commit 0f0e042ff46d956bcd06d885859518ba5dbe2662
parent 0d74166d177df1853679d83d11c45bfd0358a4a0
Author: Louis Burda <>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 13:50:57 +0100
added day 12
7 files changed, 1036 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/aoc.zig b/lib/aoc.zig
@@ -45,3 +45,66 @@ pub fn gen_main(comptime part1: part_type, comptime part2: part_type) fn () anye
return impl.main;
+pub const Pos = struct {
+ x: i64,
+ y: i64,
+ const Self = @This();
+ pub fn add(self: Self, other: Self) Self {
+ return Self{ .x = self.x + other.x, .y = self.y + other.y };
+ }
+ pub fn mult(self: Self, val: i64) Self {
+ return Self{ .x = self.x * val, .y = self.y * val };
+ }
+pub const Dir = struct {
+ pub const East = Pos{ .x = 1, .y = 0 };
+ pub const West = Pos{ .x = -1, .y = 0 };
+ pub const South = Pos{ .x = 0, .y = -1 };
+ pub const North = Pos{ .x = 0, .y = 1 };
+ pub const Name = enum {
+ EAST = 0, WEST = 1, SOUTH = 2, NORTH = 3
+ };
+ pub const dirs = [_]Pos{ East, South, West, North };
+ pub fn get(name: Name) Pos {
+ return dirs[@enumToInt(name)];
+ }
+ pub fn nextCW(dir: usize, offset: usize) usize {
+ return (dir + @intCast(u32, offset)) % @intCast(u32, dirs.len);
+ }
+ pub fn nextCCW(dir: usize, offset: usize) usize {
+ const constrained = offset % dirs.len;
+ if (dir >= constrained) {
+ return dir - constrained;
+ } else {
+ return dirs.len - (constrained - dir);
+ }
+ }
+ const cos90vs = [_]i32{ 1, 0, -1, 0 };
+ const sin90vs = [_]i32{ 0, 1, 0, -1 };
+ pub fn rotCW(pos: Pos, offset: usize) Pos {
+ const constrained = (4 - offset % 4) % 4;
+ return Pos{
+ .x = cos90vs[constrained] * pos.x - sin90vs[constrained] * pos.y,
+ .y = sin90vs[constrained] * pos.x + cos90vs[constrained] * pos.y,
+ };
+ }
+ pub fn rotCCW(pos: Pos, offset: usize) Pos {
+ const constrained = offset % 4;
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{constrained});
+ return Pos{
+ .x = cos90vs[constrained] * pos.x - sin90vs[constrained] * pos.y,
+ .y = sin90vs[constrained] * pos.x + cos90vs[constrained] * pos.y,
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/src/day12/input b/src/day12/input
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
diff --git a/src/day12/input-test b/src/day12/input-test
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/src/day12/main.zig b/src/day12/main.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const aoc = @import("aoc");
+const Pos = aoc.Pos;
+const Dir = aoc.Dir;
+const Ship = struct { pos: Pos, waypoint: Pos, dir: usize };
+fn part1(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []u8, args: [][]u8) !void {
+ var ship = Ship{ .pos = Pos{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }, .waypoint = Pos{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }, .dir = 0 };
+ var lineit = std.mem.tokenize(input, "\n");
+ while ( |line| {
+ const val = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, line[1..], 10);
+ switch (line[0]) {
+ 'N' => ship.pos = ship.pos.add(Dir.North.mult(val)),
+ 'S' => ship.pos = ship.pos.add(Dir.South.mult(val)),
+ 'E' => ship.pos = ship.pos.add(Dir.East.mult(val)),
+ 'W' => ship.pos = ship.pos.add(Dir.West.mult(val)),
+ 'L' => ship.dir = Dir.nextCCW(ship.dir, @divExact(val, 90)),
+ 'R' => ship.dir = Dir.nextCW(ship.dir, @divExact(val, 90)),
+ 'F' => ship.pos = ship.pos.add(Dir.dirs[ship.dir].mult(val)),
+ else => {
+ return aoc.Error.InvalidInput;
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{std.math.absCast(ship.pos.x) + std.math.absCast(ship.pos.y)});
+fn part2(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []u8, args: [][]u8) !void {
+ var ship = Ship{ .pos = Pos{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }, .waypoint = Pos{ .x = 10, .y = 1 }, .dir = 0 };
+ var lineit = std.mem.tokenize(input, "\n");
+ while ( |line| {
+ const val = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, line[1..], 10);
+ switch (line[0]) {
+ 'N' => ship.waypoint = ship.waypoint.add(Dir.North.mult(val)),
+ 'S' => ship.waypoint = ship.waypoint.add(Dir.South.mult(val)),
+ 'E' => ship.waypoint = ship.waypoint.add(Dir.East.mult(val)),
+ 'W' => ship.waypoint = ship.waypoint.add(Dir.West.mult(val)),
+ // WORKAROUND for language bug (parameter is implicitly passed as reference and assignment order)
+ 'L' => {
+ var new = Dir.rotCCW(ship.waypoint, @divExact(val, 90));
+ ship.waypoint = new;
+ },
+ 'R' => {
+ var new = Dir.rotCW(ship.waypoint, @divExact(val, 90));
+ ship.waypoint = new;
+ },
+ 'F' => ship.pos = ship.pos.add(ship.waypoint.mult(val)),
+ else => {
+ return aoc.Error.InvalidInput;
+ },
+ }
+ std.debug.print("{} {} {} {} {}\n", .{ line, ship.waypoint.x, ship.waypoint.y, ship.pos.x, ship.pos.y });
+ }
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{std.math.absCast(ship.pos.x) + std.math.absCast(ship.pos.y)});
+pub const main = aoc.gen_main(part1, part2);
diff --git a/src/day12/part1 b/src/day12/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+--- Day 12: Rain Risk ---
+Your ferry made decent progress toward the island, but the storm came in faster than anyone
+expected. The ferry needs to take [1m[37mevasive actions[0m!
+Unfortunately, the ship's navigation computer seems to be malfunctioning; rather than giving a route
+directly to safety, it produced extremely circuitous instructions. When the captain uses the PA
+system to ask if anyone can help, you quickly volunteer.
+The navigation instructions (your puzzle input) consists of a sequence of single-character
+[1m[37mactions[0m paired with integer input [1m[37mvalues[0m. After staring at them for a few
+minutes, you work out what they probably mean:
+ - Action [1m[37mN[0m means to move [1m[37mnorth[0m by the given value.
+ - Action [1m[37mS[0m means to move [1m[37msouth[0m by the given value.
+ - Action [1m[37mE[0m means to move [1m[37meast[0m by the given value.
+ - Action [1m[37mW[0m means to move [1m[37mwest[0m by the given value.
+ - Action [1m[37mL[0m means to turn [1m[37mleft[0m the given number of degrees.
+ - Action [1m[37mR[0m means to turn [1m[37mright[0m the given number of degrees.
+ - Action [1m[37mF[0m means to move [1m[37mforward[0m by the given value in the direction the
+ship is currently facing.
+The ship starts by facing [1m[37meast[0m. Only the L and R actions change the direction the ship
+is facing. (That is, if the ship is facing east and the next instruction is N10, the ship would move
+north 10 units, but would still move east if the following action were F.)
+For example:
+These instructions would be handled as follows:
+ - F10 would move the ship 10 units east (because the ship starts by facing east) to [1m[37meast
+10, north 0[0m.
+ - N3 would move the ship 3 units north to [1m[37meast 10, north 3[0m.
+ - F7 would move the ship another 7 units east (because the ship is still facing east) to
+[1m[37meast 17, north 3[0m.
+ - R90 would cause the ship to turn right by 90 degrees and face [1m[37msouth[0m; it remains at
+[1m[37meast 17, north 3[0m.
+ - F11 would move the ship 11 units south to [1m[37meast 17, south 8[0m.
+At the end of these instructions, the ship's Manhattan distance (sum of the absolute values of its
+east/west position and its north/south position) from its starting position is 17 + 8 =
+Figure out where the navigation instructions lead. [1m[37mWhat is the Manhattan distance between
+that location and the ship's starting position?[0m
diff --git a/src/day12/part2 b/src/day12/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Before you can give the destination to the captain, you realize that the actual action meanings were
+printed on the back of the instructions the whole time.
+Almost all of the actions indicate how to move a [1m[37mwaypoint[0m which is relative to the
+ship's position:
+ - Action [1m[37mN[0m means to move the waypoint [1m[37mnorth[0m by the given value.
+ - Action [1m[37mS[0m means to move the waypoint [1m[37msouth[0m by the given value.
+ - Action [1m[37mE[0m means to move the waypoint [1m[37meast[0m by the given value.
+ - Action [1m[37mW[0m means to move the waypoint [1m[37mwest[0m by the given value.
+ - Action [1m[37mL[0m means to rotate the waypoint around the ship [1m[37mleft[0m
+([1m[37mcounter-clockwise[0m) the given number of degrees.
+ - Action [1m[37mR[0m means to rotate the waypoint around the ship [1m[37mright[0m
+([1m[37mclockwise[0m) the given number of degrees.
+ - Action [1m[37mF[0m means to move [1m[37mforward[0m to the waypoint a number of times equal
+to the given value.
+The waypoint starts [1m[37m10 units east and 1 unit north[0m relative to the ship. The waypoint
+is relative to the ship; that is, if the ship moves, the waypoint moves with it.
+For example, using the same instructions as above:
+ - F10 moves the ship to the waypoint 10 times (a total of [1m[37m100 units east and 10 units
+north[0m), leaving the ship at [1m[37meast 100, north 10[0m. The waypoint stays 10 units east
+and 1 unit north of the ship.
+ - N3 moves the waypoint 3 units north to [1m[37m10 units east and 4 units north of the ship[0m.
+The ship remains at [1m[37meast 100, north 10[0m.
+ - F7 moves the ship to the waypoint 7 times (a total of [1m[37m70 units east and 28 units
+north[0m), leaving the ship at [1m[37meast 170, north 38[0m. The waypoint stays 10 units east
+and 4 units north of the ship.
+ - R90 rotates the waypoint around the ship clockwise 90 degrees, moving it to [1m[37m4 units east
+and 10 units south of the ship[0m. The ship remains at [1m[37meast 170, north 38[0m.
+ - F11 moves the ship to the waypoint 11 times (a total of [1m[37m44 units east and 110 units
+south[0m), leaving the ship at [1m[37meast 214, south 72[0m. The waypoint stays 4 units east and
+10 units south of the ship.
+After these operations, the ship's Manhattan distance from its starting position is 214 + 72 =
+Figure out where the navigation instructions actually lead. [1m[37mWhat is the Manhattan distance
+between that location and the ship's starting position?[0m
diff --git a/src/day13/main.zig b/src/day13/main.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const aoc = @import("aoc");
+fn part1(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []u8, args: [][]u8) !void {
+ var answer: u32 = 0;
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{answer});
+fn part2(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []u8, args: [][]u8) !void {
+ var answer: u32 = 0;
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{answer});
+pub const main = aoc.gen_main(part1, part2);