1#!/bin/sh 2 3REPOROOT="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" 4SCRIPTPATH="$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))" 5cd "$SCRIPTPATH" 6 7makefile=" 8all: service/.copyts 9 10service/.copyts: src/* 11 bash cleansrc src service/src 12 touch service/.copyts 13" 14 15shopt -s expand_aliases 16alias pushd="pushd &>/dev/null" 17alias popd="popd &>/dev/null" 18 19if [ "$1" == "compose" ]; then 20 # ensure built service files are up to date 21 make --file <(echo "$makefile") 22 23 # forward commands to compose 24 pushd service 25 docker-compose ${@:2} 26 popd 27elif [ "$1" == "cleansrc" ]; then 28 if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then 29 echo "USAGE: cleansrc <SRC> <DST>" 30 exit 0 31 fi 32 33 # copy files 34 src="$2" 35 dst="$3" 36 [ -e "$dst" ] && rm -rf "$dst" 37 mkdir -p "$dst" 38 cp -r "$src"/{*.c,*.h,Makefile,msgs,.gitignore} "$dst" 39 40 # strip comments 41 find "$dst" | while read path; do 42 if [ -f "$path" ]; then 43 if [ ! -z $(echo "$path" | grep '.[hc]$') ]; then 44 sed -i -e 's/^\s*\/\*.*\*\/\s*$//g' "$path" # remove /* */ style comments 45 sed -i -e 's/\s*\/\*.*\*\/\s*/ /g' "$path" # remove /* */ style comments 46 sed -i -e 's/\s*\/\/.*//g' "$path" # remove // style comments 47 sed -i -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n\{3,\}/\n\n/g' "$path" # collapse multiple newlines 48 sed -i -e 's/fprintf(\s*stderr\s*,\s*/printf(/g' "$path" # replace fprintf stderr 49 elif [ "$(basename "$path")" == "Makefile" ]; then 50 sed -i -e 's/\s*#.*//g' "$path" # remove # style comments 51 sed -i -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n\{3,\}/\n\n/g' "$path" # collapse multiple newlines 52 fi 53 fi 54 done 55 56 # apply patches if requested 57 if [ ! -z "$PATCHED" ]; then 58 pushd "$dst" 59 git apply "$REPOROOT/src/patches/"*.diff 60 popd 61 fi 62elif [ "$1" == "test" ]; then 63 SRCDIR="$PWD/service/src" DATADIR="$PWD/service/data" bash "tests/" ${@:2} 64elif [ "$1" == "make" ]; then 65 make -C service/src 66elif [ "$1" == "ci-test" ]; then 67 cd "$REPOROOT" 68 69 docker-compose -f service/docker-compose.yml up --build -d -V 70 docker-compose -f checker/docker-compose.yml up --build -d -V 71 72 if [ -z "$ADDRESS" ]; then 73 echo "Specify your local network address via the ADDRESS var" 74 exit 1 75 fi 76 export ENOCHECKER_TEST_CHECKER_ADDRESS=$ADDRESS 77 export ENOCHECKER_TEST_CHECKER_PORT=9091 78 export ENOCHECKER_TEST_SERVICE_ADDRESS=$ADDRESS 79 export ENOCHECKER_TEST_SERVICE_PORT=9090 80 enochecker_test 81 82 docker-compose -f service/docker-compose.yml logs --no-color --tail=1000 > /tmp/ci-test-service.log 83 docker-compose -f checker/docker-compose.yml logs --no-color --tail=1000 > /tmp/ci-test-checker.log 84 85 docker-compose -f service/docker-compose.yml down 86 docker-compose -f checker/docker-compose.yml down 87elif [ "$1" == "host-socat" ]; then 88 RESULTDIR=service/data/uploads socat -x -v -T180 -s TCP-LISTEN:9090,nodelay,reuseaddr,fork \ 89 EXEC:./,raw,pty,echo=0,stderr 90elif [ "$1" == "checker-local" ]; then 91 cd checker 92 if [ -z "$(docker ps | grep stldoctor-mongo)" ]; then 93 docker-compose down -v 94 docker-compose up -d stldoctor-mongo 95 fi 96 97 export MONGO_ENABLED=1 98 export MONGO_HOST=localhost 99 export MONGO_PORT=27017 100 export MONGO_USER=stldoctor_checker 101 export MONGO_PASSWORD=stldoctor_checker 102 103 python3 -u src/ $@ 104elif [ "$1" == "host-ncat" ]; then 105 RESULTDIR=service/data/uploads ncat -v -k -l -p 9090 \ 106 -m 200 --no-shutdown -w10s -i180s -c "./" 107elif [ "$1" == "parse-log" ]; then 108 python3 -c ' 109#!/usr/bin/env python3 110 111import jsons, sys 112 113for l in open(sys.argv[1]).read().split("\n"): 114 if "##ENOLOGMESSAGE" not in l: continue 115 l = l.split("##ENOLOGMESSAGE ", 1)[1] 116 jmsg = jsons.loads(l) 117 print("[[ %s #%s ]] " % (jmsg["method"], jmsg["variantId"]), end="") 118 print(jmsg["message"] + "\n--------") 119 ' "$2" 120else 121 echo "USAGE: (compose|test|cleansrc) [args..]" 122 echo "EXAMPLES:" 123 echo " compose up --build # setup src and start the container" 124 echo " test stl-upload test.stl # test the upload of STL files" 125 echo " make # build local binary in src" 126 echo " cleansrc <src> <dst> # post-process source files for release" 127 echo " # if \$PATCHED is set, patches are applied" 128fi