commit ea1a403cae04ab96ecd127ce76bf03d321e09bf6
parent 8ef4f7d2a088937384a42d8b145d6822a874b3a7
Author: Louis Burda <>
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2020 18:54:30 +0100
added test script, reordered dirs in aoc lib, added day20 (needs some cleaning)
M | lib/aoc.zig | | | 9 | +++++++-- |
A | scripts/test | | | 9 | +++++++++ |
A | src/day20/input | | | 1728 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | src/day20/input-test | | | 108 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | src/day20/input-test2 | | | 108 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | src/day20/main.zig | | | 463 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | src/day20/part1 | | | 183 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | src/day20/part2 | | | 110 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
8 files changed, 2716 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/aoc.zig b/lib/aoc.zig
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
pub const North = Pos{ .x = 0, .y = 1 };
pub const Name = enum {
- EAST = 0, WEST = 1, SOUTH = 2, NORTH = 3
+ NORTH = 0, EAST = 1, SOUTH = 2, WEST = 3
- pub const dirs = [_]Pos{ East, South, West, North };
+ pub const dirs = [_]Pos{ North, East, South, West };
pub fn get(name: Name) Pos {
return dirs[@enumToInt(name)];
@@ -113,3 +113,8 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
+pub fn assertV(v: anytype) !@TypeOf(v.?) {
+ if (v == null) return Error.InvalidInput;
+ return v.?;
diff --git a/scripts/test b/scripts/test
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[ -z "$REPOROOT" ] && exit 1
+[ ! -e "$REPOROOT/cache" ] && mkdir "$REPOROOT/cache"
+zig test --cache-dir "$REPOROOT/cache" \
+ --pkg-begin "console8" "$REPOROOT/lib/console8.zig" --pkg-end \
+ --pkg-begin "aoc" "$REPOROOT/lib/aoc.zig" --pkg-end \
+ main.zig
diff --git a/src/day20/input b/src/day20/input
@@ -0,0 +1,1728 @@
+Tile 2539:
+Tile 2909:
+Tile 1373:
+Tile 2953:
+Tile 2437:
+Tile 1823:
+Tile 3889:
+Tile 2549:
+Tile 3797:
+Tile 1249:
+Tile 3821:
+Tile 3329:
+Tile 1279:
+Tile 3907:
+Tile 3833:
+Tile 2011:
+Tile 3881:
+Tile 2341:
+Tile 2917:
+Tile 2333:
+Tile 2287:
+Tile 3391:
+Tile 2677:
+Tile 2273:
+Tile 3967:
+Tile 1553:
+Tile 1291:
+Tile 2003:
+Tile 2267:
+Tile 1237:
+Tile 3187:
+Tile 2393:
+Tile 3413:
+Tile 3083:
+Tile 1523:
+Tile 3673:
+Tile 2111:
+Tile 1153:
+Tile 3457:
+Tile 2693:
+Tile 1367:
+Tile 2543:
+Tile 1229:
+Tile 2833:
+Tile 2089:
+Tile 3209:
+Tile 1979:
+Tile 3779:
+Tile 3089:
+Tile 1627:
+Tile 2389:
+Tile 1193:
+Tile 3323:
+Tile 2719:
+Tile 2399:
+Tile 1543:
+Tile 1723:
+Tile 2503:
+Tile 2887:
+Tile 3467:
+Tile 3677:
+Tile 1493:
+Tile 2687:
+Tile 1861:
+Tile 2081:
+Tile 2113:
+Tile 2203:
+Tile 3943:
+Tile 2579:
+Tile 1103:
+Tile 1993:
+Tile 1801:
+Tile 3319:
+Tile 3229:
+Tile 1033:
+Tile 3769:
+Tile 1571:
+Tile 1657:
+Tile 3541:
+Tile 3019:
+Tile 2383:
+Tile 3929:
+Tile 1697:
+Tile 1999:
+Tile 1289:
+Tile 1163:
+Tile 3121:
+Tile 2939:
+Tile 1129:
+Tile 1877:
+Tile 3061:
+Tile 2851:
+Tile 1409:
+Tile 3853:
+Tile 2803:
+Tile 1709:
+Tile 2351:
+Tile 2347:
+Tile 1307:
+Tile 1901:
+Tile 2029:
+Tile 3571:
+Tile 1399:
+Tile 1381:
+Tile 1549:
+Tile 3623:
+Tile 2143:
+Tile 3631:
+Tile 3359:
+Tile 2239:
+Tile 1741:
+Tile 1597:
+Tile 3761:
+Tile 3203:
+Tile 1579:
+Tile 3617:
+Tile 1667:
+Tile 2153:
+Tile 1721:
+Tile 3539:
+Tile 3313:
+Tile 3851:
+Tile 3389:
+Tile 1933:
+Tile 1361:
+Tile 2789:
+Tile 3637:
+Tile 2411:
+Tile 1487:
+Tile 1061:
+Tile 1669:
+Tile 1123:
+Tile 2767:
+Tile 1931:
+Tile 2731:
+Tile 2689:
+Tile 2897:
+Tile 3931:
+Tile 1783:
+Tile 2293:
+Tile 3709:
+Tile 2357:
+Tile 3331:
+Tile 1297:
diff --git a/src/day20/input-test b/src/day20/input-test
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Tile 2311:
+Tile 1951:
+Tile 1171:
+Tile 1427:
+Tile 1489:
+Tile 2473:
+Tile 2971:
+Tile 2729:
+Tile 3079:
diff --git a/src/day20/input-test2 b/src/day20/input-test2
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Tile 2311:
+Tile 1951:
+Tile 1171:
+Tile 1427:
+Tile 1489:
+Tile 2473:
+Tile 2971:
+Tile 2729:
+Tile 3079:
diff --git a/src/day20/main.zig b/src/day20/main.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const aoc = @import("aoc");
+const tile_width: u32 = 10;
+const Tile = struct {
+ id: u32,
+ data: [tile_width * tile_width]u1,
+ sides: [4][tile_width]u1, // NOTE: update these values when placed accordingly
+ adj: [4]?usize,
+ pos: aoc.Pos,
+const Flip = enum { NONE, HOR, VERT };
+const flips = [_]Flip{ Flip.NONE, Flip.HOR, Flip.VERT };
+const seamonster = [_][]const u8{
+ " # ",
+ "# ## ## ###",
+ " # # # # # # ",
+const dirs = [4]aoc.Pos{
+ aoc.Pos{ .x = 0, .y = -1 },
+ aoc.Pos{ .x = 1, .y = 0 },
+ aoc.Pos{ .x = 0, .y = 1 },
+ aoc.Pos{ .x = -1, .y = 0 },
+fn printGrid(tiles: []Tile, grid: []?usize, grid_width: u32) void {
+ var y: u32 = 0;
+ while (y < grid_width * tile_width) : (y += 1) {
+ var x: u32 = 0;
+ if (y > 0 and y % tile_width == 0) std.debug.print("\n", .{});
+ while (x < grid_width * tile_width) : (x += 1) {
+ if (x > 0 and x % tile_width == 0) std.debug.print(" ", .{});
+ var tile_index: ?usize = grid[@divFloor(y, tile_width) * grid_width + @divFloor(x, tile_width)];
+ if (tile_index) |ti| {
+ var tile = tiles[tile_index.?];
+ var c: u8 = if ([(y % tile_width) * tile_width + (x % tile_width)] == 1) '#' else '.';
+ std.debug.print("{c}", .{c});
+ } else {
+ std.debug.print("?", .{});
+ }
+ }
+ std.debug.print("\n", .{});
+ }
+ std.debug.print("\n\n", .{});
+fn printTile(data: []u1, width: u32) void {
+ var y: u32 = 0;
+ while (y < width) : (y += 1) {
+ printTileSlice(data[y * width .. (y + 1) * width]);
+ std.debug.print("\n", .{});
+ }
+fn printTileSlice(slice: []const u1) void {
+ var i: u32 = 0;
+ while (i < slice.len) : (i += 1) {
+ var c: u8 = if (slice[i] == 1) '#' else '.';
+ std.debug.print("{c}", .{c});
+ }
+fn couldMatch(side1: [tile_width]u1, side2: [tile_width]u1) bool {
+ var side1_cpy = side1;
+ if (std.mem.eql(u1, side1_cpy[0..], side2[0..])) return true;
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, side1_cpy[0..]);
+ if (std.mem.eql(u1, side1_cpy[0..], side2[0..])) return true;
+ return false;
+fn parseTiles(tiles: *std.ArrayList(Tile), input: []u8) !void {
+ var tileit = std.mem.split(input, "\n\n");
+ while ( |tilestr| {
+ if (tilestr.len <= 1) continue;
+ var tile: Tile = undefined;
+ var lineit = std.mem.tokenize(tilestr, "\n");
+ // read tile id
+ var numstr = (try aoc.assertV([5..9];
+ = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, numstr, 10);
+ // read tile data
+ var i: u32 = 0;
+ var line: []const u8 = undefined;
+ while (i < tile_width * tile_width) : (i += 1) {
+ if (i % tile_width == 0) line = try aoc.assertV(;
+[i] = @boolToInt(line[i % tile_width] == '#');
+ }
+ // read side bits
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < 4) : (i += 1) {
+ var sidebits: [tile_width]u1 = undefined;
+ for (sidebits) |_, k| {
+ sidebits[k] = switch (i) {
+ @enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.NORTH) =>[k],
+ @enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.WEST) =>[(tile_width - 1 - k) * tile_width],
+ @enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.EAST) =>[tile_width - 1 + k * tile_width],
+ @enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.SOUTH) =>[tile_width * tile_width - 1 - k],
+ else => unreachable,
+ };
+ }
+ tile.sides[i] = sidebits;
+ }
+ // init misc data
+ tile.adj = [_]?usize{ null, null, null, null };
+ try tiles.append(tile);
+ }
+fn matchTiles(tiles: *std.ArrayList(Tile)) void {
+ // for each items's side, look for another item with a matching side
+ for (tiles.items) |*tile, tile_index| {
+ sides_loop: for (tile.sides) |_, i| {
+ for (tiles.items) |*otile, otile_index| {
+ if (tile_index == otile_index) continue;
+ for (otile.sides) |_, oi| {
+ if (tile.adj[i] == null and otile.adj[oi] == null and couldMatch(tile.sides[i], otile.sides[oi])) {
+ tile.adj[i] = otile_index;
+ otile.adj[oi] = tile_index;
+ continue :sides_loop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (aoc.debug) {
+ std.debug.print("{}:\nSIDES ", .{});
+ for (tile.sides) |side| {
+ for (side) |b| {
+ var c: u8 = if (b == 1) '#' else '.';
+ std.debug.print("{c}", .{c});
+ }
+ std.debug.print(" ", .{});
+ }
+ std.debug.print("\n", .{});
+ for (tile.adj) |adj, i| {
+ if (tile.adj[i] == null) {
+ std.debug.print("null ", .{});
+ } else {
+ var adjtile = tiles.items[adj.?];
+ std.debug.print("{} ", .{});
+ }
+ }
+ std.debug.print("\n\n", .{});
+ }
+ }
+fn checkSides(tiles: []Tile, grid: []?usize, grid_width: u32, p: aoc.Pos, adj: [4]?usize, sides: [4][10]u1) bool {
+ var rot: u32 = 0;
+ while (rot < 4) : (rot += 1) {
+ const np = p.add(dirs[rot]);
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{@intToEnum(aoc.Dir.Name, @intCast(u2, rot))});
+ std.debug.print("{} {}\n", .{ np.x, np.y });
+ var side: ?[tile_width]u1 = undefined;
+ if (np.x < 0 or np.x >= grid_width or np.y < 0 or np.y >= grid_width) {
+ std.debug.print("Side is null\n", .{});
+ if (adj[rot] == null) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ std.debug.print("Side {} should be NULL!\n", .{@intToEnum(aoc.Dir.Name, @intCast(u2, rot))});
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ var ti: ?usize = grid[@intCast(u32, np.y * @intCast(i64, grid_width) + np.x)] orelse continue;
+ var otherside = tiles[ti.?].sides[aoc.Dir.nextCW(rot, 2)];
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, otherside[0..]);
+ printTileSlice(otherside[0..]);
+ std.debug.print(" vs ", .{});
+ printTileSlice(sides[rot][0..]);
+ std.debug.print("\n", .{});
+ if (!std.mem.eql(u1, otherside[0..], sides[rot][0..])) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+fn rotateData(newdata: *[]u1, olddata: []u1, width: u32, rot: usize) void {
+ for (olddata) |v, di| {
+ const dy = @divFloor(di, width);
+ const dx = di % width;
+ var nx = dx;
+ var ny = dy;
+ switch (rot) {
+ @enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.NORTH) => {},
+ @enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.EAST) => {
+ nx = width - 1 - dy;
+ ny = dx;
+ },
+ @enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.SOUTH) => {
+ nx = width - 1 - dx;
+ ny = width - 1 - dy;
+ },
+ @enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.WEST) => {
+ nx = dy;
+ ny = width - 1 - dx;
+ },
+ else => {},
+ }
+ newdata.*[ny * width + nx] = v;
+ }
+fn flipData(data: []u1, width: u32, flip: Flip) void {
+ switch (flip) {
+ Flip.HOR => {
+ var y: u32 = 0;
+ while (y < width) : (y += 1) {
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, data[y * width .. (y + 1) * width]);
+ }
+ },
+ Flip.VERT => {
+ var x: u32 = 0;
+ while (x < width) : (x += 1) {
+ var y: u32 = 0;
+ while (y < width / 2) : (y += 1) {
+ std.mem.swap(u1, &data[x + y * width], &data[x + (width - 1 - y) * width]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ else => {},
+ }
+fn manipulateAndPlace(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, tiles: []Tile, grid: []?usize, grid_width: u32, p: aoc.Pos, tile_index: usize) !void {
+ var tile = &tiles[tile_index];
+ for (dirs) |_, rot| {
+ for (flips) |flip| {
+ // apply manipulation to only sides first for checking
+ var sides = tile.sides;
+ var tmp_sides = tile.sides;
+ var adj = tile.adj;
+ var tmp_adj = tile.adj;
+ switch (flip) {
+ Flip.HOR => {
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.NORTH)][0..]);
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.SOUTH)][0..]);
+ tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.WEST)] = sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.EAST)];
+ tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.EAST)] = sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.WEST)];
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.EAST)][0..]);
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.WEST)][0..]);
+ std.mem.swap(?usize, &adj[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.EAST)], &adj[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.WEST)]);
+ },
+ Flip.VERT => {
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.WEST)][0..]);
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.EAST)][0..]);
+ tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.NORTH)] = sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.SOUTH)];
+ tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.SOUTH)] = sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.NORTH)];
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.NORTH)][0..]);
+ std.mem.reverse(u1, tmp_sides[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.SOUTH)][0..]);
+ std.mem.swap(?usize, &adj[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.NORTH)], &adj[@enumToInt(aoc.Dir.Name.SOUTH)]);
+ },
+ else => {},
+ }
+ sides = tmp_sides;
+ for (dirs) |_, i| {
+ tmp_sides[i] = sides[aoc.Dir.nextCCW(i, rot)];
+ tmp_adj[i] = adj[aoc.Dir.nextCCW(i, rot)];
+ }
+ std.debug.print("\nROT: {}\n", .{rot});
+ std.debug.print("FLIP: {}\n", .{flip});
+ std.debug.print("SIDES: \n", .{});
+ for (tmp_sides) |side| {
+ printTileSlice(side[0..]);
+ std.debug.print("\n", .{});
+ }
+ const valid = checkSides(tiles, grid, grid_width, p, tmp_adj, tmp_sides);
+ // now apply manipulations to image data
+ if (valid) {
+ // for (tile.sides) |side| {
+ // printTileSlice(side[0..]);
+ // std.debug.print("\n", .{});
+ // }
+ std.debug.print("{} {} {}\n", .{, flip, rot });
+ printTile([0..], tile_width);
+ std.debug.print("\n", .{});
+ tile.sides = tmp_sides;
+ tile.pos = p;
+ tile.adj = tmp_adj;
+ grid[@intCast(u32, p.y * @intCast(i64, grid_width) + p.x)] = tile_index;
+ flipData([0..], tile_width, flip);
+ var newdata = try allocator.alloc(u1, tile_width * tile_width);
+ defer;
+ rotateData(&newdata,[0..], tile_width, rot);
+ std.mem.copy(u1,[0..], newdata);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aoc.Error.InvalidInput;
+fn part1(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []u8, args: [][]u8) !void {
+ var tiles = std.ArrayList(Tile).init(allocator);
+ defer tiles.deinit();
+ try parseTiles(&tiles, input);
+ matchTiles(&tiles);
+ var answer: u64 = 1;
+ for (tiles.items) |tile| {
+ var unknown: u32 = 0;
+ for (tile.adj) |v| {
+ unknown += @boolToInt(v == null);
+ }
+ if (unknown == 2) answer *=;
+ }
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{answer});
+fn part2(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []u8, args: [][]u8) !void {
+ var tiles = std.ArrayList(Tile).init(allocator);
+ defer tiles.deinit();
+ try parseTiles(&tiles, input);
+ matchTiles(&tiles);
+ var grid = try allocator.alloc(?usize, tiles.items.len);
+ defer;
+ var grid_width = @intCast(u32, std.math.sqrt(tiles.items.len));
+ var left = std.ArrayList(usize).init(allocator);
+ defer left.deinit();
+ for (tiles.items) |_, tile_index| {
+ try left.append(tile_index);
+ }
+ // add a corner as first item to add onto
+ for (tiles.items) |tile, tile_index| {
+ var unknown: u32 = 0;
+ for (tile.adj) |v| {
+ unknown += @boolToInt(v == null);
+ }
+ if (unknown == 2) {
+ try manipulateAndPlace(allocator, tiles.items, grid, grid_width, aoc.Pos{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }, tile_index);
+ _ = left.swapRemove(tile_index);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // find adjacents and manipulate until they fit
+ next_tile: while (left.items.len > 0) {
+ if (aoc.debug) printGrid(tiles.items, grid, grid_width);
+ for (grid) |_, gi| {
+ std.debug.print("POS {}\n", .{gi});
+ const tile_index: ?usize = grid[gi] orelse continue;
+ std.debug.print("POS {} YES\n", .{gi});
+ var placed = &tiles.items[tile_index.?];
+ for (placed.adj) |want, dir| {
+ if (want == null) continue;
+ // std.debug.print("LOOKING FOR {}\n", .{want.?});
+ // for (left.items) |item| {
+ // std.debug.print("> {}\n", .{item});
+ // }
+ if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(usize, left.items, want.?)) |left_index| {
+ const new_index = left.items[left_index];
+ const new_tile = tiles.items[new_index];
+ var npos = placed.pos.add(dirs[dir]);
+ std.debug.print("TRYING TO PLACE {} NEW AT: {} {}\n", .{, npos.x, npos.y });
+ try manipulateAndPlace(allocator, tiles.items, grid, grid_width, npos, new_index);
+ _ = left.swapRemove(left_index);
+ continue :next_tile;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aoc.Error.InvalidInput;
+ }
+ if (aoc.debug) printGrid(tiles.items, grid, grid_width);
+ // convert grid to image
+ var image = try allocator.alloc(u1, grid.len * (tile_width - 2) * (tile_width - 2));
+ defer;
+ const image_width = grid_width * (tile_width - 2);
+ var y: u32 = 0;
+ while (y < grid_width) : (y += 1) {
+ var x: u32 = 0;
+ while (x < grid_width) : (x += 1) {
+ var tile = tiles.items[grid[y * grid_width + x].?];
+ var doff = (y * grid_width * (tile_width - 2) + x) * (tile_width - 2);
+ var dy: u32 = 1;
+ while (dy < tile_width - 1) : (dy += 1) {
+ var dx: u32 = 1;
+ while (dx < tile_width - 1) : (dx += 1) {
+ image[doff + (dy - 1) * image_width + (dx - 1)] =[dy * tile_width + dx];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ y = 0;
+ while (y < grid_width * (tile_width - 2)) : (y += 1) {
+ printTileSlice(image[y * grid_width * (tile_width - 2) .. (y + 1) * grid_width * (tile_width - 2)]);
+ std.debug.print("\n", .{});
+ }
+ // rotate image till we find a sea monster
+ var image_copy = try allocator.dupe(u1, image);
+ defer;
+ var rot: usize = 0;
+ while (rot < 4) : (rot += 1) {
+ for (flips) |flip| {
+ flipData(image, image_width, flip);
+ rotateData(&image_copy, image, image_width, rot);
+ y = 0;
+ var count: u32 = 0;
+ while (y < image_width - seamonster.len) : (y += 1) {
+ var x: u32 = 0;
+ check_next: while (x < image_width - seamonster[0].len) : (x += 1) {
+ var sy: u32 = 0;
+ while (sy < seamonster.len) : (sy += 1) {
+ var sx: u32 = 0;
+ while (sx < seamonster[0].len) : (sx += 1) {
+ if (seamonster[sy][sx] == '#' and image_copy[(y + sy) * image_width + (x + sx)] != 1)
+ continue :check_next;
+ }
+ }
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count > 0) {
+ var image_count = std.mem.count(u1, image_copy, ([_]u1{1})[0..]);
+ var seamonster_count: usize = 0;
+ var sy: u32 = 0;
+ while (sy < seamonster.len) : (sy += 1) {
+ seamonster_count += std.mem.count(u8, seamonster[sy], "#");
+ }
+ std.debug.print("{}\n", .{image_count - count * seamonster_count});
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub const main = aoc.gen_main(part1, part2);
diff --git a/src/day20/part1 b/src/day20/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+--- Day 20: Jurassic Jigsaw ---
+The high-speed train leaves the forest and quickly carries you south. You can even see a desert in
+the distance! Since you have some spare time, you might as well see if there was anything
+interesting in the image the Mythical Information Bureau satellite captured.
+After decoding the satellite messages, you discover that the data actually contains many small
+images created by the satellite's [1m[37mcamera array[0m. The camera array consists of many
+cameras; rather than produce a single square image, they produce many smaller square image
+[1m[37mtiles[0m that need to be [1m[37mreassembled back into a single image[0m.
+Each camera in the camera array returns a single monochrome [1m[37mimage tile[0m with a random
+unique [1m[37mID number[0m. The tiles (your puzzle input) arrived in a random order.
+Worse yet, the camera array appears to be malfunctioning: each image tile has been [1m[37mrotated
+and flipped to a random orientation[0m. Your first task is to reassemble the original image by
+orienting the tiles so they fit together.
+To show how the tiles should be reassembled, each tile's image data includes a border that should
+line up exactly with its adjacent tiles. All tiles have this border, and the border lines up exactly
+when the tiles are both oriented correctly. Tiles at the edge of the image also have this border,
+but the outermost edges won't line up with any other tiles.
+For example, suppose you have the following nine tiles:
+Tile 2311:
+Tile 1951:
+Tile 1171:
+Tile 1427:
+Tile 1489:
+Tile 2473:
+Tile 2971:
+Tile 2729:
+Tile 3079:
+By rotating, flipping, and rearranging them, you can find a square arrangement that causes all
+adjacent borders to line up:
+#...##.#.. ..###..### #.#.#####.
+..#.#..#.# ###...#.#. .#..######
+.###....#. ..#....#.. ..#.......
+###.##.##. .#.#.#..## ######....
+.###.##### ##...#.### ####.#..#.
+.##.#....# ##.##.###. .#...#.##.
+#...###### ####.#...# #.#####.##
+.....#..## #...##..#. ..#.###...
+#.####...# ##..#..... ..#.......
+#.##...##. ..##.#..#. ..#.###...
+#.##...##. ..##.#..#. ..#.###...
+##..#.##.. ..#..###.# ##.##....#
+##.####... .#.####.#. ..#.###..#
+####.#.#.. ...#.##### ###.#..###
+.#.####... ...##..##. .######.##
+.##..##.#. ....#...## #.#.#.#...
+....#..#.# #.#.#.##.# #.###.###.
+..#.#..... .#.##.#..# #.###.##..
+####.#.... .#..#.##.. .######...
+...#.#.#.# ###.##.#.. .##...####
+...#.#.#.# ###.##.#.. .##...####
+..#.#.###. ..##.##.## #..#.##..#
+..####.### ##.#...##. .#.#..#.##
+#..#.#..#. ...#.#.#.. .####.###.
+.#..####.# #..#.#.#.# ####.###..
+.#####..## #####...#. .##....##.
+##.##..#.. ..#...#... .####...#.
+#.#.###... .##..##... .####.##.#
+#...###... ..##...#.. ...#..####
+..#.#....# ##.#.#.... ...##.....
+For reference, the IDs of the above tiles are:
+[1m[37m1951[0m 2311 [1m[37m3079[0m
+2729 1427 2473
+[1m[37m2971[0m 1489 [1m[37m1171[0m
+To check that you've assembled the image correctly, multiply the IDs of the four corner tiles
+together. If you do this with the assembled tiles from the example above, you get 1951 * 3079 * 2971
+* 1171 = [1m[37m20899048083289[0m.
+Assemble the tiles into an image. [1m[37mWhat do you get if you multiply together the IDs of the
+four corner tiles?[0m
diff --git a/src/day20/part2 b/src/day20/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Now, you're ready to [1m[37mcheck the image for sea monsters[0m.
+The borders of each tile are not part of the actual image; start by removing them.
+In the example above, the tiles become:
+.#.#..#. ##...#.# #..#####
+###....# .#....#. .#......
+##.##.## #.#.#..# #####...
+###.#### #...#.## ###.#..#
+##.#.... #.##.### #...#.##
+...##### ###.#... .#####.#
+....#..# ...##..# .#.###..
+.####... #..#.... .#......
+#..#.##. .#..###. #.##....
+#.####.. #.####.# .#.###..
+###.#.#. ..#.#### ##.#..##
+#.####.. ..##..## ######.#
+##..##.# ...#...# .#.#.#..
+...#..#. .#.#.##. .###.###
+.#.#.... #.##.#.. .###.##.
+###.#... #..#.##. ######..
+.#.#.### .##.##.# ..#.##..
+.####.## #.#...## #.#..#.#
+..#.#..# ..#.#.#. ####.###
+#..####. ..#.#.#. ###.###.
+#####..# ####...# ##....##
+#.##..#. .#...#.. ####...#
+.#.###.. ##..##.. ####.##.
+...###.. .##...#. ..#..###
+Remove the gaps to form the actual image:
+Now, you're ready to search for sea monsters! Because your image is monochrome, a sea monster will
+look like this:
+ #
+# ## ## ###
+ # # # # # #
+When looking for this pattern in the image, [1m[37mthe spaces can be anything[0m; only the # need
+to match. Also, you might need to rotate or flip your image before it's oriented correctly to find
+sea monsters. In the above image, [1m[37mafter flipping and rotating it[0m to the appropriate
+orientation, there are [1m[37mtwo[0m sea monsters (marked with [1m[37mO[0m):
+Determine how rough the waters are in the sea monsters' habitat by counting the number of # that are
+[1m[37mnot[0m part of a sea monster. In the above example, the habitat's water roughness is
+[1m[37mHow many # are not part of a sea monster?[0m