commit aca639afe8c435f45ccc1864c42236252646fff9
parent e7b97f2edf17990be192d95ed42b2431b3060249
Author: Louis Burda <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 19:04:22 +0200
add service overview slides
12 files changed, 884 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/documentation/slides/.gitignore b/documentation/slides/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/documentation/slides/index.html b/documentation/slides/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
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+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-2">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="stldoctor-">STLDoctor 💉</h1>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-3">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="the-plan-">The Plan 💡</h3>
+<!-- Familiar with C and wondered about non-standard
+ buffer-/integer overflow C bugs -->
+<!-- Plaintext file inspection service -->
+<!-- Interesting and realisitic bugs -->
+<!-- Written in C -->
+<!-- Have to combine 'gadgets' for exploit, but
+ as a logic bug, not RCE -->
+<li>Plaintext service</li>
+<li>Interesting C bugs</li>
+<li>Exploit logic bugs, not RCE</li>
+<li>Learn about the STL format</li>
+<p><img style="width: 240px !important; transform: rotate(90deg); height: 240px; position:absolute; top:150px; right:70px;" src=""></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-4">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="setup-">Setup 🔧</h3>
+<li>C binary that communicates via <code>stdin</code> and <code>stdout</code></li>
+<li>Networking abstracted through hosting with <code>socat</code></li>
+<li>File system backend with periodic clean up</li>
+<p><img src="media/socat.gif" alt="socat"></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-5">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="functionality-">Functionality 🎮</h3>
+<!-- file system backend separates user accounts and stl files location for non-guests -->
+<!-- guest account files can be downloaded by knowing their modelname,
+ premium account files can only be downloaded by authenticated users -->
+<li>Users can upload and search for files</li>
+<li>Register to upload private files</li>
+<li>Uploaded files are analyzed and information is returned to the user</li>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden -" id="slide-6">
+ <section class="slide-content"><!-- Sample interaction demonstrating how you would retrieve a file you uploaded -->
+<p><img src="media/search.gif" alt="FileSearch"></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-7">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="1-vuln-">1. Vuln 💉</h3>
+<li>Flags are stored in the solidname of the STL</li>
+<li>Bug in upload info file parsing allows attacker to retrieve any public file</li>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-8">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="2-vuln-">2. Vuln 💉</h3>
+<li>Flags are stored in the solidname of a private file</li>
+<li>Buffer overflow in hash function allows enumeration of private user hashes</li>
+<li>Generate preimages of weak hash function to login as users</li>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-9">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="goals-met-">Goals Met 🎉</h3>
+<!-- dont need to be an expert at fancy exploitation to exploit,
+ just basic knowledge of C and testing code snippets to see
+ if they do what you expect them to in different cases -->
+<p>⭐ Plaintext file inspection service <br>
+⭐ Interesting and realisitic bugs <br>
+⭐ Combine different gadgets for exploit <br>
+⭐ Don't need to be an expert at fancy ROP <br>
+⭐ No SLA lost in TestCTF <br>
+⭐ Written in C</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-10">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="issues-">Issues 📉</h3>
+<!-- Currently, the exploits dont require you to understand the
+ STL file format, however, to make sure that the service
+ is working correctly, you need to inspect the code -->
+<!-- Still considering encoding of flags as STL, but want to
+ avoid -->
+<p>💥 Exploits not directly related to STL format <br>
+💥 (Eno)checker has memory leaks</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-11">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="lesssons-learned">Lesssons Learned</h3>
+<!-- from the feedback I gathered, that not a lot of people write C code
+ often, but this also means it is a great opportunity for learning
+ something new. -->
+<li>Many exploits are not suited for A/D ctfs</li>
+<li>How to write a FSM format parser</li>
+<li>Be careful with casts in C</li>
+<li>People just <em>love</em> C services 🤡</li>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-12">
+ <section class="slide-content"></section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-13">
+ <section class="slide-content"></section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-14">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="exploit-1">Exploit 1</h1>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-15">
+ <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="media/exploit-1-1.png" alt="exploit-1-1"></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-16">
+ <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="media/exploit-1-2.png" alt="exploit-1-2"></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-17">
+ <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="media/exploit-1-3.png" alt="exploit-1-3"></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-18">
+ <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="media/exploit-1-4.png" alt="exploit-1-4"></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-19">
+ <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="media/exploit-1-5.png" alt="exploit-1-5"></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-20">
+ <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="exploit-2">Exploit 2</h1>
+ </div>
+ <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-21">
+ <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="media/exploit-2-1.png" alt="exploit-2-1"></p>
+ // var slide_headers = document.querySelectorAll(".slide-content > h3");
+ // for (var i = 0; i < slide_headers.length; i++) {
+ // var img = document.createElement('img')
+ // img.src = "logo.png";
+ // = "height: 2.4ex; padding-right: 10px; float:right";
+ // slide_headers[i].append(img);
+ // }
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+ * If n is negative, we will navigate in reverse
+ */
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+ */
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+ = percent.toString() + '%';
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+ * Removes tabindex property from all links on the current slide, sets
+ * tabindex = -1 for all links on other slides. Prevents slides from appearing
+ * out of control.
+ */
+function updateTabIndex() {
+ var allLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.slide a');
+ var position = currentPosition();
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+ */
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+ * Toggle fullScreen mode on document element.
+ * Works on chrome (>= 15), firefox (>= 9), ie (>= 11), opera(>= 12.1), safari (>= 5).
+ */
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+ document.querySelector('.prev').onclick = function (e) {
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+ </script>
diff --git a/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-1.png b/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-1.png
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-2.png b/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-2.png
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-3.png b/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-3.png
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-4.png b/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-4.png
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-5.png b/documentation/slides/media/exploit-1-5.png
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/documentation/slides/media/exploit-2-1.png b/documentation/slides/media/exploit-2-1.png
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/documentation/slides/media/search.gif b/documentation/slides/media/search.gif
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/documentation/slides/media/socat.gif b/documentation/slides/media/socat.gif
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/documentation/slides/ b/documentation/slides/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+title: STLDoctor
+output: index.html
+controls: false
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+ font-size: 16pt;
+ position: absolute;
+ color: gray;
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+ right: 0px;
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+ padding: 7px 0px;
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+ width: 100%;
+# STLDoctor 💉
+### The Plan 💡
+<!-- Familiar with C and wondered about non-standard
+ buffer-/integer overflow C bugs -->
+<!-- Plaintext file inspection service -->
+<!-- Interesting and realisitic bugs -->
+<!-- Written in C -->
+<!-- Have to combine 'gadgets' for exploit, but
+ as a logic bug, not RCE -->
+- Plaintext service
+- Interesting C bugs
+- Exploit logic bugs, not RCE
+- Learn about the STL format
+<img style="width: 240px !important; transform: rotate(90deg); height: 240px; position:absolute; top:150px; right:70px;" src="">
+### Setup 🔧
+- C binary that communicates via `stdin` and `stdout`
+- Networking abstracted through hosting with `socat`
+- File system backend with periodic clean up
+### Functionality 🎮
+<!-- file system backend separates user accounts and stl files location for non-guests -->
+<!-- guest account files can be downloaded by knowing their modelname,
+ premium account files can only be downloaded by authenticated users -->
+- Users can upload and search for files
+- Register to upload private files
+- Uploaded files are analyzed and information is returned to the user
+<!-- Sample interaction demonstrating how you would retrieve a file you uploaded -->
+### 1. Vuln 💉
+- Flags are stored in the solidname of the STL
+- Bug in upload info file parsing allows attacker to retrieve any public file
+### 2. Vuln 💉
+- Flags are stored in the solidname of a private file
+- Buffer overflow in hash function allows enumeration of private user hashes
+- Generate preimages of weak hash function to login as users
+### Goals Met 🎉
+<!-- dont need to be an expert at fancy exploitation to exploit,
+ just basic knowledge of C and testing code snippets to see
+ if they do what you expect them to in different cases -->
+⭐ Plaintext file inspection service <br>
+⭐ Interesting and realisitic bugs <br>
+⭐ Combine different gadgets for exploit <br>
+⭐ Don't need to be an expert at fancy ROP <br>
+⭐ No SLA lost in TestCTF <br>
+⭐ Written in C
+### Issues 📉
+<!-- Currently, the exploits dont require you to understand the
+ STL file format, however, to make sure that the service
+ is working correctly, you need to inspect the code -->
+<!-- Still considering encoding of flags as STL, but want to
+ avoid -->
+💥 Exploits not directly related to STL format <br>
+💥 (Eno)checker has memory leaks
+### Lesssons Learned
+<!-- from the feedback I gathered, that not a lot of people write C code
+ often, but this also means it is a great opportunity for learning
+ something new. -->
+- Many exploits are not suited for A/D ctfs
+- How to write a FSM format parser
+- Be careful with casts in C
+- People just *love* C services 🤡
+# Exploit 1
+# Exploit 2
+ // var slide_headers = document.querySelectorAll(".slide-content > h3");
+ // for (var i = 0; i < slide_headers.length; i++) {
+ // var img = document.createElement('img')
+ // img.src = "logo.png";
+ // = "height: 2.4ex; padding-right: 10px; float:right";
+ // slide_headers[i].append(img);
+ // }
diff --git a/documentation/slides/stldoctor.pdf b/documentation/slides/stldoctor.pdf
Binary files differ.