
CSCG 2024 Challenge 'Guacamole Mashup'
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recording.h (9309B)

      2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
      3 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
      4 * distributed with this work for additional information
      5 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
      6 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
      7 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
      8 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
      9 *
     10 *
     11 *
     12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
     13 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
     15 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
     16 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
     17 * under the License.
     18 */
     20#ifndef GUAC_RECORDING_H
     21#define GUAC_RECORDING_H
     23#include <guacamole/client.h>
     26 * Provides functions and structures to be use for session recording.
     27 *
     28 * @file recording.h
     29 */
     32 * The maximum numeric value allowed for the .1, .2, .3, etc. suffix appended
     33 * to the end of the session recording filename if a recording having the
     34 * requested name already exists.
     35 */
     39 * The maximum length of the string containing a sequential numeric suffix
     40 * between 1 and GUAC_COMMON_RECORDING_MAX_SUFFIX inclusive, in bytes,
     41 * including NULL terminator.
     42 */
     46 * The maximum overall length of the full path to the session recording file,
     47 * including any additional suffix and NULL terminator, in bytes.
     48 */
     52 * An in-progress session recording, attached to a guac_client instance such
     53 * that output Guacamole instructions may be dynamically intercepted and
     54 * written to a file.
     55 */
     56typedef struct guac_recording {
     58    /**
     59     * The guac_socket which writes directly to the recording file, rather than
     60     * to any particular user.
     61     */
     62    guac_socket* socket;
     64    /**
     65     * Non-zero if output which is broadcast to each connected client
     66     * (graphics, streams, etc.) should be included in the session recording,
     67     * zero otherwise. Including output is necessary for any recording which
     68     * must later be viewable as video.
     69     */
     70    int include_output;
     72    /**
     73     * Non-zero if changes to mouse state, such as position and buttons pressed
     74     * or released, should be included in the session recording, zero
     75     * otherwise. Including mouse state is necessary for the mouse cursor to be
     76     * rendered in any resulting video.
     77     */
     78    int include_mouse;
     80    /**
     81     * Non-zero if multi-touch events should be included in the session
     82     * recording, zero otherwise. Depending on whether the remote desktop will
     83     * automatically provide graphical feedback for touches, including touch
     84     * events may be necessary for multi-touch interactions to be rendered in
     85     * any resulting video.
     86     */
     87    int include_touch;
     89    /**
     90     * Non-zero if keys pressed and released should be included in the session
     91     * recording, zero otherwise. Including key events within the recording may
     92     * be necessary in certain auditing contexts, but should only be done with
     93     * caution. Key events can easily contain sensitive information, such as
     94     * passwords, credit card numbers, etc.
     95     */
     96    int include_keys;
     98} guac_recording;
    101 * Replaces the socket of the given client such that all further Guacamole
    102 * protocol output will be copied into a file within the given path and having
    103 * the given name. If the create_path flag is non-zero, the given path will be
    104 * created if it does not yet exist. If creation of the recording file or path
    105 * fails, error messages will automatically be logged, and no recording will be
    106 * written. The recording will automatically be closed once the client is
    107 * freed.
    108 *
    109 * @param client
    110 *     The client whose output should be copied to a recording file.
    111 *
    112 * @param path
    113 *     The full absolute path to a directory in which the recording file should
    114 *     be created.
    115 *
    116 * @param name
    117 *     The base name to use for the recording file created within the specified
    118 *     path.
    119 *
    120 * @param create_path
    121 *     Zero if the specified path MUST exist for the recording file to be
    122 *     written, or non-zero if the path should be created if it does not yet
    123 *     exist.
    124 *
    125 * @param include_output
    126 *     Non-zero if output which is broadcast to each connected client
    127 *     (graphics, streams, etc.) should be included in the session recording,
    128 *     zero otherwise. Including output is necessary for any recording which
    129 *     must later be viewable as video.
    130 *
    131 * @param include_mouse
    132 *     Non-zero if changes to mouse state, such as position and buttons pressed
    133 *     or released, should be included in the session recording, zero
    134 *     otherwise. Including mouse state is necessary for the mouse cursor to be
    135 *     rendered in any resulting video.
    136 *
    137 * @param include_touch
    138 *     Non-zero if touch events should be included in the session recording,
    139 *     zero otherwise. Depending on whether the remote desktop will
    140 *     automatically provide graphical feedback for touches, including touch
    141 *     events may be necessary for multi-touch interactions to be rendered in
    142 *     any resulting video.
    143 *
    144 * @param include_keys
    145 *     Non-zero if keys pressed and released should be included in the session
    146 *     recording, zero otherwise. Including key events within the recording may
    147 *     be necessary in certain auditing contexts, but should only be done with
    148 *     caution. Key events can easily contain sensitive information, such as
    149 *     passwords, credit card numbers, etc.
    150 *
    151 * @return
    152 *     A new guac_recording structure representing the in-progress
    153 *     recording if the recording file has been successfully created and a
    154 *     recording will be written, NULL otherwise.
    155 */
    156guac_recording* guac_recording_create(guac_client* client,
    157        const char* path, const char* name, int create_path,
    158        int include_output, int include_mouse, int include_touch,
    159        int include_keys);
    162 * Frees the resources associated with the given in-progress recording. Note
    163 * that, due to the manner that recordings are attached to the guac_client, the
    164 * underlying guac_socket is not freed. The guac_socket will be automatically
    165 * freed when the guac_client is freed.
    166 *
    167 * @param recording
    168 *     The guac_recording to free.
    169 */
    170void guac_recording_free(guac_recording* recording);
    173 * Reports the current mouse position and button state within the recording.
    174 *
    175 * @param recording
    176 *     The guac_recording associated with the mouse that has moved.
    177 *
    178 * @param x
    179 *     The new X coordinate of the mouse cursor, in pixels.
    180 *
    181 * @param y
    182 *     The new Y coordinate of the mouse cursor, in pixels.
    183 *
    184 * @param button_mask
    185 *     An integer value representing the current state of each button, where
    186 *     the Nth bit within the integer is set to 1 if and only if the Nth mouse
    187 *     button is currently pressed. The lowest-order bit is the left mouse
    188 *     button, followed by the middle button, right button, and finally the up
    189 *     and down buttons of the scroll wheel.
    190 *
    191 *     @see GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_LEFT
    192 *     @see GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_MIDDLE
    193 *     @see GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_RIGHT
    194 *     @see GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_SCROLL_UP
    196 */
    197void guac_recording_report_mouse(guac_recording* recording,
    198        int x, int y, int button_mask);
    201 * Reports the current state of a touch contact within the recording.
    202 *
    203 * @param recording
    204 *     The guac_recording associated with the touch contact that
    205 *     has changed state.
    206 *
    207 * @param id
    208 *     An arbitrary integer ID which uniquely identifies this contact relative
    209 *     to other active contacts.
    210 *
    211 * @param x
    212 *     The X coordinate of the center of the touch contact.
    213 *
    214 * @param y
    215 *     The Y coordinate of the center of the touch contact.
    216 *
    217 * @param x_radius
    218 *     The X radius of the ellipse covering the general area of the touch
    219 *     contact, in pixels.
    220 *
    221 * @param y_radius
    222 *     The Y radius of the ellipse covering the general area of the touch
    223 *     contact, in pixels.
    224 *
    225 * @param angle
    226 *     The rough angle of clockwise rotation of the general area of the touch
    227 *     contact, in degrees.
    228 *
    229 * @param force
    230 *     The relative force exerted by the touch contact, where 0 is no force
    231 *     (the touch has been lifted) and 1 is maximum force (the maximum amount
    232 *     of force representable by the device).
    233 */
    234void guac_recording_report_touch(guac_recording* recording,
    235        int id, int x, int y, int x_radius, int y_radius,
    236        double angle, double force);
    239 * Reports a change in the state of an individual key within the recording.
    240 *
    241 * @param recording
    242 *     The guac_recording associated with the key that was pressed or
    243 *     released.
    244 *
    245 * @param keysym
    246 *     The X11 keysym of the key that was pressed or released.
    247 *
    248 * @param pressed
    249 *     Non-zero if the key represented by the given keysym is currently
    250 *     pressed, zero if it is released.
    251 */
    252void guac_recording_report_key(guac_recording* recording,
    253        int keysym, int pressed);