commit c22fa5cb467d3735603d084d44b150e368c488e2
parent 9b3a12cd95463a85bb0fb5ee65a3c824319f905c
Author: Louis Burda <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 15:03:47 +0100
day 15
4 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/day15/input b/src/day15/input
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/day15/main.zig b/src/day15/main.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const aoc = @import("aoc");
+const Occurance = struct { last: u32, beforelast: u32 };
+fn getNthSpoken(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []u8, spoken: u32) !u32 {
+ var occurances = std.AutoHashMap(u32, Occurance).init(allocator);
+ defer occurances.deinit();
+ var intlist = std.ArrayList(u32).init(allocator);
+ defer intlist.deinit();
+ var numit = std.mem.tokenize(input, "\n,");
+ var i: u32 = 0;
+ while ( |numstr| : (i += 1) {
+ const num = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, numstr, 10);
+ try intlist.append(num);
+ try occurances.put(num, Occurance{ .last = i, .beforelast = i });
+ }
+ while (i < spoken) : (i += 1) {
+ if (aoc.debug and i % 100000 == 0)
+ std.debug.print("\r{}", .{i});
+ const num = intlist.items[i - 1];
+ var entry = occurances.getEntry(num);
+ var diff: u32 = 0;
+ if (entry) |occ_entry| {
+ diff = occ_entry.value.last - occ_entry.value.beforelast;
+ }
+ entry = occurances.getEntry(diff);
+ if (entry) |occ_entry| {
+ occ_entry.value.beforelast = occ_entry.value.last;
+ occ_entry.value.last = i;
+ } else {
+ try occurances.put(diff, Occurance{ .last = i, .beforelast = i });
+ }
+ try intlist.append(diff);
+ }
+ if (aoc.debug)
+ std.debug.print("\r \r", .{});
+ return intlist.items[spoken - 1];
+fn part1(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []u8, args: [][]u8) !void {
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{try getNthSpoken(allocator, input, 2020)});
+fn part2(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []u8, args: [][]u8) !void {
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{try getNthSpoken(allocator, input, 30000000)});
+pub const main = aoc.gen_main(part1, part2);
diff --git a/src/day15/part1 b/src/day15/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+--- Day 15: Rambunctious Recitation ---
+You catch the airport shuttle and try to book a new flight to your vacation island. Due to the
+storm, all direct flights have been cancelled, but a route is available to get around the storm. You
+take it.
+While you wait for your flight, you decide to check in with the Elves back at the North Pole.
+They're playing a [1m[37mmemory game[0m and are ever so excited to explain the rules!
+In this game, the players take turns saying [1m[37mnumbers[0m. They begin by taking turns reading
+from a list of [1m[37mstarting numbers[0m (your puzzle input). Then, each turn consists of
+considering the [1m[37mmost recently spoken number[0m:
+ - If that was the [1m[37mfirst[0m time the number has been spoken, the current player says
+ - Otherwise, the number had been spoken before; the current player announces [1m[37mhow many
+turns apart[0m the number is from when it was previously spoken.
+So, after the starting numbers, each turn results in that player speaking aloud either
+[1m[37m0[0m (if the last number is new) or an [1m[37mage[0m (if the last number is a repeat).
+For example, suppose the starting numbers are 0,3,6:
+ - [1m[37mTurn 1[0m: The 1st number spoken is a starting number, [1m[37m0[0m.
+ - [1m[37mTurn 2[0m: The 2nd number spoken is a starting number, [1m[37m3[0m.
+ - [1m[37mTurn 3[0m: The 3rd number spoken is a starting number, [1m[37m6[0m.
+ - [1m[37mTurn 4[0m: Now, consider the last number spoken, 6. Since that was the first time the
+number had been spoken, the 4th number spoken is [1m[37m0[0m.
+ - [1m[37mTurn 5[0m: Next, again consider the last number spoken, 0. Since it [1m[37mhad[0m
+been spoken before, the next number to speak is the difference between the turn number when it was
+last spoken (the previous turn, 4) and the turn number of the time it was most recently spoken
+before then (turn 1). Thus, the 5th number spoken is 4 - 1, [1m[37m3[0m.
+ - [1m[37mTurn 6[0m: The last number spoken, 3 had also been spoken before, most recently on
+turns 5 and 2. So, the 6th number spoken is 5 - 2, [1m[37m3[0m.
+ - [1m[37mTurn 7[0m: Since 3 was just spoken twice in a row, and the last two turns are 1 turn
+apart, the 7th number spoken is [1m[37m1[0m.
+ - [1m[37mTurn 8[0m: Since 1 is new, the 8th number spoken is [1m[37m0[0m.
+ - [1m[37mTurn 9[0m: 0 was last spoken on turns 8 and 4, so the 9th number spoken is the
+difference between them, [1m[37m4[0m.
+ - [1m[37mTurn 10[0m: 4 is new, so the 10th number spoken is [1m[37m0[0m.
+(The game ends when the Elves get sick of playing or dinner is ready, whichever comes first.)
+Their question for you is: what will be the [1m[37m2020th[0m number spoken? In the example above,
+the 2020th number spoken will be 436.
+Here are a few more examples:
+ - Given the starting numbers 1,3,2, the 2020th number spoken is 1.
+ - Given the starting numbers 2,1,3, the 2020th number spoken is 10.
+ - Given the starting numbers 1,2,3, the 2020th number spoken is 27.
+ - Given the starting numbers 2,3,1, the 2020th number spoken is 78.
+ - Given the starting numbers 3,2,1, the 2020th number spoken is 438.
+ - Given the starting numbers 3,1,2, the 2020th number spoken is 1836.
+Given your starting numbers, [1m[37mwhat will be the 2020th number spoken?[0m
diff --git a/src/day15/part2 b/src/day15/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Impressed, the Elves issue you a challenge: determine the 30000000th number spoken. For example,
+given the same starting numbers as above:
+ - Given 0,3,6, the 30000000th number spoken is 175594.
+ - Given 1,3,2, the 30000000th number spoken is 2578.
+ - Given 2,1,3, the 30000000th number spoken is 3544142.
+ - Given 1,2,3, the 30000000th number spoken is 261214.
+ - Given 2,3,1, the 30000000th number spoken is 6895259.
+ - Given 3,2,1, the 30000000th number spoken is 18.
+ - Given 3,1,2, the 30000000th number spoken is 362.
+Given your starting numbers, [1m[37mwhat will be the 30000000th number spoken?[0m