"/filesystem/windows/"
    116		}
    117		SDL_files
    118		{
    119			-- these files have to be specified uniquely to avoid double
    120			-- and incorrect linking
    121			"/thread/generic/SDL_syscond.c",
    122			"/thread/generic/SDL_sysmutex_c.h"
    123		}
    125	-- DirectX dependency
    126	SDL_dependency "directx"
    127		SDL_os "windows|mingw"
    128		SDL_depfunc "DirectX"
    129		SDL_config
    130		{
    131			["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_DSOUND"] = 1,
    132			["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_XAUDIO2"] = 1,
    133			["SDL_JOYSTICK_DINPUT"] = 1,
    134			["SDL_HAPTIC_DINPUT"] = 1,
    135			["SDL_VIDEO_RENDER_D3D"] = 1
    136		}
    137		SDL_paths
    138		{
    139			"/audio/directsound/",
    140			"/audio/xaudio2/",
    141			"/render/direct3d/",
    142			-- these two depend on Xinput
    143			"/haptic/windows/",
    144			"/joystick/windows/",
    145		}
    146	-- in case DirectX was not found
    147	SDL_dependency "notdirectx"
    148		SDL_os "windows|mingw"
    149		SDL_notdepfunc "DirectX"
    150		SDL_config
    151		{
    152			-- enable dummy systems (same as disabling them)
    153			["SDL_HAPTIC_DUMMY"] = 1,
    154			["SDL_JOYSTICK_DUMMY"] = 1
    155		}
    156		SDL_paths
    157		{
    158			-- since we don't have Xinput
    159			"/haptic/dummy/",
    160			"/joystick/dummy/",
    161		}
    163	-- OpenGL dependency
    164	SDL_dependency "opengl"
    165		SDL_depfunc "OpenGL"
    166		SDL_config
    167		{
    168			["SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL"] = 1,
    169			["SDL_VIDEO_RENDER_OGL"] = 1
    170		}
    171		SDL_paths { "/render/opengl/" }
    172	-- WGL dependency for OpenGL on Windows
    173	SDL_dependency "opengl-windows"
    174		SDL_os "windows|mingw"
    175		SDL_depfunc "OpenGL"
    176		SDL_config { ["SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL_WGL"] = 1 }
    177	-- GLX dependency for OpenGL on Linux
    178	SDL_dependency "opengl-linux"
    179		SDL_os "linux"
    180		SDL_depfunc "OpenGL"
    181		SDL_config { ["SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL_GLX"] = 1 }
    183	-- SDL2 on Mac OS X
    184	SDL_dependency "macosx"
    185		SDL_os "macosx"
    186		SDL_config
    187		{
    189			["SDL_JOYSTICK_IOKIT"] = 1,
    190			["SDL_HAPTIC_IOKIT"] = 1,
    191			["SDL_LOADSO_DLOPEN"] = 1,
    192			["SDL_THREAD_PTHREAD"] = 1,
    194			["SDL_TIMER_UNIX"] = 1,
    195			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_COCOA"] = 1,
    196			["SDL_POWER_MACOSX"] = 1,
    197			["SDL_FILESYSTEM_COCOA"] = 1
    198		}
    199		SDL_paths
    200		{
    201			"/audio/coreaudio/",
    202			"/file/cocoa/",
    203			"/haptic/darwin/",
    204			"/joystick/darwin/",
    205			"/loadso/dlopen/",
    206			"/power/macosx/",
    207			"/render/opengl/",
    208			"/thread/pthread/",
    209			"/timer/unix/",
    210			"/video/cocoa/",
    211			"/video/x11/",
    212			"/filesystem/cocoa/"
    213		}
    214		SDL_links
    215		{
    216			"CoreVideo.framework",
    217			"AudioToolbox.framework",
    218			"AudioUnit.framework",
    219			"Cocoa.framework",
    220			"CoreAudio.framework",
    221			"IOKit.framework",
    222			"Carbon.framework",
    223			"ForceFeedback.framework",
    224			"CoreFoundation.framework"
    225		}
    227	-- Linux dependency: DLOpen
    228	SDL_dependency "linux-dlopen"
    229		SDL_os "linux"
    230		SDL_depfunc "DLOpen"
    231		SDL_paths { "/loadso/dlopen/" }
    232		SDL_config { ["SDL_LOADSO_DLOPEN"] = 1 }
    233	-- Linux dependency: ALSA
    234	SDL_dependency "linux-alsa"
    235		SDL_os "linux"
    236		SDL_depfunc "ALSA"
    237		SDL_paths { "/audio/alsa/" }
    238		SDL_config
    239		{
    240			["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_ALSA"] = 1,
    241			["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_ALSA_DYNAMIC"] = '""'
    242		}
    243	-- Linux dependency: PulseAudio
    244	SDL_dependency "linux-pulseaudio"
    245		SDL_os "linux"
    246		SDL_depfunc "PulseAudio"
    247		SDL_paths { "/audio/pulseaudio/" }
    248		SDL_config
    249		{
    252		}
    253	-- Linux dependency: ESD
    254	SDL_dependency "linux-esd"
    255		SDL_os "linux"
    256		SDL_depfunc "ESD"
    257		SDL_paths { "/audio/esd/" }
    258		SDL_config
    259		{
    260			["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_ESD"] = 1,
    261			["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_ESD_DYNAMIC"] = '""'
    262		}
    263	-- Linux dependency: NAS
    264	SDL_dependency "linux-nas"
    265		SDL_os "linux"
    266		SDL_depfunc "NAS"
    267		SDL_paths { "/audio/nas/" }
    268		SDL_config
    269		{
    270			["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_NAS"] = 1,
    271			["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_NAS_DYNAMIC"] = '""'
    272		}
    273	-- Linux dependency: OSS
    274	SDL_dependency "linux-oss"
    275		SDL_os "linux"
    276		SDL_depfunc "OSS"
    277		SDL_paths { "/audio/dsp/" }
    278		SDL_config { ["SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_OSS"] = 1 }
    279	-- Linux dependency: X11
    280	SDL_dependency "linux-x11"
    281		SDL_os "linux"
    282		SDL_depfunc "X11"
    283		SDL_paths { "/video/x11/" }
    284		SDL_config
    285		{
    286			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11"] = 1,
    287			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_DYNAMIC"] = '""',
    288			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_DYNAMIC_XEXT"] = '""',
    289			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_DYNAMIC_XCURSOR"] = '""',
    291			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_DYNAMIC_XINPUT2"] = '""',
    292			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_DYNAMIC_XRANDR"] = '""',
    293			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_DYNAMIC_XSS"] = '""',
    295			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_XCURSOR"] = 1,
    296			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_XINERAMA"] = 1,
    297			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_XINPUT2"] = 1,
    299			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_XRANDR"] = 1,
    300			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_XSCRNSAVER"] = 1,
    301			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_XSHAPE"] = 1,
    302			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_XVIDMODE"] = 1,
    306		}
    307	-- SDL2 on Linux
    308	SDL_dependency "linux"
    309		SDL_os "linux"
    310		SDL_depfunc "DBus"
    311		SDL_config
    312		{
    313			["SDL_INPUT_LINUXEV"] = 1,
    314			["SDL_JOYSTICK_LINUX"] = 1,
    315			["SDL_HAPTIC_LINUX"] = 1,
    316			["SDL_THREAD_PTHREAD"] = 1,
    318			["SDL_TIMER_UNIX"] = 1,
    319			["SDL_POWER_LINUX"] = 1,
    320			["SDL_FILESYSTEM_UNIX"] = 1,
    321		}
    322		SDL_paths
    323		{
    324			"/haptic/linux/",
    325			"/joystick/linux/",
    326			"/power/linux/",
    327			"/thread/pthread/",
    328			"/timer/unix/",
    329			"/filesystem/unix/"
    330		}
    331		SDL_links
    332		{
    333			"m",
    334			"pthread",
    335			"rt"
    336		}
    338	-- SDL2 on Cygwin (not quite working yet)
    339	SDL_dependency "cygwin"
    340		SDL_os "cygwin"
    341		SDL_config
    342		{
    343			['SDL_JOYSTICK_DISABLED'] = 1,
    344			['SDL_HAPTIC_DISABLED'] = 1,
    345			['SDL_LOADSO_DLOPEN'] = 1,
    346			['SDL_THREAD_PTHREAD'] = 1,
    348			['SDL_TIMER_UNIX'] = 1,
    349			['SDL_FILESYSTEM_UNIX'] = 1,
    350			['SDL_POWER_LINUX'] = 1
    351		}
    352		SDL_paths
    353		{
    354			"/loadso/dlopen/",
    355			"/power/linux/",
    356			"/render/opengl/",
    357			"/thread/pthread/",
    358			"/timer/unix/",
    359			"/filesystem/unix/",
    360			"/libm/"
    361		}
    363	-- SDL2 on iOS
    364	SDL_dependency "iphoneos"
    365		SDL_os "ios"
    366		SDL_config
    367		{
    369			["SDL_JOYSTICK_DISABLED"] = 0,
    370			["SDL_HAPTIC_DISABLED"] = 1,
    371			["SDL_LOADSO_DISABLED"] = 1,
    372			["SDL_THREAD_PTHREAD"] = 1,
    374			["SDL_TIMER_UNIX"] = 1,
    375			["SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_UIKIT"] = 1,
    376			["SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL_ES"] = 1,
    377			["SDL_VIDEO_RENDER_OGL_ES"] = 1,
    378			["SDL_VIDEO_RENDER_OGL_ES2"] = 1,
    379			["SDL_POWER_UIKIT"] = 1,
    380			["SDL_IPHONE_KEYBOARD"] = 1,
    381			["SDL_FILESYSTEM_COCOA"] = 1
    382		}
    383		SDL_paths
    384		{
    385			"/audio/coreaudio/",
    386			"/file/cocoa/",
    387			"/joystick/iphoneos/",
    388			"/loadso/dlopen/",
    389			"/power/uikit/",
    390			"/render/opengles/",
    391			"/render/opengles2/",
    392			"/thread/pthread/",
    393			"/timer/unix/",
    394			"/video/uikit/",
    395			"/filesystem/cocoa/"
    396		}
    397		SDL_links
    398		{
    399			"$(SDKROOT)/AudioToolbox.framework",
    400			"$(SDKROOT)/QuartzCore.framework",
    401			"$(SDKROOT)/OpenGLES.framework",
    402			"$(SDKROOT)/CoreGraphics.framework",
    403			"$(SDKROOT)/UIKit.framework",
    404			"$(SDKROOT)/Foundation.framework",
    405			"$(SDKROOT)/CoreAudio.framework",
    406			"$(SDKROOT)/CoreMotion.framework"
    407		}