
CSCG 2022 Challenge 'Gearboy'
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sdl_file.lua (4923B)

      1-- Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Sam Lantinga <>
      3-- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
      4-- warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
      5-- arising from the use of this software.
      7-- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
      8-- including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
      9-- freely.
     11-- Meta-build system using premake created and maintained by
     12-- Benjamin Henning <>
     17	This function contains a wrapper for the I/O file operations, providing a few
     18	custom functions which simplify the file I/O process (especially useful for
     19	the vast amount of generation used by the meta-build system).
     22-- Given a filename and open mode (look at for more information), opens
     23-- the file with various contained functions for printing to the file, writing
     24-- to the file, reading from the file, or closing the file. If the filename is
     25-- nil, then this will open a file in a special text mode. In that case, the
     26-- mode is ignored. Returned is an instanced table with all of the
     27-- aforementioned functions.
     29-- The print function is associated with textprint/fileprint, the write function
     30-- with textwrite/filewrite, the read function with fileread, and the close
     31-- function with textclose/fileclose.
     32function fileopen(file, mode)
     33	if file == nil then
     34		return { texth = "", print = textprint, write = textwrite, read = nil, close = textclose }
     35	else
     36		return { fileh =, mode), print = fileprint, write = filewrite, read = fileread, close = fileclose }
     37	end
     40-- Given a filename and file mode, reads the entire contents of the file and
     41-- returns the contents as a string.
     42function readfile(file, mode)
     43	local file = fileopen(file, mode)
     44	local content = file:read()
     45	file:close()
     46	return content
     49-- Given a file, the number of tabs to indent, and a line to print, append the
     50-- line tabbed n times with an appended newline to the end of the input text.
     51function textprint(f, tabs, line)
     52	for i = 0, tabs - 1, 1 do
     53		f.texth = f.texth .. "\t"
     54	end
     55	f.texth = f.texth .. line .. "\n"
     58-- Given a file, the number of tabs to indent, and a line to print, append the
     59-- line tabbed n times with an appended newline to the end of the input file.
     60function fileprint(f, tabs, line)
     61	for i = 0, tabs - 1, 1 do
     62		f.fileh:write("\t")
     63	end
     64	f.fileh:write(line .. "\n")
     67-- Given a file and some text, append the text to the end of the input text.
     68function textwrite(f, text)
     69	f.texth = f.texth .. text
     72-- Given a file and some text, append the text to the end of the input file.
     73function filewrite(f, text)
     74	f.fileh:write(text)
     77-- Given a file, read all the contents of the file and return them as a string.
     78function fileread(file)
     79	return file.fileh:read("*all")
     82-- Given a file opened in text mode, return the result of the current file
     83-- operations as a text string.
     84function textclose(file)
     85	return file.texth
     88-- Given a file opened regularly, close the file handle resource, preventing
     89-- any future I/O operations.
     90function fileclose(file)
     91	file.fileh:close()
     94-- Given a source path, builds a table containing all directories and recursive
     95-- subdirectories which contain files, and returns the table. Each entry in the
     96-- table will have a '/' at the end of its path, plus they will all be relative
     97-- to the parent source path. The table will contain a single entry with the
     98-- value '/' to indicate the source path itself.
     99function createDirTable(sourcePath)
    100	local dirs = os.matchdirs(sourcePath.."/**")
    101	for k,d in pairs(dirs) do
    102		dirs[k] = string.sub(d, #sourcePath + 1) .. "/"
    103	end
    104	table.insert(dirs, "/")
    105	return dirs
    108-- This works like os.pathsearch, but for directories. Look at the premake
    109-- documentation for os.pathsearch for more information.
    110os.dirpathsearch = function(subdir, path, path_delimiter)
    111	for i,p in ipairs(explode(path, path_delimiter)) do
    112		local needle = p .. "/" .. subdir
    113		if os.isdir(needle) then
    114			return needle
    115		end
    116	end
    117	return nil
    120-- Given a variable number of environmental variable names, this will join them
    121-- together based on the current OS path delimeter and quietly ignoring those
    122-- variables which do not exist on this system. The resulting path is always
    123-- normalized for Unix-based path separators, regardless of the system.
    124os.getenvpath = function(...)
    125	local path = ""
    126	local pathDelimeter = ":"
    127	if"windows") then
    128		pathDelimeter = ";"
    129	end
    130	for i,a in ipairs(arg) do
    131		local value = os.getenv(a)
    132		if value then
    133			if #path > 0 then
    134				path = path .. pathDelimeter
    135			end
    136			path = path .. value
    137		end
    138	end
    139	-- normalize path to unix
    140	return path:gsub("\\", "/"):gsub("//", "/")