commit 277e5d08e28b5fcab8b019f66211883d976efbad
parent 73b29dfa9d07c37e8d4db2136cd73fdd9f0650b8
Author: Louis Burda <>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2023 16:16:42 -0400
Add helper to check solutions and reorder to new layout
151 files changed, 6266 insertions(+), 2977 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/1/input.txt b/01/input
diff --git a/01/part1 b/01/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+--- Day 1: Chronal Calibration ---
+"We've detected some temporal anomalies," one of Santa's Elves at the Temporal Anomaly Research and
+Detection Instrument Station tells you. She sounded pretty worried when she called you down here.
+"At 500-year intervals into the past, someone has been changing Santa's history!"
+"The good news is that the changes won't propagate to our time stream for another 25 days, and we
+have a device" - she attaches something to your wrist - "that will let you fix the changes with no
+such propagation delay. It's configured to send you 500 years further into the past every few days;
+that was the best we could do on such short notice."
+"The bad news is that we are detecting roughly fifty anomalies throughout time; the device will
+indicate fixed anomalies with stars. The other bad news is that we only have one device and you're
+the best person for the job! Good lu--" She taps a button on the device and you suddenly feel like
+you're falling. To save Christmas, you need to get all fifty stars by December 25th.
+Collect stars by solving puzzles. Two puzzles will be made available on each day in the Advent
+calendar; the second puzzle is unlocked when you complete the first. Each puzzle grants one star.
+Good luck!
+After feeling like you've been falling for a few minutes, you look at the device's tiny screen.
+"Error: Device must be calibrated before first use. Frequency drift detected. Cannot maintain
+destination lock." Below the message, the device shows a sequence of changes in frequency (your
+puzzle input). A value like +6 means the current frequency increases by 6; a value like -3 means the
+current frequency decreases by 3.
+For example, if the device displays frequency changes of +1, -2, +3, +1, then starting from a
+frequency of zero, the following changes would occur:
+ - Current frequency 0, change of +1; resulting frequency 1.
+ - Current frequency 1, change of -2; resulting frequency -1.
+ - Current frequency -1, change of +3; resulting frequency 2.
+ - Current frequency 2, change of +1; resulting frequency 3.
+In this example, the resulting frequency is 3.
+Here are other example situations:
+ - +1, +1, +1 results in 3
+ - +1, +1, -2 results in 0
+ - -1, -2, -3 results in -6
+Starting with a frequency of zero, what is the resulting frequency after all of the changes in
+frequency have been applied?
diff --git a/01/part2 b/01/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+You notice that the device repeats the same frequency change list over and over. To calibrate the
+device, you need to find the first frequency it reaches twice.
+For example, using the same list of changes above, the device would loop as follows:
+ - Current frequency 0, change of +1; resulting frequency 1.
+ - Current frequency 1, change of -2; resulting frequency -1.
+ - Current frequency -1, change of +3; resulting frequency 2.
+ - Current frequency 2, change of +1; resulting frequency 3.
+ - (At this point, the device continues from the start of the list.)
+ - Current frequency 3, change of +1; resulting frequency 4.
+ - Current frequency 4, change of -2; resulting frequency 2, which has already been seen.
+In this example, the first frequency reached twice is 2. Note that your device might need to repeat
+its list of frequency changes many times before a duplicate frequency is found, and that duplicates
+might be found while in the middle of processing the list.
+Here are other examples:
+ - +1, -1 first reaches 0 twice.
+ - +3, +3, +4, -2, -4 first reaches 10 twice.
+ - -6, +3, +8, +5, -6 first reaches 5 twice.
+ - +7, +7, -2, -7, -4 first reaches 14 twice.
+What is the first frequency your device reaches twice?
diff --git a/01/ b/01/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data = [int(l) for l in"\n")]
+def solve1(args):
+ return sum(data)
+def solve2(args):
+ totshift = 0
+ fvals = list()
+ for c in data:
+ fvals.append(totshift)
+ totshift += c
+ aoc.debug("total shift: " + str(totshift))
+ doubles = list()
+ if totshift == 0:
+ doubles.append([len(data), 0])
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(fvals):
+ for j in range(len(fvals)):
+ if i == j:
+ continue
+ dif = fvals[j] - fvals[i]
+ if dif % totshift == 0:
+ inds = list([i, j])
+ if j > i:
+ inds = inds[::-1]
+ if totshift > 0: #ends on c
+ if fvals[inds[0]] > fvals[inds[1]]:
+ inds = inds[::-1]
+ else:
+ if fvals[inds[0]] < fvals[inds[1]]:
+ inds = inds[::-1]
+ pos = (abs(dif) // totshift) * len(data) + inds[0]
+ doubles.append([pos, fvals[inds[1]]])
+ i += 1
+ assert(len(doubles) != 0)
+ return min(doubles, key = lambda x: x[0])[1]
+, solve2, sols=[411, 56360])
diff --git a/src/2/input.txt b/02/input
diff --git a/02/part1 b/02/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+--- Day 2: Inventory Management System ---
+You stop falling through time, catch your breath, and check the screen on the device. "Destination
+reached. Current Year: 1518. Current Location: North Pole Utility Closet 83N10." You made it! Now,
+to find those anomalies.
+Outside the utility closet, you hear footsteps and a voice. "...I'm not sure either. But now that so
+many people have chimneys, maybe he could sneak in that way?" Another voice responds, "Actually,
+we've been working on a new kind of suit that would let him fit through tight spaces like that. But,
+I heard that a few days ago, they lost the prototype fabric, the design plans, everything! Nobody on
+the team can even seem to remember important details of the project!"
+"Wouldn't they have had enough fabric to fill several boxes in the warehouse? They'd be stored
+together, so the box IDs should be similar. Too bad it would take forever to search the warehouse
+for two similar box IDs..." They walk too far away to hear any more.
+Late at night, you sneak to the warehouse - who knows what kinds of paradoxes you could cause if you
+were discovered - and use your fancy wrist device to quickly scan every box and produce a list of
+the likely candidates (your puzzle input).
+To make sure you didn't miss any, you scan the likely candidate boxes again, counting the number
+that have an ID containing exactly two of any letter and then separately counting those with exactly
+three of any letter. You can multiply those two counts together to get a rudimentary checksum and
+compare it to what your device predicts.
+For example, if you see the following box IDs:
+ - abcdef contains no letters that appear exactly two or three times.
+ - bababc contains two a and three b, so it counts for both.
+ - abbcde contains two b, but no letter appears exactly three times.
+ - abcccd contains three c, but no letter appears exactly two times.
+ - aabcdd contains two a and two d, but it only counts once.
+ - abcdee contains two e.
+ - ababab contains three a and three b, but it only counts once.
+Of these box IDs, four of them contain a letter which appears exactly twice, and three of them
+contain a letter which appears exactly three times. Multiplying these together produces a checksum
+of 4 * 3 = 12.
+What is the checksum for your list of box IDs?
diff --git a/02/part2 b/02/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Confident that your list of box IDs is complete, you're ready to find the boxes full of prototype
+The boxes will have IDs which differ by exactly one character at the same position in both strings.
+For example, given the following box IDs:
+The IDs abcde and axcye are close, but they differ by two characters (the second and fourth).
+However, the IDs fghij and fguij differ by exactly one character, the third (h and u). Those must be
+the correct boxes.
+What letters are common between the two correct box IDs? (In the example above, this is found by
+removing the differing character from either ID, producing fgij.)
diff --git a/02/ b/02/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data ="\n")
+def solve1(args):
+ doubles = 0
+ triples = 0
+ for s in data:
+ counts = list((0,) * 26)
+ for c in s:
+ counts[ord(c[0])-97] += 1
+ if 2 in counts:
+ doubles += 1
+ if 3 in counts:
+ triples += 1
+ return doubles * triples
+def compare(s1, s2):
+ dif = 0
+ same = list()
+ for i in range(len(s1)):
+ if s1[i] != s2[i]:
+ dif += 1
+ else:
+ same.append(s1[i])
+ return (dif, same)
+def solve2(args):
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ for j in range(i, len(data)):
+ if i == j:
+ continue
+ res = compare(data[i], data[j])
+ if res[0] == 1:
+ return "".join(res[1])
+, solve2, sols=[3952, "vtnikorkulbfejvyznqgdxpaw"])
diff --git a/src/3/input.txt b/03/input
diff --git a/03/part1 b/03/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+--- Day 3: No Matter How You Slice It ---
+The Elves managed to locate the chimney-squeeze prototype fabric for Santa's suit (thanks to someone
+who helpfully wrote its box IDs on the wall of the warehouse in the middle of the night).
+Unfortunately, anomalies are still affecting them - nobody can even agree on how to cut the fabric.
+The whole piece of fabric they're working on is a very large square - at least 1000 inches on each
+Each Elf has made a claim about which area of fabric would be ideal for Santa's suit. All claims
+have an ID and consist of a single rectangle with edges parallel to the edges of the fabric. Each
+claim's rectangle is defined as follows:
+ - The number of inches between the left edge of the fabric and the left edge of the rectangle.
+ - The number of inches between the top edge of the fabric and the top edge of the rectangle.
+ - The width of the rectangle in inches.
+ - The height of the rectangle in inches.
+A claim like #123 @ 3,2: 5x4 means that claim ID 123 specifies a rectangle 3 inches from the left
+edge, 2 inches from the top edge, 5 inches wide, and 4 inches tall. Visually, it claims the square
+inches of fabric represented by # (and ignores the square inches of fabric represented by .) in the
+diagram below:
+The problem is that many of the claims overlap, causing two or more claims to cover part of the same
+areas. For example, consider the following claims:
+#1 @ 1,3: 4x4
+#2 @ 3,1: 4x4
+#3 @ 5,5: 2x2
+Visually, these claim the following areas:
+The four square inches marked with X are claimed by both 1 and 2. (Claim 3, while adjacent to the
+others, does not overlap either of them.)
+If the Elves all proceed with their own plans, none of them will have enough fabric. How many square
+inches of fabric are within two or more claims?
diff --git a/03/part2 b/03/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Amidst the chaos, you notice that exactly one claim doesn't overlap by even a single square inch of
+fabric with any other claim. If you can somehow draw attention to it, maybe the Elves will be able
+to make Santa's suit after all!
+For example, in the claims above, only claim 3 is intact after all claims are made.
+What is the ID of the only claim that doesn't overlap?
diff --git a/03/ b/03/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data ="\n")
+#data = "#1 @ 1,3: 4x4","#2 @ 3,1: 4x4","#3 @ 5,5: 2x2"
+def parse_rect(l):
+ split = l.split("@")
+ id = int(split[0].replace("#",""))
+ split = split[1].split(":")
+ pos = [int(x) for x in split[0].split(",")]
+ size = [int(x) for x in split[1].split("x")]
+ return pos, size, id
+def create_map():
+ global rectdata
+ rectdata = [parse_rect(l) for l in data]
+ msize = list([0,0])
+ for i in range(len(rectdata)):
+ r = rectdata[i]
+ xm = r[0][0] + r[1][0]
+ ym = r[0][1] + r[1][1]
+ if i == 0 or xm > msize[0]:
+ msize[0] = xm
+ if i == 0 or ym > msize[1]:
+ msize[1] = ym
+ map = [[list() for y in range(msize[1])] for x in range(msize[0])]
+ for r in rectdata:
+ sx = r[0][0]
+ sy = r[0][1]
+ for x in range(sx, sx + r[1][0]):
+ for y in range(sy, sy + r[1][1]):
+ map[x][y].append(r[2])
+ return map
+def solve1(args):
+ map = create_map()
+ overlap = 0
+ for x in range(len(map)):
+ for y in range(len(map[0])):
+ if len(map[x][y]) > 1:
+ overlap += 1
+ return overlap
+def solve2(args):
+ map = create_map()
+ overlap = set()
+ for x in range(len(map)):
+ for y in range(len(map[0])):
+ if len(map[x][y]) > 1:
+ for id in map[x][y]:
+ overlap.add(id)
+ for i in range(1, len(rectdata)):
+ if i not in overlap:
+ return i
+, solve2, sols=[114946, 877])
diff --git a/src/4/input.txt b/04/input
diff --git a/04/part1 b/04/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+--- Day 4: Repose Record ---
+You've sneaked into another supply closet - this time, it's across from the prototype suit
+manufacturing lab. You need to sneak inside and fix the issues with the suit, but there's a guard
+stationed outside the lab, so this is as close as you can safely get.
+As you search the closet for anything that might help, you discover that you're not the first person
+to want to sneak in. Covering the walls, someone has spent an hour starting every midnight for the
+past few months secretly observing this guard post! They've been writing down the ID of the one
+guard on duty that night - the Elves seem to have decided that one guard was enough for the
+overnight shift - as well as when they fall asleep or wake up while at their post (your puzzle
+For example, consider the following records, which have already been organized into chronological
+[1518-11-01 00:00] Guard #10 begins shift
+[1518-11-01 00:05] falls asleep
+[1518-11-01 00:25] wakes up
+[1518-11-01 00:30] falls asleep
+[1518-11-01 00:55] wakes up
+[1518-11-01 23:58] Guard #99 begins shift
+[1518-11-02 00:40] falls asleep
+[1518-11-02 00:50] wakes up
+[1518-11-03 00:05] Guard #10 begins shift
+[1518-11-03 00:24] falls asleep
+[1518-11-03 00:29] wakes up
+[1518-11-04 00:02] Guard #99 begins shift
+[1518-11-04 00:36] falls asleep
+[1518-11-04 00:46] wakes up
+[1518-11-05 00:03] Guard #99 begins shift
+[1518-11-05 00:45] falls asleep
+[1518-11-05 00:55] wakes up
+Timestamps are written using year-month-day hour:minute format. The guard falling asleep or waking
+up is always the one whose shift most recently started. Because all asleep/awake times are during
+the midnight hour (00:00 - 00:59), only the minute portion (00 - 59) is relevant for those events.
+Visually, these records show that the guards are asleep at these times:
+Date ID Minute
+ 000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555
+ 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
+11-01 #10 .....####################.....#########################.....
+11-02 #99 ........................................##########..........
+11-03 #10 ........................#####...............................
+11-04 #99 ....................................##########..............
+11-05 #99 .............................................##########.....
+The columns are Date, which shows the month-day portion of the relevant day; ID, which shows the
+guard on duty that day; and Minute, which shows the minutes during which the guard was asleep within
+the midnight hour. (The Minute column's header shows the minute's ten's digit in the first row and
+the one's digit in the second row.) Awake is shown as ., and asleep is shown as #.
+Note that guards count as asleep on the minute they fall asleep, and they count as awake on the
+minute they wake up. For example, because Guard #10 wakes up at 00:25 on 1518-11-01, minute 25 is
+marked as awake.
+If you can figure out the guard most likely to be asleep at a specific time, you might be able to
+trick that guard into working tonight so you can have the best chance of sneaking in. You have two
+strategies for choosing the best guard/minute combination.
+Strategy 1: Find the guard that has the most minutes asleep. What minute does that guard spend
+asleep the most?
+In the example above, Guard #10 spent the most minutes asleep, a total of 50 minutes (20+25+5),
+while Guard #99 only slept for a total of 30 minutes (10+10+10). Guard #10 was asleep most during
+minute 24 (on two days, whereas any other minute the guard was asleep was only seen on one day).
+While this example listed the entries in chronological order, your entries are in the order you
+found them. You'll need to organize them before they can be analyzed.
+What is the ID of the guard you chose multiplied by the minute you chose? (In the above example, the
+answer would be 10 * 24 = 240.)
diff --git a/04/part2 b/04/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Strategy 2: Of all guards, which guard is most frequently asleep on the same minute?
+In the example above, Guard #99 spent minute 45 asleep more than any other guard or minute - three
+times in total. (In all other cases, any guard spent any minute asleep at most twice.)
+What is the ID of the guard you chose multiplied by the minute you chose? (In the above example, the
+answer would be 99 * 45 = 4455.)
diff --git a/04/ b/04/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data ="\n")
+def parse_entry(l):
+ split = l.split(" ")
+ date = " ".join(split[:2])
+ time = int(split[1].split(":")[1].replace("]",""))
+ if split[2] == "Guard":
+ awake = None
+ id = int(split[3].replace("#",""))
+ else:
+ id = 0
+ awake = (True if split[2] == "wakes" else False)
+ return time, id, awake, date
+class guard:
+ def __init__(self, _id):
+ self.shifts = list()
+ = _id
+ self.awake = None
+def gen_shiftmap():
+ shiftdata = [parse_entry(l) for l in data]
+ shiftdata = sorted(shiftdata, key=lambda x: x[3]) # sort by date
+ shiftmap = dict()
+ ltime = shiftdata[0][0]
+ cgid = shiftdata[0][1]
+ for i in range(len(shiftdata)):
+ entry = shiftdata[i]
+ ctime = entry[0]
+ gid = entry[1]
+ cawake = entry[2]
+ if gid != 0:
+ if gid not in shiftmap:
+ shiftmap[gid] = guard(gid)
+ cgid = gid
+ else:
+ g = shiftmap[cgid]
+ if cawake:
+ if not g.awake:
+ shiftmap[cgid].shifts.append((ltime, ctime - ltime))
+ else:
+ ltime = ctime
+ g.awake = cawake
+ return shiftmap
+def solve1(args):
+ shiftmap = gen_shiftmap()
+ maxsleep = None
+ mg = None
+ for g in shiftmap.values():
+ minslept = 0
+ for t in g.shifts:
+ minslept += t[1]
+ if not maxsleep or minslept > maxsleep:
+ maxsleep = minslept
+ mg = g
+ timel = [0 for x in range(60)]
+ for t in mg.shifts:
+ for i in range(t[0], t[0] + t[1]):
+ timel[(i-1)%60] += 1
+ minute = timel.index(max(timel))+1
+ return minute *
+def solve2(args):
+ shiftmap = gen_shiftmap()
+ timetables = dict()
+ for g in shiftmap.values():
+ timetables[] = [0 for x in range(60)]
+ for t in g.shifts:
+ for i in range(t[0], t[0] + t[1]):
+ timetables[][i] += 1
+ mgid, mmin = max(((gid, i) for gid in timetables for i in range(60)),
+ key = lambda x: timetables[x[0]][x[1]])
+ return mgid * mmin
+, solve2, sols=[87681, 136461])
diff --git a/src/5/input.txt b/05/input
diff --git a/05/part1 b/05/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+--- Day 5: Alchemical Reduction ---
+You've managed to sneak in to the prototype suit manufacturing lab. The Elves are making decent
+progress, but are still struggling with the suit's size reduction capabilities.
+While the very latest in 1518 alchemical technology might have solved their problem eventually, you
+can do better. You scan the chemical composition of the suit's material and discover that it is
+formed by extremely long polymers (one of which is available as your puzzle input).
+The polymer is formed by smaller units which, when triggered, react with each other such that two
+adjacent units of the same type and opposite polarity are destroyed. Units' types are represented by
+letters; units' polarity is represented by capitalization. For instance, r and R are units with the
+same type but opposite polarity, whereas r and s are entirely different types and do not react.
+For example:
+ - In aA, a and A react, leaving nothing behind.
+ - In abBA, bB destroys itself, leaving aA. As above, this then destroys itself, leaving nothing.
+ - In abAB, no two adjacent units are of the same type, and so nothing happens.
+ - In aabAAB, even though aa and AA are of the same type, their polarities match, and so nothing
+Now, consider a larger example, dabAcCaCBAcCcaDA:
+dabAcCaCBAcCcaDA The first 'cC' is removed.
+dabAaCBAcCcaDA This creates 'Aa', which is removed.
+dabCBAcCcaDA Either 'cC' or 'Cc' are removed (the result is the same).
+dabCBAcaDA No further actions can be taken.
+After all possible reactions, the resulting polymer contains 10 units.
+How many units remain after fully reacting the polymer you scanned? (Note: in this puzzle and
+others, the input is large; if you copy/paste your input, make sure you get the whole thing.)
diff --git a/05/part2 b/05/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Time to improve the polymer.
+One of the unit types is causing problems; it's preventing the polymer from collapsing as much as it
+should. Your goal is to figure out which unit type is causing the most problems, remove all
+instances of it (regardless of polarity), fully react the remaining polymer, and measure its length.
+For example, again using the polymer dabAcCaCBAcCcaDA from above:
+ - Removing all A/a units produces dbcCCBcCcD. Fully reacting this polymer produces dbCBcD, which
+has length 6.
+ - Removing all B/b units produces daAcCaCAcCcaDA. Fully reacting this polymer produces daCAcaDA,
+which has length 8.
+ - Removing all C/c units produces dabAaBAaDA. Fully reacting this polymer produces daDA, which has
+length 4.
+ - Removing all D/d units produces abAcCaCBAcCcaA. Fully reacting this polymer produces abCBAc,
+which has length 6.
+In this example, removing all C/c units was best, producing the answer 4.
+What is the length of the shortest polymer you can produce by removing all units of exactly one type
+and fully reacting the result?
diff --git a/05/ b/05/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data =
+def react(s):
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(s)-1:
+ cs = "".join(s[i:i+2])
+ csl = cs.lower()
+ if csl[0] == csl[1] and cs[0] != cs[1]:
+ s.pop(i)
+ s.pop(i)
+ if i > 0:
+ i -= 1
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ return len(s)
+def solve1(args):
+ return react(list(data))
+def solve2(args):
+ react_wo = lambda x : react(list(data.replace(x, "").replace(x.upper(), "")))
+ alph = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ return min((react_wo(c) for c in alph))
+, solve2, sols=[11364, 4212])
diff --git a/src/6/input.txt b/06/input
diff --git a/06/part1 b/06/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+--- Day 6: Chronal Coordinates ---
+The device on your wrist beeps several times, and once again you feel like you're falling.
+"Situation critical," the device announces. "Destination indeterminate. Chronal interference
+detected. Please specify new target coordinates."
+The device then produces a list of coordinates (your puzzle input). Are they places it thinks are
+safe or dangerous? It recommends you check manual page 729. The Elves did not give you a manual.
+If they're dangerous, maybe you can minimize the danger by finding the coordinate that gives the
+largest distance from the other points.
+Using only the Manhattan distance, determine the area around each coordinate by counting the number
+of integer X,Y locations that are closest to that coordinate (and aren't tied in distance to any
+other coordinate).
+Your goal is to find the size of the largest area that isn't infinite. For example, consider the
+following list of coordinates:
+1, 1
+1, 6
+8, 3
+3, 4
+5, 5
+8, 9
+If we name these coordinates A through F, we can draw them on a grid, putting 0,0 at the top left:
+This view is partial - the actual grid extends infinitely in all directions. Using the Manhattan
+distance, each location's closest coordinate can be determined, shown here in lowercase:
+Locations shown as . are equally far from two or more coordinates, and so they don't count as being
+closest to any.
+In this example, the areas of coordinates A, B, C, and F are infinite - while not shown here, their
+areas extend forever outside the visible grid. However, the areas of coordinates D and E are finite:
+D is closest to 9 locations, and E is closest to 17 (both including the coordinate's location
+itself). Therefore, in this example, the size of the largest area is 17.
+What is the size of the largest area that isn't infinite?
diff --git a/06/part2 b/06/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+On the other hand, if the coordinates are safe, maybe the best you can do is try to find a region
+near as many coordinates as possible.
+For example, suppose you want the sum of the Manhattan distance to all of the coordinates to be less
+than 32. For each location, add up the distances to all of the given coordinates; if the total of
+those distances is less than 32, that location is within the desired region. Using the same
+coordinates as above, the resulting region looks like this:
+In particular, consider the highlighted location 4,3 located at the top middle of the region. Its
+calculation is as follows, where abs() is the absolute value function:
+ - Distance to coordinate A: abs(4-1) + abs(3-1) = 5
+ - Distance to coordinate B: abs(4-1) + abs(3-6) = 6
+ - Distance to coordinate C: abs(4-8) + abs(3-3) = 4
+ - Distance to coordinate D: abs(4-3) + abs(3-4) = 2
+ - Distance to coordinate E: abs(4-5) + abs(3-5) = 3
+ - Distance to coordinate F: abs(4-8) + abs(3-9) = 10
+ - Total distance: 5 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 10 = 30
+Because the total distance to all coordinates (30) is less than 32, the location is within the
+This region, which also includes coordinates D and E, has a total size of 16.
+Your actual region will need to be much larger than this example, though, instead including all
+locations with a total distance of less than 10000.
+What is the size of the region containing all locations which have a total distance to all given
+coordinates of less than 10000?
diff --git a/06/ b/06/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data = [[int(v) for v in l.split(",")] for l in"\n")]
+minx = min(data, key = lambda x: x[0])[0]
+maxx = max(data, key = lambda x: x[0])[0]
+miny = min(data, key = lambda x: x[1])[1]
+maxy = max(data, key = lambda x: x[1])[1]
+def closest(x, y):
+ mc = None
+ md = None
+ ad = None
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ c = data[i]
+ dist = abs(c[0] - x) + abs(c[1] - y)
+ if md == None or dist < md:
+ md = dist
+ mc = i
+ ad = None
+ elif dist == md:
+ ad = dist
+ return mc, ad
+def combined_dist(x, y):
+ dist = 0
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ c = data[i]
+ dist += abs(c[0] - x) + abs(c[1] - y)
+ return dist
+def solve1(args):
+ areas = dict()
+ for x in range(minx, maxx):
+ for y in range(miny, maxy):
+ mc, ad = closest(x, y)
+ if ad == None:
+ if mc not in areas:
+ areas[mc] = 1
+ else:
+ areas[mc] += 1
+ # remove outside points
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ c = data[i]
+ mc, ac = closest(minx, c[1])
+ if mc == i:
+ areas.pop(i)
+ continue
+ mc, ac = closest(maxx, c[1])
+ if mc == i:
+ areas.pop(i)
+ continue
+ mc, ac = closest(c[0], miny)
+ if mc == i:
+ areas.pop(i)
+ continue
+ mc, ac = closest(c[0], maxy)
+ if mc == i:
+ areas.pop(i)
+ continue
+ return max(areas.values())
+def solve2(args):
+ safezone = 0
+ for x in range(minx, maxx):
+ for y in range(miny, maxy):
+ dist = combined_dist(x,y)
+ if dist < 10000:
+ safezone += 1
+ return safezone
+, solve2, sols=[3276, 38380])
diff --git a/src/7/input.txt b/07/input
diff --git a/07/part1 b/07/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+--- Day 7: The Sum of Its Parts ---
+You find yourself standing on a snow-covered coastline; apparently, you landed a little off course.
+The region is too hilly to see the North Pole from here, but you do spot some Elves that seem to be
+trying to unpack something that washed ashore. It's quite cold out, so you decide to risk creating a
+paradox by asking them for directions.
+"Oh, are you the search party?" Somehow, you can understand whatever Elves from the year 1018 speak;
+you assume it's Ancient Nordic Elvish. Could the device on your wrist also be a translator? "Those
+clothes don't look very warm; take this." They hand you a heavy coat.
+"We do need to find our way back to the North Pole, but we have higher priorities at the moment. You
+see, believe it or not, this box contains something that will solve all of Santa's transportation
+problems - at least, that's what it looks like from the pictures in the instructions." It doesn't
+seem like they can read whatever language it's in, but you can: "Sleigh kit. Some assembly
+"'Sleigh'? What a wonderful name! You must help us assemble this 'sleigh' at once!" They start
+excitedly pulling more parts out of the box.
+The instructions specify a series of steps and requirements about which steps must be finished
+before others can begin (your puzzle input). Each step is designated by a single letter. For
+example, suppose you have the following instructions:
+Step C must be finished before step A can begin.
+Step C must be finished before step F can begin.
+Step A must be finished before step B can begin.
+Step A must be finished before step D can begin.
+Step B must be finished before step E can begin.
+Step D must be finished before step E can begin.
+Step F must be finished before step E can begin.
+Visually, these requirements look like this:
+ -->A--->B--
+ / \ \
+C -->D----->E
+ \ /
+ ---->F-----
+Your first goal is to determine the order in which the steps should be completed. If more than one
+step is ready, choose the step which is first alphabetically. In this example, the steps would be
+completed as follows:
+ - Only C is available, and so it is done first.
+ - Next, both A and F are available. A is first alphabetically, so it is done next.
+ - Then, even though F was available earlier, steps B and D are now also available, and B is the
+first alphabetically of the three.
+ - After that, only D and F are available. E is not available because only some of its prerequisites
+are complete. Therefore, D is completed next.
+ - F is the only choice, so it is done next.
+ - Finally, E is completed.
+So, in this example, the correct order is CABDFE.
+In what order should the steps in your instructions be completed?
diff --git a/07/part2 b/07/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+As you're about to begin construction, four of the Elves offer to help. "The sun will set soon;
+it'll go faster if we work together." Now, you need to account for multiple people working on steps
+simultaneously. If multiple steps are available, workers should still begin them in alphabetical
+Each step takes 60 seconds plus an amount corresponding to its letter: A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on. So,
+step A takes 60+1=61 seconds, while step Z takes 60+26=86 seconds. No time is required between
+To simplify things for the example, however, suppose you only have help from one Elf (a total of two
+workers) and that each step takes 60 fewer seconds (so that step A takes 1 second and step Z takes
+26 seconds). Then, using the same instructions as above, this is how each second would be spent:
+Second Worker 1 Worker 2 Done
+ 0 C .
+ 1 C .
+ 2 C .
+ 3 A F C
+ 4 B F CA
+ 5 B F CA
+ 6 D F CAB
+ 7 D F CAB
+ 8 D F CAB
+ 9 D . CABF
+ 10 E . CABFD
+ 11 E . CABFD
+ 12 E . CABFD
+ 13 E . CABFD
+ 14 E . CABFD
+ 15 . . CABFDE
+Each row represents one second of time. The Second column identifies how many seconds have passed
+as of the beginning of that second. Each worker column shows the step that worker is currently
+doing (or . if they are idle). The Done column shows completed steps.
+Note that the order of the steps has changed; this is because steps now take time to finish and
+multiple workers can begin multiple steps simultaneously.
+In this example, it would take 15 seconds for two workers to complete these steps.
+With 5 workers and the 60+ second step durations described above, how long will it take to complete
+all of the steps?
diff --git a/07/ b/07/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data ="\n")
+def remove_reqs(req, insts):
+ for res in insts:
+ if req in insts[res]:
+ insts[res].remove(req)
+def parse_entry(l):
+ split = l.split(" ")
+ firstl = split[1]
+ nextl = split[-3]
+ return firstl, nextl
+def gen_insts():
+ global data
+ data = [parse_entry(l) for l in data if len(l) != 0]
+ insts = dict()
+ for ins in data:
+ req = ins[0]
+ res = ins[1]
+ if res not in insts:
+ insts[res] = [ req ]
+ else:
+ insts[res].append(req)
+ values = list(insts.values())[:]
+ for reslist in values:
+ for res in reslist:
+ if res not in insts:
+ insts[res] = []
+ return insts
+def overlap(arr1, arr2):
+ for a1 in arr1:
+ if a1 in arr2:
+ return True
+ return False
+def checkfail(workers):
+ done = True
+ for w in workers:
+ if w[2]:
+ done = False
+ break
+ return done
+def solve1(args):
+ insts = gen_insts()
+ i = 0
+ plan = list()
+ while i < len(insts):
+ res = sorted(insts.keys())[i] # alphabetically
+ if len(insts[res]) == 0:
+ plan.append(res)
+ insts.pop(res, None)
+ remove_reqs(res, insts)
+ i = 0
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ return "".join(plan)
+def solve2(args):
+ insts = gen_insts()
+ # worker: (task, time, done)
+ workers = [["", 0, False] for x in range(5)]
+ time = -1
+ stop = False
+ while not stop:
+ time += 1
+ for i in range(len(workers)):
+ w = workers[i]
+ if time >= w[1]:
+ if w[2]:
+ remove_reqs(w[0], insts)
+ aoc.debug("end : " + str(i) + " - " + str((w[0], w[1])))
+ w[2] = False
+ if len(insts) == 0 and checkfail(workers):
+ stop = True
+ break
+ for i in range(len(workers)):
+ w = workers[i]
+ if time >= w[1]:
+ for res in sorted(insts.keys()):
+ if len(insts[res]) == 0:
+ wtime = time + ord(res)-65+1 + 60
+ aoc.debug("start : " + str(i) + " - " + str((res, time)))
+ w[:] = (res, wtime, True)
+ insts.pop(res, None)
+ break
+ return time
+, solve2, sols=["JNOIKSYABEQRUVWXGTZFDMHLPC", 1099])
diff --git a/src/8/input.txt b/08/input
diff --git a/08/part1 b/08/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+--- Day 8: Memory Maneuver ---
+The sleigh is much easier to pull than you'd expect for something its weight. Unfortunately, neither
+you nor the Elves know which way the North Pole is from here.
+You check your wrist device for anything that might help. It seems to have some kind of navigation
+system! Activating the navigation system produces more bad news: "Failed to start navigation
+system. Could not read software license file."
+The navigation system's license file consists of a list of numbers (your puzzle input). The numbers
+define a data structure which, when processed, produces some kind of tree that can be used to
+calculate the license number.
+The tree is made up of nodes; a single, outermost node forms the tree's root, and it contains all
+other nodes in the tree (or contains nodes that contain nodes, and so on).
+Specifically, a node consists of:
+ - A header, which is always exactly two numbers:
+ - The quantity of child nodes.
+ - The quantity of metadata entries.
+ - Zero or more child nodes (as specified in the header).
+ - One or more metadata entries (as specified in the header).
+Each child node is itself a node that has its own header, child nodes, and metadata. For example:
+2 3 0 3 10 11 12 1 1 0 1 99 2 1 1 2
+ B----------- C-----------
+ D-----
+In this example, each node of the tree is also marked with an underline starting with a letter for
+easier identification. In it, there are four nodes:
+ - A, which has 2 child nodes (B, C) and 3 metadata entries (1, 1, 2).
+ - B, which has 0 child nodes and 3 metadata entries (10, 11, 12).
+ - C, which has 1 child node (D) and 1 metadata entry (2).
+ - D, which has 0 child nodes and 1 metadata entry (99).
+The first check done on the license file is to simply add up all of the metadata entries. In this
+example, that sum is 1+1+2+10+11+12+2+99=138.
+What is the sum of all metadata entries?
diff --git a/08/part2 b/08/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+The second check is slightly more complicated: you need to find the value of the root node (A in the
+example above).
+The value of a node depends on whether it has child nodes.
+If a node has no child nodes, its value is the sum of its metadata entries. So, the value of node B
+is 10+11+12=33, and the value of node D is 99.
+However, if a node does have child nodes, the metadata entries become indexes which refer to those
+child nodes. A metadata entry of 1 refers to the first child node, 2 to the second, 3 to the third,
+and so on. The value of this node is the sum of the values of the child nodes referenced by the
+metadata entries. If a referenced child node does not exist, that reference is skipped. A child node
+can be referenced multiple time and counts each time it is referenced. A metadata entry of 0 does
+not refer to any child node.
+For example, again using the above nodes:
+ - Node C has one metadata entry, 2. Because node C has only one child node, 2 references a child
+node which does not exist, and so the value of node C is 0.
+ - Node A has three metadata entries: 1, 1, and 2. The 1 references node A's first child node, B,
+and the 2 references node A's second child node, C. Because node B has a value of 33 and node C has
+a value of 0, the value of node A is 33+33+0=66.
+So, in this example, the value of the root node is 66.
+What is the value of the root node?
diff --git a/08/ b/08/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data = [int(v) for v in" ")]
+def get_nodes(nsize, index):
+ nodes = list()
+ for i in range(nsize):
+ cnsize = data[index + 0]
+ mdsize = data[index + 1]
+ cnodes, index = get_nodes(cnsize, index + 2)
+ metadata = data[index:index + mdsize]
+ nodes.append([cnodes, metadata])
+ index = index + mdsize
+ return nodes, index
+def node_sum(nodes):
+ metadata = 0
+ for n in nodes:
+ metadata += sum(n[1]) + node_sum(n[0])
+ return metadata
+def nodeValue(n):
+ if len(n[0]) == 0:
+ return sum(n[1])
+ else:
+ value = 0
+ for i in range(len(n[1])):
+ ni = n[1][i]-1
+ if ni < len(n[0]):
+ value += nodeValue(n[0][ni])
+ return value
+def solve1(args):
+ nodes, index = get_nodes(1, 0)
+ return node_sum(nodes)
+def solve2(args):
+ nodes, index = get_nodes(1, 0)
+ return nodeValue(nodes[0])
+, solve2, sols=[36307, 25154])
diff --git a/src/9/input.txt b/09/input
diff --git a/09/part1 b/09/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+--- Day 9: Marble Mania ---
+You talk to the Elves while you wait for your navigation system to initialize. To pass the time,
+they introduce you to their favorite marble game.
+The Elves play this game by taking turns arranging the marbles in a circle according to very
+particular rules. The marbles are numbered starting with 0 and increasing by 1 until every marble
+has a number.
+First, the marble numbered 0 is placed in the circle. At this point, while it contains only a single
+marble, it is still a circle: the marble is both clockwise from itself and counter-clockwise from
+itself. This marble is designated the current marble.
+Then, each Elf takes a turn placing the lowest-numbered remaining marble into the circle between the
+marbles that are 1 and 2 marbles clockwise of the current marble. (When the circle is large enough,
+this means that there is one marble between the marble that was just placed and the current marble.)
+The marble that was just placed then becomes the current marble.
+However, if the marble that is about to be placed has a number which is a multiple of 23, something
+entirely different happens. First, the current player keeps the marble they would have placed,
+adding it to their score. In addition, the marble 7 marbles counter-clockwise from the current
+marble is removed from the circle and also added to the current player's score. The marble located
+immediately clockwise of the marble that was removed becomes the new current marble.
+For example, suppose there are 9 players. After the marble with value 0 is placed in the middle,
+each player (shown in square brackets) takes a turn. The result of each of those turns would produce
+circles of marbles like this, where clockwise is to the right and the resulting current marble is in
+[-] (0)
+[1] 0 (1)
+[2] 0 (2) 1
+[3] 0 2 1 (3)
+[4] 0 (4) 2 1 3
+[5] 0 4 2 (5) 1 3
+[6] 0 4 2 5 1 (6) 3
+[7] 0 4 2 5 1 6 3 (7)
+[8] 0 (8) 4 2 5 1 6 3 7
+[9] 0 8 4 (9) 2 5 1 6 3 7
+[1] 0 8 4 9 2(10) 5 1 6 3 7
+[2] 0 8 4 9 2 10 5(11) 1 6 3 7
+[3] 0 8 4 9 2 10 5 11 1(12) 6 3 7
+[4] 0 8 4 9 2 10 5 11 1 12 6(13) 3 7
+[5] 0 8 4 9 2 10 5 11 1 12 6 13 3(14) 7
+[6] 0 8 4 9 2 10 5 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7(15)
+[7] 0(16) 8 4 9 2 10 5 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+[8] 0 16 8(17) 4 9 2 10 5 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+[9] 0 16 8 17 4(18) 9 2 10 5 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+[1] 0 16 8 17 4 18 9(19) 2 10 5 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+[2] 0 16 8 17 4 18 9 19 2(20)10 5 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+[3] 0 16 8 17 4 18 9 19 2 20 10(21) 5 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+[4] 0 16 8 17 4 18 9 19 2 20 10 21 5(22)11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+[5] 0 16 8 17 4 18(19) 2 20 10 21 5 22 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+[6] 0 16 8 17 4 18 19 2(24)20 10 21 5 22 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+[7] 0 16 8 17 4 18 19 2 24 20(25)10 21 5 22 11 1 12 6 13 3 14 7 15
+The goal is to be the player with the highest score after the last marble is used up. Assuming the
+example above ends after the marble numbered 25, the winning score is 23+9=32 (because player 5 kept
+marble 23 and removed marble 9, while no other player got any points in this very short example
+Here are a few more examples:
+ - 10 players; last marble is worth 1618 points: high score is 8317
+ - 13 players; last marble is worth 7999 points: high score is 146373
+ - 17 players; last marble is worth 1104 points: high score is 2764
+ - 21 players; last marble is worth 6111 points: high score is 54718
+ - 30 players; last marble is worth 5807 points: high score is 37305
+What is the winning Elf's score?
diff --git a/09/part2 b/09/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Amused by the speed of your answer, the Elves are curious:
+What would the new winning Elf's score be if the number of the last marble were 100 times larger?
diff --git a/09/ b/09/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+from collections import deque
+words =" ")
+playercount = int(words[0])
+lastworth = int(words[6])
+def highscore(playercount, lastworth):
+ lastworth = lastworth - lastworth % 23
+ players = [0 for x in range(playercount)]
+ marbles = deque([0])
+ pos = 0
+ for i in range(1, lastworth+1):
+ if i % 23 == 0:
+ cp = (i-1) % playercount
+ players[cp] += i + marbles[(len(marbles) + pos - 7) % len(marbles)]
+ marbles.rotate((len(marbles) - 1 - pos) + 7)
+ marbles.pop()
+ pos = 0
+ else:
+ if i < 3:
+ pos = 1
+ marbles.rotate(1)
+ marbles.append(i)
+ else:
+ marbles.rotate((len(marbles)- 1 -pos) - 1)
+ marbles.append(i)
+ pos = len(marbles)-1
+ return max(players)
+def solve1(args):
+ return highscore(playercount, lastworth)
+def solve2(args):
+ return highscore(playercount, lastworth * 100)
+, solve2, sols=[412127, 3482394794])
diff --git a/src/10/input.txt b/10/input
diff --git a/10/part1 b/10/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+--- Day 10: The Stars Align ---
+It's no use; your navigation system simply isn't capable of providing walking directions in the
+arctic circle, and certainly not in 1018.
+The Elves suggest an alternative. In times like these, North Pole rescue operations will arrange
+points of light in the sky to guide missing Elves back to base. Unfortunately, the message is easy
+to miss: the points move slowly enough that it takes hours to align them, but have so much momentum
+that they only stay aligned for a second. If you blink at the wrong time, it might be hours before
+another message appears.
+You can see these points of light floating in the distance, and record their position in the sky and
+their velocity, the relative change in position per second (your puzzle input). The coordinates are
+all given from your perspective; given enough time, those positions and velocities will move the
+points into a cohesive message!
+Rather than wait, you decide to fast-forward the process and calculate what the points will
+eventually spell.
+For example, suppose you note the following points:
+position=< 9, 1> velocity=< 0, 2>
+position=< 7, 0> velocity=<-1, 0>
+position=< 3, -2> velocity=<-1, 1>
+position=< 6, 10> velocity=<-2, -1>
+position=< 2, -4> velocity=< 2, 2>
+position=<-6, 10> velocity=< 2, -2>
+position=< 1, 8> velocity=< 1, -1>
+position=< 1, 7> velocity=< 1, 0>
+position=<-3, 11> velocity=< 1, -2>
+position=< 7, 6> velocity=<-1, -1>
+position=<-2, 3> velocity=< 1, 0>
+position=<-4, 3> velocity=< 2, 0>
+position=<10, -3> velocity=<-1, 1>
+position=< 5, 11> velocity=< 1, -2>
+position=< 4, 7> velocity=< 0, -1>
+position=< 8, -2> velocity=< 0, 1>
+position=<15, 0> velocity=<-2, 0>
+position=< 1, 6> velocity=< 1, 0>
+position=< 8, 9> velocity=< 0, -1>
+position=< 3, 3> velocity=<-1, 1>
+position=< 0, 5> velocity=< 0, -1>
+position=<-2, 2> velocity=< 2, 0>
+position=< 5, -2> velocity=< 1, 2>
+position=< 1, 4> velocity=< 2, 1>
+position=<-2, 7> velocity=< 2, -2>
+position=< 3, 6> velocity=<-1, -1>
+position=< 5, 0> velocity=< 1, 0>
+position=<-6, 0> velocity=< 2, 0>
+position=< 5, 9> velocity=< 1, -2>
+position=<14, 7> velocity=<-2, 0>
+position=<-3, 6> velocity=< 2, -1>
+Each line represents one point. Positions are given as <X, Y> pairs: X represents how far left
+(negative) or right (positive) the point appears, while Y represents how far up (negative) or down
+(positive) the point appears.
+At 0 seconds, each point has the position given. Each second, each point's velocity is added to its
+position. So, a point with velocity <1, -2> is moving to the right, but is moving upward twice as
+quickly. If this point's initial position were <3, 9>, after 3 seconds, its position would become
+<6, 3>.
+Over time, the points listed above would move like this:
+After 1 second:
+After 2 seconds:
+After 3 seconds:
+After 4 seconds:
+After 3 seconds, the message appeared briefly: HI. Of course, your message will be much longer and
+will take many more seconds to appear.
+What message will eventually appear in the sky?
diff --git a/10/part2 b/10/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Good thing you didn't have to wait, because that would have taken a long time - much longer than the
+3 seconds in the example above.
+Impressed by your sub-hour communication capabilities, the Elves are curious: exactly how many
+seconds would they have needed to wait for that message to appear?
diff --git a/10/ b/10/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+def parse_line(l):
+ s = l.split(">")
+ vals = list()
+ for ss in s:
+ if len(ss) == 0:
+ continue
+ ss = ss.split("<",1)[1]
+ vals.append([int(x) for x in ss.split(",")])
+ return vals
+data = [parse_line(l) for l in"\n") if len(l) != 0]
+posdata = [x[0] for x in data]
+veldata = [x[1] for x in data]
+def check_adj(pi):
+ for p in posdata:
+ if abs(p[0] - pi[0]) + abs(p[1] - pi[1]) == 1:
+ return True
+ return False
+def check_data():
+ for p in posdata:
+ if not check_adj(p):
+ return False
+ return True
+def bounds():
+ minx = None
+ maxx = None
+ miny = None
+ maxy = None
+ for p in posdata:
+ if minx is None or p[0] < minx:
+ minx = p[0]
+ if maxx is None or p[0] > maxx:
+ maxx = p[0]
+ if miny is None or p[1] < miny:
+ miny = p[1]
+ if maxy is None or p[1] > maxy:
+ maxy = p[1]
+ return minx, maxx, miny, maxy
+def solve(part, args):
+ count = 0
+ distx = None
+ disty = None
+ while True:
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ posdata[i][0] += veldata[i][0]
+ posdata[i][1] += veldata[i][1]
+ count += 1
+ minx, maxx, miny, maxy = bounds()
+ if distx == None:
+ distx = maxx - minx
+ disty = maxy - miny
+ else:
+ cdistx = maxx - minx
+ cdisty = maxy - miny
+ if cdistx > distx or cdisty > disty:
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ posdata[i][0] -= veldata[i][0]
+ posdata[i][1] -= veldata[i][1]
+ count -= 1
+ break
+ else:
+ distx = cdistx
+ disty = cdisty
+ if count % 100 == 0:
+ aoc.debug("\r" + " " * 50, end="")
+ aoc.debug(f"\rcluster size: {distx}, {disty}", end="")
+ if part == 1:
+ return count
+ elif part == 2:
+ answer = ""
+ minx, maxx, miny, maxy = bounds()
+ for y in range(maxy - miny + 1):
+ f = lambda x: "#" if list([x + minx, y + miny]) in posdata else " "
+ answer += "".join([f(x) for x in range(maxx - minx + 1)]) + "\n"
+ print(repr(answer))
+ print(repr(sol2))
+ return answer
+ else:
+ assert(False)
+sol2 = """\
+# # ###### # ##### # # # # #### # #
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# # # # # # # # # # # # #
+## ##### # ##### ###### ## # ##
+## # # # # # # ## # ### ##
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# # # # # # # # # # # ## # #
+# # # ###### ##### # # # # ### # # #
+ args: solve(1, args), lambda args: solve(2, args), sols=[10659, sol2])
diff --git a/src/10/test-input.txt b/10/test-input.txt
diff --git a/src/11/input.txt b/11/input
diff --git a/11/part1 b/11/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+--- Day 11: Chronal Charge ---
+You watch the Elves and their sleigh fade into the distance as they head toward the North Pole.
+Actually, you're the one fading. The falling sensation returns.
+The low fuel warning light is illuminated on your wrist-mounted device. Tapping it once causes it to
+project a hologram of the situation: a 300x300 grid of fuel cells and their current power levels,
+some negative. You're not sure what negative power means in the context of time travel, but it can't
+be good.
+Each fuel cell has a coordinate ranging from 1 to 300 in both the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical)
+direction. In X,Y notation, the top-left cell is 1,1, and the top-right cell is 300,1.
+The interface lets you select any 3x3 square of fuel cells. To increase your chances of getting to
+your destination, you decide to choose the 3x3 square with the largest total power.
+The power level in a given fuel cell can be found through the following process:
+ - Find the fuel cell's rack ID, which is its X coordinate plus 10.
+ - Begin with a power level of the rack ID times the Y coordinate.
+ - Increase the power level by the value of the grid serial number (your puzzle input).
+ - Set the power level to itself multiplied by the rack ID.
+ - Keep only the hundreds digit of the power level (so 12345 becomes 3; numbers with no hundreds
+digit become 0).
+ - Subtract 5 from the power level.
+For example, to find the power level of the fuel cell at 3,5 in a grid with serial number 8:
+ - The rack ID is 3 + 10 = 13.
+ - The power level starts at 13 * 5 = 65.
+ - Adding the serial number produces 65 + 8 = 73.
+ - Multiplying by the rack ID produces 73 * 13 = 949.
+ - The hundreds digit of 949 is 9.
+ - Subtracting 5 produces 9 - 5 = 4.
+So, the power level of this fuel cell is 4.
+Here are some more example power levels:
+ - Fuel cell at 122,79, grid serial number 57: power level -5.
+ - Fuel cell at 217,196, grid serial number 39: power level 0.
+ - Fuel cell at 101,153, grid serial number 71: power level 4.
+Your goal is to find the 3x3 square which has the largest total power. The square must be entirely
+within the 300x300 grid. Identify this square using the X,Y coordinate of its top-left fuel cell.
+For example:
+For grid serial number 18, the largest total 3x3 square has a top-left corner of 33,45 (with a total
+power of 29); these fuel cells appear in the middle of this 5x5 region:
+-2 -4 4 4 4
+-4 4 4 4 -5
+ 4 3 3 4 -4
+ 1 1 2 4 -3
+-1 0 2 -5 -2
+For grid serial number 42, the largest 3x3 square's top-left is 21,61 (with a total power of 30);
+they are in the middle of this region:
+-3 4 2 2 2
+-4 4 3 3 4
+-5 3 3 4 -4
+ 4 3 3 4 -3
+ 3 3 3 -5 -1
+What is the X,Y coordinate of the top-left fuel cell of the 3x3 square with the largest total power?
diff --git a/11/part2 b/11/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+You discover a dial on the side of the device; it seems to let you select a square of any size, not
+just 3x3. Sizes from 1x1 to 300x300 are supported.
+Realizing this, you now must find the square of any size with the largest total power. Identify this
+square by including its size as a third parameter after the top-left coordinate: a 9x9 square with a
+top-left corner of 3,5 is identified as 3,5,9.
+For example:
+ - For grid serial number 18, the largest total square (with a total power of 113) is 16x16 and has
+a top-left corner of 90,269, so its identifier is 90,269,16.
+ - For grid serial number 42, the largest total square (with a total power of 119) is 12x12 and has
+a top-left corner of 232,251, so its identifier is 232,251,12.
+What is the X,Y,size identifier of the square with the largest total power?
diff --git a/11/ b/11/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+gridserial = int(
+# rack ID = x + 10
+# intial power = rackID * y
+# power += gridserial
+# power *= rackID
+# power = str(power)[2]
+# power -= 5
+def get_power(x,y):
+ id = x + 10
+ power = id * y
+ power += gridserial
+ power *= id
+ spower = str(power)
+ if len(spower) > 2:
+ power = int(spower[-3])
+ else:
+ power = 0
+ power -= 5
+ return power
+def solve1(args):
+ maxpower = None
+ coords = None
+ for x in range(300-2):
+ for y in range(300-2):
+ power = 0;
+ for i in range(3):
+ for j in range(3):
+ power += get_power(x+i,y+j)
+ if maxpower == None or power > maxpower:
+ maxpower = power
+ coords = (x, y)
+ return f"{coords[0]},{coords[1]}"
+def gen_map():
+ vmap = [[0 for y in range(300)] for x in range(300)]
+ for x in range(300):
+ for y in range(300):
+ vmap[x][y] = get_power(x,y)
+ return vmap
+def solve2(args):
+ maxpower = None
+ res = None
+ pmap = gen_map()
+ vmap = [[list() for y in range(300)] for x in range(300)]
+ for s in range(1, 301):
+ aoc.debug(f"\rTrying: {s}", end="")
+ cmaxpower = None
+ cres = None
+ for x in range(300-(s-1)):
+ for y in range(300-(s-1)):
+ vmap[x][y] += [pmap[x+(s-1)][y+i] for i in range(s)]
+ vmap[x][y] += [pmap[x+i][y+(s-1)] for i in range(s-1)]
+ power = sum(vmap[x][y]);
+ if cmaxpower == None or power > cmaxpower:
+ cmaxpower = power
+ cres = (x, y, s)
+ if maxpower == None or cmaxpower > maxpower:
+ maxpower = cmaxpower
+ res = cres
+ elif cmaxpower < maxpower:
+ break
+ aoc.debug("\r" + " " * 50 + "\r", end="")
+ return f"{res[0]},{res[1]},{res[2]}"
+, solve2, sols=["21,93", "231,108,14"])
diff --git a/src/12/input.txt b/12/input
diff --git a/12/part1 b/12/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+--- Day 12: Subterranean Sustainability ---
+The year 518 is significantly more underground than your history books implied. Either that, or
+you've arrived in a vast cavern network under the North Pole.
+After exploring a little, you discover a long tunnel that contains a row of small pots as far as you
+can see to your left and right. A few of them contain plants - someone is trying to grow things in
+these geothermally-heated caves.
+The pots are numbered, with 0 in front of you. To the left, the pots are numbered -1, -2, -3, and
+so on; to the right, 1, 2, 3.... Your puzzle input contains a list of pots from 0 to the right and
+whether they do (#) or do not (.) currently contain a plant, the initial state. (No other pots
+currently contain plants.) For example, an initial state of #..##.... indicates that pots 0, 3, and
+4 currently contain plants.
+Your puzzle input also contains some notes you find on a nearby table: someone has been trying to
+figure out how these plants spread to nearby pots. Based on the notes, for each generation of
+plants, a given pot has or does not have a plant based on whether that pot (and the two pots on
+either side of it) had a plant in the last generation. These are written as LLCRR => N, where L are
+pots to the left, C is the current pot being considered, R are the pots to the right, and N is
+whether the current pot will have a plant in the next generation. For example:
+ - A note like ..#.. => . means that a pot that contains a plant but with no plants within two pots
+of it will not have a plant in it during the next generation.
+ - A note like ##.## => . means that an empty pot with two plants on each side of it will remain
+empty in the next generation.
+ - A note like .##.# => # means that a pot has a plant in a given generation if, in the previous
+generation, there were plants in that pot, the one immediately to the left, and the one two pots to
+the right, but not in the ones immediately to the right and two to the left.
+It's not clear what these plants are for, but you're sure it's important, so you'd like to make sure
+the current configuration of plants is sustainable by determining what will happen after 20
+For example, given the following input:
+initial state: #..#.#..##......###...###
+...## => #
+..#.. => #
+.#... => #
+.#.#. => #
+.#.## => #
+.##.. => #
+.#### => #
+#.#.# => #
+#.### => #
+##.#. => #
+##.## => #
+###.. => #
+###.# => #
+####. => #
+For brevity, in this example, only the combinations which do produce a plant are listed. (Your input
+includes all possible combinations.) Then, the next 20 generations will look like this:
+ 1 2 3
+ 0 0 0 0
+ 0: ...#..#.#..##......###...###...........
+ 1: ...#...#....#.....#..#..#..#...........
+ 2: ...##..##...##....#..#..#..##..........
+ 3: ..#.#...#..#.#....#..#..#...#..........
+ 4: ...#.#..#...#.#...#..#..##..##.........
+ 5: ....#...##...#.#..#..#...#...#.........
+ 6: ....##.#.#....#...#..##..##..##........
+ 7: ...#..###.#...##..#...#...#...#........
+ 8: ...#....##.#.#.#..##..##..##..##.......
+ 9: ...##..#..#####....#...#...#...#.......
+10: ..#.#..#...#.##....##..##..##..##......
+11: ...#...##...#.#...#.#...#...#...#......
+12: ...##.#.#....#.#...#.#..##..##..##.....
+13: ..#..###.#....#.#...#....#...#...#.....
+14: ..#....##.#....#.#..##...##..##..##....
+15: ..##..#..#.#....#....#..#.#...#...#....
+16: .#.#..#...#.#...##...#...#.#..##..##...
+17: ..#...##...#.#.#.#...##...#....#...#...
+18: ..##.#.#....#####.#.#.#...##...##..##..
+19: .#..###.#..#.#.#######.#.#.#..#.#...#..
+20: .#....##....#####...#######....#.#..##.
+The generation is shown along the left, where 0 is the initial state. The pot numbers are shown
+along the top, where 0 labels the center pot, negative-numbered pots extend to the left, and
+positive pots extend toward the right. Remember, the initial state begins at pot 0, which is not the
+leftmost pot used in this example.
+After one generation, only seven plants remain. The one in pot 0 matched the rule looking for
+..#.., the one in pot 4 matched the rule looking for .#.#., pot 9 matched .##.., and so on.
+In this example, after 20 generations, the pots shown as # contain plants, the furthest left of
+which is pot -2, and the furthest right of which is pot 34. Adding up all the numbers of
+plant-containing pots after the 20th generation produces 325.
+After 20 generations, what is the sum of the numbers of all pots which contain a plant?
diff --git a/12/part2 b/12/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+You realize that 20 generations aren't enough. After all, these plants will need to last another
+1500 years to even reach your timeline, not to mention your future.
+After fifty billion (50000000000) generations, what is the sum of the numbers of all pots which
+contain a plant?
diff --git a/12/ b/12/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+lines ="\n")
+istate = lines[0].split(": ")[1]
+rules = [l.split(" => ") for l in lines[2:] if l != ""]
+rules = [r[0] for r in rules if r[1] == "#"]
+def next_gen(pots):
+ pmin = min(pots)
+ pmax = max(pots)
+ npots = list()
+ for i in range(pmin-4, pmax+1):
+ for r in rules:
+ match = True
+ for j in range(5):
+ if (r[j] == "#") != ((i+j) in pots):
+ match = False
+ break
+ if match:
+ npots.append(i+2)
+ break
+ return npots
+def get_pots():
+ pots = list()
+ for i in range(len(istate)):
+ if istate[i] == "#":
+ pots.append(i)
+ return pots
+def solve1(args):
+ pots = get_pots()
+ for i in range(20):
+ pots = next_gen(pots)
+ return sum(pots)
+def solve2(args):
+ pots = get_pots()
+ psum = sum(pots)
+ pdif = None
+ i = 0
+ while (True):
+ pots = next_gen(pots)
+ i += 1
+ csum = sum(pots)
+ if pdif == csum - psum:
+ return csum + pdif * (50000000000 - 164)
+ pdif = csum - psum
+ psum = csum
+, solve2, sols=[1987, 1150000000358])
diff --git a/src/13/input.txt b/13/input
diff --git a/13/part1 b/13/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+--- Day 13: Mine Cart Madness ---
+A crop of this size requires significant logistics to transport produce, soil, fertilizer, and so
+on. The Elves are very busy pushing things around in carts on some kind of rudimentary system of
+tracks they've come up with.
+Seeing as how cart-and-track systems don't appear in recorded history for another 1000 years, the
+Elves seem to be making this up as they go along. They haven't even figured out how to avoid
+collisions yet.
+You map out the tracks (your puzzle input) and see where you can help.
+Tracks consist of straight paths (| and -), curves (/ and \), and intersections (+). Curves connect
+exactly two perpendicular pieces of track; for example, this is a closed loop:
+| |
+| |
+Intersections occur when two perpendicular paths cross. At an intersection, a cart is capable of
+turning left, turning right, or continuing straight. Here are two loops connected by two
+| |
+| /--+--\
+| | | |
+\--+--/ |
+ | |
+ \-----/
+Several carts are also on the tracks. Carts always face either up (^), down (v), left (<), or right
+(>). (On your initial map, the track under each cart is a straight path matching the direction the
+cart is facing.)
+Each time a cart has the option to turn (by arriving at any intersection), it turns left the first
+time, goes straight the second time, turns right the third time, and then repeats those directions
+starting again with left the fourth time, straight the fifth time, and so on. This process is
+independent of the particular intersection at which the cart has arrived - that is, the cart has no
+per-intersection memory.
+Carts all move at the same speed; they take turns moving a single step at a time. They do this based
+on their current location: carts on the top row move first (acting from left to right), then carts
+on the second row move (again from left to right), then carts on the third row, and so on. Once
+each cart has moved one step, the process repeats; each of these loops is called a tick.
+For example, suppose there are two carts on a straight track:
+| | | | |
+v | | | |
+| v v | |
+| | | v X
+| | ^ ^ |
+^ ^ | | |
+| | | | |
+First, the top cart moves. It is facing down (v), so it moves down one square. Second, the bottom
+cart moves. It is facing up (^), so it moves up one square. Because all carts have moved, the first
+tick ends. Then, the process repeats, starting with the first cart. The first cart moves down,
+then the second cart moves up - right into the first cart, colliding with it! (The location of the
+crash is marked with an X.) This ends the second and last tick.
+Here is a longer example:
+| | /----\
+| /-+--+-\ |
+| | | | v |
+\-+-/ \-+--/
+ \------/
+| | /----\
+| /-+--+-\ |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \->--/
+ \------/
+| | /----\
+| /-+--+-\ |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \-+>-/
+ \------/
+| v /----\
+| /-+--+-\ |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \-+->/
+ \------/
+| | /----\
+| /->--+-\ |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \-+--^
+ \------/
+| | /----\
+| /-+>-+-\ |
+| | | | | ^
+\-+-/ \-+--/
+ \------/
+| | /----\
+| /-+->+-\ ^
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \-+--/
+ \------/
+| | /----<
+| /-+-->-\ |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \-+--/
+ \------/
+| | /---<\
+| /-+--+>\ |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \-+--/
+ \------/
+| | /--<-\
+| /-+--+-v |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \-+--/
+ \------/
+| | /-<--\
+| /-+--+-\ |
+| | | | v |
+\-+-/ \-+--/
+ \------/
+| | /<---\
+| /-+--+-\ |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \-<--/
+ \------/
+| | v----\
+| /-+--+-\ |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ \<+--/
+ \------/
+| | /----\
+| /-+--v-\ |
+| | | | | |
+\-+-/ ^-+--/
+ \------/
+| | /----\
+| /-+--+-\ |
+| | | X | |
+\-+-/ \-+--/
+ \------/
+After following their respective paths for a while, the carts eventually crash. To help prevent
+crashes, you'd like to know the location of the first crash. Locations are given in X,Y coordinates,
+where the furthest left column is X=0 and the furthest top row is Y=0:
+ 111
+ 0123456789012
+1| | /----\
+2| /-+--+-\ |
+3| | | X | |
+4\-+-/ \-+--/
+5 \------/
+In this example, the location of the first crash is 7,3.
diff --git a/13/part2 b/13/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+There isn't much you can do to prevent crashes in this ridiculous system. However, by predicting the
+crashes, the Elves know where to be in advance and instantly remove the two crashing carts the
+moment any crash occurs.
+They can proceed like this for a while, but eventually, they're going to run out of carts. It could
+be useful to figure out where the last cart that hasn't crashed will end up.
+For example:
+| |
+| /<+-\
+| | | v
+\>+</ |
+ | ^
+ \<->/
+| |
+| v-+-\
+| | | |
+\-+-/ |
+ | |
+ ^---^
+| |
+| /-+-\
+| v | |
+\-+-/ |
+ ^ ^
+ \---/
+| |
+| /-+-\
+| | | |
+\-+-/ ^
+ | |
+ \---/
+After four very expensive crashes, a tick ends with only one cart remaining; its final location is
+What is the location of the last cart at the end of the first tick where it is the only cart left?
diff --git a/13/ b/13/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+tmap = [list(l) for l in"\n") if len(l) != 0]
+xlen, ylen = len(tmap[0]), len(tmap)
+arrows = dict()
+arrows["<"] = (-1, 0)
+arrows[">"] = (1, 0)
+arrows["^"] = (0, -1)
+arrows["v"] = (0, 1)
+directions = [(-1,0), (0,-1), (1, 0), (0, 1)] # l - u - r - d
+def check_pos(x, y):
+ if x < xlen and x >= 0 and y < ylen and y >= 0:
+ return tmap[y][x]
+ return " "
+def correct(x, y):
+ cr = check_pos(x+1, y)
+ cl = check_pos(x-1, y)
+ cu = check_pos(x, y-1)
+ cd = check_pos(x, y+1)
+ if cr == "|": cr = " "
+ if cl == "|": cl = " "
+ if cu == "-": cu = " "
+ if cd == "-": cd = " "
+ r = cr != " "
+ l = cl != " "
+ u = cu != " "
+ d = cd != " "
+ vsum = r + l + u + d
+ if vsum > 2:
+ return "+"
+ # 2 around
+ if r:
+ if l:
+ return "-"
+ elif u:
+ return "/"
+ else:
+ return "\\"
+ else:
+ if not l:
+ return "|"
+ elif u:
+ return "/"
+ else:
+ return "\\"
+carts = list()
+for y in range(ylen):
+ for x in range(xlen):
+ if tmap[y][x] in arrows:
+ carts.append([x, y, arrows[tmap[y][x]], 0, 0])
+ tmap[y][x] = correct(x,y)
+def cart_at(x, y):
+ global carts
+ for i in range(len(carts)):
+ c = carts[i]
+ if c[0] == x and c[1] == y and not c[4]:
+ return i
+ return None
+def draw_map():
+ for y in range(ylen):
+ f = lambda x : "".join(["#" if cart_at(x,y) != None else tmap[y][x]])
+ aoc.debug([f(x) for x in range(len(tmap[y]))])
+def advance(cart):
+ ncart = [0 for x in range(5)]
+ ncart[0] = cart[0]+cart[2][0]
+ ncart[1] = cart[1]+cart[2][1]
+ col = cart_at(ncart[0], ncart[1])
+ if col != None:
+ return ncart[0], ncart[1], col
+ c = tmap[ncart[1]][ncart[0]]
+ d = directions.index(cart[2])
+ if c == "+":
+ d = (d + len(directions)-1 + cart[3]) % len(directions)
+ ncart[2] = directions[d]
+ ncart[3] = (cart[3] + 1) % 3
+ else: # dont need to change direction for '-' and '|'
+ if c == "/":
+ ncart[2] = directions[3-d]
+ elif c == "\\":
+ if d == 0: #l
+ ncart[2] = directions[1]
+ elif d == 1: #u
+ ncart[2] = directions[0]
+ elif d == 2: #r
+ ncart[2] = directions[3]
+ elif d == 3: #d
+ ncart[2] = directions[2]
+ else:
+ ncart[2] = cart[2]
+ ncart[3] = cart[3]
+ return ncart
+def solve1(args):
+ global carts
+ crash = None
+ while not crash:
+ carts = sorted(carts, key=lambda x:(x[0], x[1]))
+ for c in range(len(carts)):
+ nc = advance(carts[c])
+ if len(nc) == 3:
+ crash = nc
+ break
+ else:
+ carts[c] = nc
+ return f"{crash[0]},{crash[1]}"
+def solve2(args):
+ global carts
+ while len(carts) > 1:
+ carts = sorted(carts, key=lambda x:(x[0], x[1]))
+ rcarts = list()
+ for c in range(len(carts)):
+ if carts[c][4]: continue;
+ nc = advance(carts[c])
+ if len(nc) == 3:
+ carts[c][4] = 1
+ carts[nc[2]][4] = 1
+ rcarts.append(carts[c])
+ rcarts.append(carts[nc[2]])
+ else:
+ carts[c] = nc
+ for c in rcarts:
+ if c in carts: # prevent doubles
+ carts.remove(c)
+ return f"{carts[0][0]},{carts[0][1]}"
+, solve2)
diff --git a/13/test1 b/13/test1
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| |
+| /<+-\
+| | | v
+\>+</ |
+ | ^
+ \<->/
diff --git a/src/14/input.txt b/14/input
diff --git a/14/part1 b/14/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+--- Day 14: Chocolate Charts ---
+You finally have a chance to look at all of the produce moving around. Chocolate, cinnamon, mint,
+chili peppers, nutmeg, vanilla... the Elves must be growing these plants to make hot chocolate! As
+you realize this, you hear a conversation in the distance. When you go to investigate, you discover
+two Elves in what appears to be a makeshift underground kitchen/laboratory.
+The Elves are trying to come up with the ultimate hot chocolate recipe; they're even maintaining a
+scoreboard which tracks the quality score (0-9) of each recipe.
+Only two recipes are on the board: the first recipe got a score of 3, the second, 7. Each of the two
+Elves has a current recipe: the first Elf starts with the first recipe, and the second Elf starts
+with the second recipe.
+To create new recipes, the two Elves combine their current recipes. This creates new recipes from
+the digits of the sum of the current recipes' scores. With the current recipes' scores of 3 and 7,
+their sum is 10, and so two new recipes would be created: the first with score 1 and the second with
+score 0. If the current recipes' scores were 2 and 3, the sum, 5, would only create one recipe (with
+a score of 5) with its single digit.
+The new recipes are added to the end of the scoreboard in the order they are created. So, after the
+first round, the scoreboard is 3, 7, 1, 0.
+After all new recipes are added to the scoreboard, each Elf picks a new current recipe. To do this,
+the Elf steps forward through the scoreboard a number of recipes equal to 1 plus the score of their
+current recipe. So, after the first round, the first Elf moves forward 1 + 3 = 4 times, while the
+second Elf moves forward 1 + 7 = 8 times. If they run out of recipes, they loop back around to the
+beginning. After the first round, both Elves happen to loop around until they land on the same
+recipe that they had in the beginning; in general, they will move to different recipes.
+Drawing the first Elf as parentheses and the second Elf as square brackets, they continue this
+(3)[7] 1 0
+ 3 7 1 [0](1) 0
+ 3 7 1 0 [1] 0 (1)
+(3) 7 1 0 1 0 [1] 2
+ 3 7 1 0 (1) 0 1 2 [4]
+ 3 7 1 [0] 1 0 (1) 2 4 5
+ 3 7 1 0 [1] 0 1 2 (4) 5 1
+ 3 (7) 1 0 1 0 [1] 2 4 5 1 5
+ 3 7 1 0 1 0 1 2 [4](5) 1 5 8
+ 3 (7) 1 0 1 0 1 2 4 5 1 5 8 [9]
+ 3 7 1 0 1 0 1 [2] 4 (5) 1 5 8 9 1 6
+ 3 7 1 0 1 0 1 2 4 5 [1] 5 8 9 1 (6) 7
+ 3 7 1 0 (1) 0 1 2 4 5 1 5 [8] 9 1 6 7 7
+ 3 7 [1] 0 1 0 (1) 2 4 5 1 5 8 9 1 6 7 7 9
+ 3 7 1 0 [1] 0 1 2 (4) 5 1 5 8 9 1 6 7 7 9 2
+The Elves think their skill will improve after making a few recipes (your puzzle input). However,
+that could take ages; you can speed this up considerably by identifying the scores of the ten
+recipes after that. For example:
+ - If the Elves think their skill will improve after making 9 recipes, the scores of the ten recipes
+after the first nine on the scoreboard would be 5158916779 (highlighted in the last line of the
+ - After 5 recipes, the scores of the next ten would be 0124515891.
+ - After 18 recipes, the scores of the next ten would be 9251071085.
+ - After 2018 recipes, the scores of the next ten would be 5941429882.
+What are the scores of the ten recipes immediately after the number of recipes in your puzzle input?
diff --git a/14/part2 b/14/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+As it turns out, you got the Elves' plan backwards. They actually want to know how many recipes
+appear on the scoreboard to the left of the first recipes whose scores are the digits from your
+puzzle input.
+ - 51589 first appears after 9 recipes.
+ - 01245 first appears after 5 recipes.
+ - 92510 first appears after 18 recipes.
+ - 59414 first appears after 2018 recipes.
+How many recipes appear on the scoreboard to the left of the score sequence in your puzzle input?
diff --git a/14/ b/14/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data =
+recipes = [3, 7]
+def solve1(args):
+ global recipes, data
+ end = int(data)
+ workers = [i for i in range(2)]
+ while len(recipes) < end + 10:
+ recipes += [int(c) for c in str(sum(recipes[workers[i]] for i in range(len(workers))))]
+ for i in range(len(workers)):
+ workers[i] = (workers[i] + recipes[workers[i]]+1) % len(recipes)
+ return "".join([str(x) for x in recipes[end:]])
+def solve2(args):
+ global recipes, data
+ ilen = len(data)
+ data = [int(c) for c in data]
+ workers = [i for i in range(2)]
+ stop = False
+ counter = 0
+ while not stop:
+ for v in [int(c) for c in str(sum(recipes[workers[i]] for i in range(len(workers))))]:
+ if recipes[-ilen:] == data:
+ stop = True
+ break
+ recipes.append(v)
+ for i in range(len(workers)):
+ workers[i] = (workers[i] + recipes[workers[i]]+1) % len(recipes)
+ return len(recipes) - ilen
+, solve2, sols=["6107101544", 20291131])
diff --git a/src/15/input.txt b/15/input
diff --git a/15/part1 b/15/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+--- Day 15: Beverage Bandits ---
+Having perfected their hot chocolate, the Elves have a new problem: the Goblins that live in these
+caves will do anything to steal it. Looks like they're here for a fight.
+You scan the area, generating a map of the walls (#), open cavern (.), and starting position of
+every Goblin (G) and Elf (E) (your puzzle input).
+Combat proceeds in rounds; in each round, each unit that is still alive takes a turn, resolving all
+of its actions before the next unit's turn begins. On each unit's turn, it tries to move into range
+of an enemy (if it isn't already) and then attack (if it is in range).
+All units are very disciplined and always follow very strict combat rules. Units never move or
+attack diagonally, as doing so would be dishonorable. When multiple choices are equally valid, ties
+are broken in reading order: top-to-bottom, then left-to-right. For instance, the order in which
+units take their turns within a round is the reading order of their starting positions in that
+round, regardless of the type of unit or whether other units have moved after the round started.
+For example:
+ would take their
+These units: turns in this order:
+ ####### #######
+ #.G.E.# #.1.2.#
+ #E.G.E# #3.4.5#
+ #.G.E.# #.6.7.#
+ ####### #######
+Each unit begins its turn by identifying all possible targets (enemy units). If no targets remain,
+combat ends.
+Then, the unit identifies all of the open squares (.) that are in range of each target; these are
+the squares which are adjacent (immediately up, down, left, or right) to any target and which aren't
+already occupied by a wall or another unit. Alternatively, the unit might already be in range of a
+target. If the unit is not already in range of a target, and there are no open squares which are in
+range of a target, the unit ends its turn.
+If the unit is already in range of a target, it does not move, but continues its turn with an
+attack. Otherwise, since it is not in range of a target, it moves.
+To move, the unit first considers the squares that are in range and determines which of those
+squares it could reach in the fewest steps. A step is a single movement to any adjacent (immediately
+up, down, left, or right) open (.) square. Units cannot move into walls or other units. The unit
+does this while considering the current positions of units and does not do any prediction about
+where units will be later. If the unit cannot reach (find an open path to) any of the squares that
+are in range, it ends its turn. If multiple squares are in range and tied for being reachable in the
+fewest steps, the square which is first in reading order is chosen. For example:
+Targets: In range: Reachable: Nearest: Chosen:
+####### ####### ####### ####### #######
+#E..G.# #E.?G?# #E.@G.# #E.!G.# #E.+G.#
+#...#.# --> #.?.#?# --> #.@.#.# --> #.!.#.# --> #...#.#
+#.G.#G# #?G?#G# #@G@#G# #!G.#G# #.G.#G#
+####### ####### ####### ####### #######
+In the above scenario, the Elf has three targets (the three Goblins):
+ - Each of the Goblins has open, adjacent squares which are in range (marked with a ? on the map).
+ - Of those squares, four are reachable (marked @); the other two (on the right) would require
+moving through a wall or unit to reach.
+ - Three of these reachable squares are nearest, requiring the fewest steps (only 2) to reach
+(marked !).
+ - Of those, the square which is first in reading order is chosen (+).
+The unit then takes a single step toward the chosen square along the shortest path to that square.
+If multiple steps would put the unit equally closer to its destination, the unit chooses the step
+which is first in reading order. (This requires knowing when there is more than one shortest path so
+that you can consider the first step of each such path.) For example:
+In range: Nearest: Chosen: Distance: Step:
+####### ####### ####### ####### #######
+#.E...# #.E...# #.E...# #4E212# #..E..#
+#...?.# --> #...!.# --> #...+.# --> #32101# --> #.....#
+#..?G?# #..!G.# #...G.# #432G2# #...G.#
+####### ####### ####### ####### #######
+The Elf sees three squares in range of a target (?), two of which are nearest (!), and so the first
+in reading order is chosen (+). Under "Distance", each open square is marked with its distance from
+the destination square; the two squares to which the Elf could move on this turn (down and to the
+right) are both equally good moves and would leave the Elf 2 steps from being in range of the
+Goblin. Because the step which is first in reading order is chosen, the Elf moves right one square.
+Here's a larger example of movement:
+After 1 round:
+After 2 rounds:
+After 3 rounds:
+Once the Goblins and Elf reach the positions above, they all are either in range of a target or
+cannot find any square in range of a target, and so none of the units can move until a unit dies.
+After moving (or if the unit began its turn in range of a target), the unit attacks.
+To attack, the unit first determines all of the targets that are in range of it by being immediately
+adjacent to it. If there are no such targets, the unit ends its turn. Otherwise, the adjacent target
+with the fewest hit points is selected; in a tie, the adjacent target with the fewest hit points
+which is first in reading order is selected.
+The unit deals damage equal to its attack power to the selected target, reducing its hit points by
+that amount. If this reduces its hit points to 0 or fewer, the selected target dies: its square
+becomes . and it takes no further turns.
+Each unit, either Goblin or Elf, has 3 attack power and starts with 200 hit points.
+For example, suppose the only Elf is about to attack:
+ HP: HP:
+G.... 9 G.... 9
+..G.. 4 ..G.. 4
+..EG. 2 --> ..E..
+..G.. 2 ..G.. 2
+...G. 1 ...G. 1
+The "HP" column shows the hit points of the Goblin to the left in the corresponding row. The Elf is
+in range of three targets: the Goblin above it (with 4 hit points), the Goblin to its right (with 2
+hit points), and the Goblin below it (also with 2 hit points). Because three targets are in range,
+the ones with the lowest hit points are selected: the two Goblins with 2 hit points each (one to the
+right of the Elf and one below the Elf). Of those, the Goblin first in reading order (the one to the
+right of the Elf) is selected. The selected Goblin's hit points (2) are reduced by the Elf's attack
+power (3), reducing its hit points to -1, killing it.
+After attacking, the unit's turn ends. Regardless of how the unit's turn ends, the next unit in the
+round takes its turn. If all units have taken turns in this round, the round ends, and a new round
+The Elves look quite outnumbered. You need to determine the outcome of the battle: the number of
+full rounds that were completed (not counting the round in which combat ends) multiplied by the sum
+of the hit points of all remaining units at the moment combat ends. (Combat only ends when a unit
+finds no targets during its turn.)
+Below is an entire sample combat. Next to each map, each row's units' hit points are listed from
+left to right.
+#.G...# G(200)
+#...EG# E(200), G(200)
+#.#.#G# G(200)
+#..G#E# G(200), E(200)
+After 1 round:
+#..G..# G(200)
+#...EG# E(197), G(197)
+#.#G#G# G(200), G(197)
+#...#E# E(197)
+After 2 rounds:
+#...G.# G(200)
+#..GEG# G(200), E(188), G(194)
+#.#.#G# G(194)
+#...#E# E(194)
+Combat ensues; eventually, the top Elf dies:
+After 23 rounds:
+#...G.# G(200)
+#..G.G# G(200), G(131)
+#.#.#G# G(131)
+#...#E# E(131)
+After 24 rounds:
+#..G..# G(200)
+#...G.# G(131)
+#.#G#G# G(200), G(128)
+#...#E# E(128)
+After 25 rounds:
+#.G...# G(200)
+#..G..# G(131)
+#.#.#G# G(125)
+#..G#E# G(200), E(125)
+After 26 rounds:
+#G....# G(200)
+#.G...# G(131)
+#.#.#G# G(122)
+#...#E# E(122)
+#..G..# G(200)
+After 27 rounds:
+#G....# G(200)
+#.G...# G(131)
+#.#.#G# G(119)
+#...#E# E(119)
+#...G.# G(200)
+After 28 rounds:
+#G....# G(200)
+#.G...# G(131)
+#.#.#G# G(116)
+#...#E# E(113)
+#....G# G(200)
+More combat ensues; eventually, the bottom Elf dies:
+After 47 rounds:
+#G....# G(200)
+#.G...# G(131)
+#.#.#G# G(59)
+#....G# G(200)
+Before the 48th round can finish, the top-left Goblin finds that there are no targets remaining, and
+so combat ends. So, the number of full rounds that were completed is 47, and the sum of the hit
+points of all remaining units is 200+131+59+200 = 590. From these, the outcome of the battle is 47 *
+590 = 27730.
+Here are a few example summarized combats:
+####### #######
+#G..#E# #...#E# E(200)
+#E#E.E# #E#...# E(197)
+#G.##.# --> #.E##.# E(185)
+#...#E# #E..#E# E(200), E(200)
+#...E.# #.....#
+####### #######
+Combat ends after 37 full rounds
+Elves win with 982 total hit points left
+Outcome: 37 * 982 = 36334
+####### #######
+#E..EG# #.E.E.# E(164), E(197)
+#.#G.E# #.#E..# E(200)
+#E.##E# --> #E.##.# E(98)
+#G..#.# #.E.#.# E(200)
+#..E#.# #...#.#
+####### #######
+Combat ends after 46 full rounds
+Elves win with 859 total hit points left
+Outcome: 46 * 859 = 39514
+####### #######
+#E.G#.# #G.G#.# G(200), G(98)
+#.#G..# #.#G..# G(200)
+#G.#.G# --> #..#..#
+#G..#.# #...#G# G(95)
+#...E.# #...G.# G(200)
+####### #######
+Combat ends after 35 full rounds
+Goblins win with 793 total hit points left
+Outcome: 35 * 793 = 27755
+####### #######
+#.E...# #.....#
+#.#..G# #.#G..# G(200)
+#.###.# --> #.###.#
+#E#G#G# #.#.#.#
+#...#G# #G.G#G# G(98), G(38), G(200)
+####### #######
+Combat ends after 54 full rounds
+Goblins win with 536 total hit points left
+Outcome: 54 * 536 = 28944
+######### #########
+#G......# #.G.....# G(137)
+#.E.#...# #G.G#...# G(200), G(200)
+#..##..G# #.G##...# G(200)
+#...##..# --> #...##..#
+#...#...# #.G.#...# G(200)
+#.G...G.# #.......#
+#.....G.# #.......#
+######### #########
+Combat ends after 20 full rounds
+Goblins win with 937 total hit points left
+Outcome: 20 * 937 = 18740
+What is the outcome of the combat described in your puzzle input?
diff --git a/15/part2 b/15/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+According to your calculations, the Elves are going to lose badly. Surely, you won't mess up the
+timeline too much if you give them just a little advanced technology, right?
+You need to make sure the Elves not only win, but also suffer no losses: even the death of a single
+Elf is unacceptable.
+However, you can't go too far: larger changes will be more likely to permanently alter spacetime.
+So, you need to find the outcome of the battle in which the Elves have the lowest integer attack
+power (at least 4) that allows them to win without a single death. The Goblins always have an attack
+power of 3.
+In the first summarized example above, the lowest attack power the Elves need to win without losses
+is 15:
+####### #######
+#.G...# #..E..# E(158)
+#...EG# #...E.# E(14)
+#.#.#G# --> #.#.#.#
+#..G#E# #...#.#
+#.....# #.....#
+####### #######
+Combat ends after 29 full rounds
+Elves win with 172 total hit points left
+Outcome: 29 * 172 = 4988
+In the second example above, the Elves need only 4 attack power:
+####### #######
+#E..EG# #.E.E.# E(200), E(23)
+#.#G.E# #.#E..# E(200)
+#E.##E# --> #E.##E# E(125), E(200)
+#G..#.# #.E.#.# E(200)
+#..E#.# #...#.#
+####### #######
+Combat ends after 33 full rounds
+Elves win with 948 total hit points left
+Outcome: 33 * 948 = 31284
+In the third example above, the Elves need 15 attack power:
+####### #######
+#E.G#.# #.E.#.# E(8)
+#.#G..# #.#E..# E(86)
+#G.#.G# --> #..#..#
+#G..#.# #...#.#
+#...E.# #.....#
+####### #######
+Combat ends after 37 full rounds
+Elves win with 94 total hit points left
+Outcome: 37 * 94 = 3478
+In the fourth example above, the Elves need 12 attack power:
+####### #######
+#.E...# #...E.# E(14)
+#.#..G# #.#..E# E(152)
+#.###.# --> #.###.#
+#E#G#G# #.#.#.#
+#...#G# #...#.#
+####### #######
+Combat ends after 39 full rounds
+Elves win with 166 total hit points left
+Outcome: 39 * 166 = 6474
+In the last example above, the lone Elf needs 34 attack power:
+######### #########
+#G......# #.......#
+#.E.#...# #.E.#...# E(38)
+#..##..G# #..##...#
+#...##..# --> #...##..#
+#...#...# #...#...#
+#.G...G.# #.......#
+#.....G.# #.......#
+######### #########
+Combat ends after 30 full rounds
+Elves win with 38 total hit points left
+Outcome: 30 * 38 = 1140
+After increasing the Elves' attack power until it is just barely enough for them to win without any
+Elves dying, what is the outcome of the combat described in your puzzle input?
diff --git a/15/ b/15/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+data ="\n")
+actors = list()
+def parse_entity(x, y):
+ global actors
+ c = data[y][x]
+ if c == "#":
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if c == "G":
+ actors.append([x, y, 200, 1, len(actors), 3])
+ elif c == "E":
+ actors.append([x, y, 200, 0, len(actors), 3])
+ return 0
+ylen = len(data)
+xlen = len(data[0])
+adjacent = [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]] # first in reading order
+vmap = list()
+def set_game():
+ global vmap, actors
+ actors = list()
+ vmap = [[parse_entity(x, y) for x in range(xlen)] for y in range(ylen)]
+def inmap(cmap, cx, cy):
+ for i in range(len(cmap)):
+ ent = cmap[i]
+ if ent[0] == cx and ent[1] == cy:
+ return i
+ return None
+def iswall(x,y):
+ return vmap[y][x] != 0
+def isblocked(x, y):
+ return (vmap[y][x] != 0 or inmap(actors, x, y) != None)
+def freeAdjacent(x, y):
+ poslist = list()
+ for dir in adjacent:
+ nx = x + dir[0]
+ ny = y + dir[1]
+ if not isblocked(nx, ny):
+ poslist.append((nx,ny))
+ return poslist
+def flatten(l):
+ flat = list()
+ for ll in l:
+ flat += ll
+ return flat
+def drawMap():
+ global actors
+ for y in range(ylen):
+ for x in range(xlen):
+ ind = inmap(actors, x, y)
+ aoc.debug(("G" if actors[ind][3] == 1 else "E") \
+ if ind != None else ("." if vmap[y][x] == 0 else "#"), end="")
+ aoc.debug()
+def getSteps(cmap, a1):
+ # adjacent squares
+ npos = [[a1[0] + dir[0], a1[1] + dir[1]] for dir in adjacent]
+ # pos of enemy and distance
+ steps = [[np[0], np[1], cmap[np[0], np[1]]] for np in npos if (np[0], np[1]) in cmap]
+ return steps
+def closestStep(a1, a2):
+ countmap = dict()
+ next = dict()
+ next[(a2[0], a2[1])] = 0
+ counter = 0
+ steps = list()
+ while len(next) > 0 and len(steps) == 0: # first steps available will be shortest
+ countmap = {**countmap, **next} # merge dictionaries
+ counter += 1
+ temp = dict()
+ for n in next:
+ for dir in adjacent:
+ nx = n[0]+dir[0]
+ ny = n[1]+dir[1]
+ if not isblocked(nx, ny) and (nx, ny) not in countmap and (nx, ny) not in temp:
+ temp[(nx,ny)] = counter
+ next = temp
+ steps = getSteps(countmap, a1)
+ # if reachable
+ if len(steps) != 0:
+ return sorted(steps, key = lambda x : (x[1], x[0]))[0]
+ else:
+ return [None]
+def move(a):
+ global actors
+ # best steps from enemies
+ steps = [[na[0], na[1]] + closestStep(a, na) for na in actors if na[3] != a[3]]
+ # only where step is possible
+ steps = [s for s in steps if s[2] != None]
+ # skip when none possible
+ if len(steps) == 0:
+ return
+ # best move
+ bestmove = sorted(steps, key = lambda x : (x[4], x[1], x[0]))[0]
+ a[0] = bestmove[2]
+ a[1] = bestmove[3]
+def getInrange(a):
+ global actors
+ inrange = list()
+ for dir in adjacent:
+ nx = a[0] + dir[0]
+ ny = a[1] + dir[1]
+ ind = inmap(actors, nx, ny)
+ if ind != None and actors[ind][3] != a[3]:
+ inrange.append(ind)
+ return inrange
+def next_tick(tick):
+ global actors
+ actors = sorted(actors, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
+ i = len(actors)-1
+ while i >= 0:
+ a = actors[i]
+ inrange = getInrange(a) # get enemies in range
+ if len(inrange) == 0:
+ move(a)
+ inrange = getInrange(a)
+ if len(inrange) != 0:
+ inrange = [actors[ai] + [ai] for ai in inrange]
+ # lowest health in reading order
+ cai = sorted(inrange, key = lambda x : (x[2], x[1], x[0]))[0][-1]
+ # attack player
+ actors[cai][2] -= a[5] # attack
+ if actors[cai][2] <= 0:
+ actors.pop(cai) # dead
+ aoc.debug("death -",cai)
+ if min_alive() == 0 and i != 0: # incomplete round
+ return False
+ if cai < i: i -= 1
+ if aoc.debug_lvl and False:
+ aoc.debug()
+ aoc.debug("small step -",a[4])
+ drawMap()
+ status_report()
+ i -= 1
+ if aoc.debug_lvl:
+ aoc.debug()
+ aoc.debug("tick:", tick)
+ drawMap()
+ status_report()
+ else:
+ aoc.debug(tick)
+ return True
+def min_alive():
+ alive = [0,0]
+ for a in actors:
+ alive[1 * (a[3] == 0)] += 1
+ return min(alive)
+def sum_hp():
+ return sum(a[2] for a in actors)
+def status_report():
+ global actors
+ sactors = sorted(actors, key = lambda x:x[4])
+ for a in sactors:
+ aoc.debug("HP:", a[2])
+ aoc.debug()
+def elves_alive():
+ return len([a for a in actors if a[3] == 0])
+def start_battle(eap):
+ global actors
+ set_game()
+ for a in actors:
+ if a[3] == 0:
+ a[5] = eap
+ elfcount = elves_alive()
+ ticks = 0
+ while min_alive() > 0:
+ if next_tick(ticks):
+ ticks += 1
+ status_report()
+ return ((sum_hp() * ticks), (elfcount - elves_alive()))
+def solve1(args):
+ res = start_battle(3)
+ return res[0]
+def solve2(args):
+ eap = 4
+ res = start_battle(eap)
+ while res[1] != 0:
+ eap += 1
+ res = start_battle(eap)
+ return res[0]
+, solve2, sols=[229798, 52972])
diff --git a/15/test1 b/15/test1
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/15/test2 b/15/test2
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/15/test3 b/15/test3
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/15/test4 b/15/test4
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/15/test5 b/15/test5
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/15/test6 b/15/test6
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/src/16/input.txt b/16/input
diff --git a/16/part1 b/16/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+--- Day 16: Chronal Classification ---
+As you see the Elves defend their hot chocolate successfully, you go back to falling through time.
+This is going to become a problem.
+If you're ever going to return to your own time, you need to understand how this device on your
+wrist works. You have a little while before you reach your next destination, and with a bit of trial
+and error, you manage to pull up a programming manual on the device's tiny screen.
+According to the manual, the device has four registers (numbered 0 through 3) that can be
+manipulated by instructions containing one of 16 opcodes. The registers start with the value 0.
+Every instruction consists of four values: an opcode, two inputs (named A and B), and an output
+(named C), in that order. The opcode specifies the behavior of the instruction and how the inputs
+are interpreted. The output, C, is always treated as a register.
+In the opcode descriptions below, if something says "value A", it means to take the number given as
+A literally. (This is also called an "immediate" value.) If something says "register A", it means to
+use the number given as A to read from (or write to) the register with that number. So, if the
+opcode addi adds register A and value B, storing the result in register C, and the instruction addi
+0 7 3 is encountered, it would add 7 to the value contained by register 0 and store the sum in
+register 3, never modifying registers 0, 1, or 2 in the process.
+Many opcodes are similar except for how they interpret their arguments. The opcodes fall into seven
+general categories:
+ - addr (add register) stores into register C the result of adding register A and register B.
+ - addi (add immediate) stores into register C the result of adding register A and value B.
+ - mulr (multiply register) stores into register C the result of multiplying register A and register
+ - muli (multiply immediate) stores into register C the result of multiplying register A and value
+Bitwise AND:
+ - banr (bitwise AND register) stores into register C the result of the bitwise AND of register A
+and register B.
+ - bani (bitwise AND immediate) stores into register C the result of the bitwise AND of register A
+and value B.
+Bitwise OR:
+ - borr (bitwise OR register) stores into register C the result of the bitwise OR of register A and
+register B.
+ - bori (bitwise OR immediate) stores into register C the result of the bitwise OR of register A and
+value B.
+ - setr (set register) copies the contents of register A into register C. (Input B is ignored.)
+ - seti (set immediate) stores value A into register C. (Input B is ignored.)
+Greater-than testing:
+ - gtir (greater-than immediate/register) sets register C to 1 if value A is greater than register
+B. Otherwise, register C is set to 0.
+ - gtri (greater-than register/immediate) sets register C to 1 if register A is greater than value
+B. Otherwise, register C is set to 0.
+ - gtrr (greater-than register/register) sets register C to 1 if register A is greater than register
+B. Otherwise, register C is set to 0.
+Equality testing:
+ - eqir (equal immediate/register) sets register C to 1 if value A is equal to register B.
+Otherwise, register C is set to 0.
+ - eqri (equal register/immediate) sets register C to 1 if register A is equal to value B.
+Otherwise, register C is set to 0.
+ - eqrr (equal register/register) sets register C to 1 if register A is equal to register B.
+Otherwise, register C is set to 0.
+Unfortunately, while the manual gives the name of each opcode, it doesn't seem to indicate the
+number. However, you can monitor the CPU to see the contents of the registers before and after
+instructions are executed to try to work them out. Each opcode has a number from 0 through 15, but
+the manual doesn't say which is which. For example, suppose you capture the following sample:
+Before: [3, 2, 1, 1]
+9 2 1 2
+After: [3, 2, 2, 1]
+This sample shows the effect of the instruction 9 2 1 2 on the registers. Before the instruction is
+executed, register 0 has value 3, register 1 has value 2, and registers 2 and 3 have value 1. After
+the instruction is executed, register 2's value becomes 2.
+The instruction itself, 9 2 1 2, means that opcode 9 was executed with A=2, B=1, and C=2. Opcode 9
+could be any of the 16 opcodes listed above, but only three of them behave in a way that would cause
+the result shown in the sample:
+ - Opcode 9 could be mulr: register 2 (which has a value of 1) times register 1 (which has a value
+of 2) produces 2, which matches the value stored in the output register, register 2.
+ - Opcode 9 could be addi: register 2 (which has a value of 1) plus value 1 produces 2, which
+matches the value stored in the output register, register 2.
+ - Opcode 9 could be seti: value 2 matches the value stored in the output register, register 2; the
+number given for B is irrelevant.
+None of the other opcodes produce the result captured in the sample. Because of this, the sample
+above behaves like three opcodes.
+You collect many of these samples (the first section of your puzzle input). The manual also includes
+a small test program (the second section of your puzzle input) - you can ignore it for now.
+Ignoring the opcode numbers, how many samples in your puzzle input behave like three or more
diff --git a/16/part2 b/16/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Using the samples you collected, work out the number of each opcode and execute the test program
+(the second section of your puzzle input).
+What value is contained in register 0 after executing the test program?
diff --git a/16/ b/16/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+def parse_log(ls):
+ data = list()
+ before = [int(v) for v in ls[0].split("[")[1].split("]")[0].split(",")]
+ ins = [int(v) for v in ls[1].split(" ")]
+ after = [int(v) for v in ls[2].split("[")[1].split("]")[0].split(",")]
+ return (before, ins, after)
+inslog = []
+data ="\n")
+progsec = None
+for i in range(0, len(data), 4):
+ if data[i] == "\n":
+ progsec = i
+ break
+ inslog.append(parse_log(data[i:i+4]))
+register = list()
+opmap = dict()
+opmap["addr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + register[b]
+opmap["addi"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + b
+opmap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * register[b]
+opmap["muli"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * b
+opmap["banr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & register[b]
+opmap["bani"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & b
+opmap["borr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | register[b]
+opmap["bori"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | b
+opmap["setr"] = lambda a, b : register[a]
+opmap["seti"] = lambda a, b : a
+opmap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a > register[b])
+opmap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > b)
+opmap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > register[b])
+opmap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a == register[b])
+opmap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == b)
+opmap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == register[b])
+def get_possible(ins):
+ global register
+ sregister = register[:]
+ before = ins[0]
+ after = ins[2]
+ register = before
+ a = ins[1][1]
+ b = ins[1][2]
+ c = ins[1][3]
+ ops = list(opmap.values())
+ possibles = list()
+ for i in range(len(ops)):
+ op = ops[i]
+ res = None
+ try:
+ res = op(a, b)
+ except:
+ continue
+ if res == after[c]:
+ possibles.append(i)
+ register = sregister
+ return possibles
+def solve1(args):
+ global register
+ uncertain = 0
+ for ins in inslog:
+ if len(get_possible(ins)) >= 3:
+ uncertain += 1
+ return uncertain
+def solve2(args):
+ possible = dict()
+ for ins in inslog:
+ o = ins[1][0]
+ if o in possible:
+ possible[o] = [op for op in get_possible(ins) if op in possible[o]]
+ else:
+ possible[o] = get_possible(ins)
+ certain = False
+ while not certain:
+ singles = [p[0] for p in possible.values() if len(p) == 1]
+ for p in possible:
+ if len(possible[p]) != 1:
+ possible[p] = [v for v in possible[p] if v not in singles]
+ certain = True
+ for p in possible.values():
+ if len(p) != 1:
+ certain = False
+ break
+ ntrans = dict()
+ for p in possible: # flatten
+ ntrans[p] = possible[p][0]
+ for i in range(progsec, len(data)): # execute program
+ l = data[i]
+ if l == "\n": continue
+ cmd = [int(v) for v in l.split(" ")]
+ while len(register)-1 < cmd[3]:
+ register.append(0)
+ register[cmd[3]] = list(opmap.values())[ntrans[cmd[0]]](cmd[1], cmd[2])
+ return register[0]
+, solve2, sols=[531, 649])
diff --git a/src/17/.gitignore b/17/.gitignore
diff --git a/src/17/input.txt b/17/input
diff --git a/17/part1 b/17/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+--- Day 17: Reservoir Research ---
+You arrive in the year 18. If it weren't for the coat you got in 1018, you would be very cold: the
+North Pole base hasn't even been constructed.
+Rather, it hasn't been constructed yet. The Elves are making a little progress, but there's not a
+lot of liquid water in this climate, so they're getting very dehydrated. Maybe there's more
+You scan a two-dimensional vertical slice of the ground nearby and discover that it is mostly sand
+with veins of clay. The scan only provides data with a granularity of square meters, but it should
+be good enough to determine how much water is trapped there. In the scan, x represents the distance
+to the right, and y represents the distance down. There is also a spring of water near the surface
+at x=500, y=0. The scan identifies which square meters are clay (your puzzle input).
+For example, suppose your scan shows the following veins of clay:
+x=495, y=2..7
+y=7, x=495..501
+x=501, y=3..7
+x=498, y=2..4
+x=506, y=1..2
+x=498, y=10..13
+x=504, y=10..13
+y=13, x=498..504
+Rendering clay as #, sand as ., and the water spring as +, and with x increasing to the right and y
+increasing downward, this becomes:
+ 44444455555555
+ 99999900000000
+ 45678901234567
+ 0 ......+.......
+ 1 ............#.
+ 2 .#..#.......#.
+ 3 .#..#..#......
+ 4 .#..#..#......
+ 5 .#.....#......
+ 6 .#.....#......
+ 7 .#######......
+ 8 ..............
+ 9 ..............
+10 ....#.....#...
+11 ....#.....#...
+12 ....#.....#...
+13 ....#######...
+The spring of water will produce water forever. Water can move through sand, but is blocked by clay.
+Water always moves down when possible, and spreads to the left and right otherwise, filling space
+that has clay on both sides and falling out otherwise.
+For example, if five squares of water are created, they will flow downward until they reach the clay
+and settle there. Water that has come to rest is shown here as ~, while sand through which water has
+passed (but which is now dry again) is shown as |:
+Two squares of water can't occupy the same location. If another five squares of water are created,
+they will settle on the first five, filling the clay reservoir a little more:
+Water pressure does not apply in this scenario. If another four squares of water are created, they
+will stay on the right side of the barrier, and no water will reach the left side:
+At this point, the top reservoir overflows. While water can reach the tiles above the surface of the
+water, it cannot settle there, and so the next five squares of water settle like this:
+Note especially the leftmost |: the new squares of water can reach this tile, but cannot stop there.
+ Instead, eventually, they all fall to the right and settle in the reservoir below.
+After 10 more squares of water, the bottom reservoir is also full:
+Finally, while there is nowhere left for the water to settle, it can reach a few more tiles before
+overflowing beyond the bottom of the scanned data:
+......+....... (line not counted: above minimum y value)
+...|.......|.. (line not counted: below maximum y value)
+...|.......|.. (line not counted: below maximum y value)
+...|.......|.. (line not counted: below maximum y value)
+How many tiles can be reached by the water? To prevent counting forever, ignore tiles with a y
+coordinate smaller than the smallest y coordinate in your scan data or larger than the largest one.
+Any x coordinate is valid. In this example, the lowest y coordinate given is 1, and the highest is
+13, causing the water spring (in row 0) and the water falling off the bottom of the render (in rows
+14 through infinity) to be ignored.
+So, in the example above, counting both water at rest (~) and other sand tiles the water can
+hypothetically reach (|), the total number of tiles the water can reach is 57.
+How many tiles can the water reach within the range of y values in your scan?
diff --git a/17/part2 b/17/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+After a very long time, the water spring will run dry. How much water will be retained?
+In the example above, water that won't eventually drain out is shown as ~, a total of 29 tiles.
+How many water tiles are left after the water spring stops producing water and all remaining water
+not at rest has drained?
diff --git a/17/ b/17/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+def parse_line(l):
+ s = l.split(", ")
+ if s[0].startswith("y="):
+ s = s[::-1]
+ res = [[int(x) for x in v.split("=")[1].split("..")] for v in s]
+ return res
+constraints = [parse_line(l) for l in"\n")]
+xmin = min(c[0][0] for c in constraints)-1
+xmax = max(c[0][-1] for c in constraints)+1
+ymin = min(c[1][0] for c in constraints)
+ymax = max(c[1][-1] for c in constraints)
+xdif = xmax - xmin + 1
+ydif = ymax - ymin + 1
+vmap = [[0 for x in range(xdif)] for y in range(ydif)]
+def set_map(x, y, v):
+ global vmap
+ if y < ymin or y > ymax or x < xmin or x > xmax:
+ return
+ vmap[y-ymin][x-xmin] = v
+def get_map(x, y):
+ global vmap
+ if x > xmax or x < xmin:
+ return 1
+ elif y > ymax:
+ return 0
+ return vmap[y-ymin][x-xmin]
+def drawWall(c):
+ if len(c[0]) == 1:
+ for y in range(c[1][0], c[1][1] + 1):
+ set_map(c[0][0], y, 1)
+ else:
+ for x in range(c[0][0], c[0][1] + 1):
+ set_map(x, c[1][0], 1)
+for c in constraints:
+ drawWall(c)
+spring = (500, 0)
+def interpretChar(v):
+ chars = [".", "#", "|", "~"]
+ return chars[v]
+def drawMap():
+ for y in range(ydif):
+ aoc.debug("".join([interpretChar(v) for v in vmap[y]]))
+def fwriteMap():
+ f = open("output","w+")
+ for y in range(ydif):
+ f.write("".join([interpretChar(v) for v in vmap[y]])+"\n")
+ f.close()
+def isstatic(p):
+ return get_map(p[0], p[1]) in (1, 3)
+def isfree(p):
+ return get_map(p[0], p[1]) == 0
+def move(p):
+ x = p[0]
+ y = p[1]
+ if isfree((x, y+1)):
+ return (x, y+1)
+ onblock = isstatic((x, y+1))
+ if not onblock:
+ return (x,y)
+ npos = [(x + dir, y) for dir in [-1, 1]]
+ npos = [np for np in npos if isfree(np) and onblock]
+ if len(npos) > 1:
+ return npos
+ elif len(npos) == 1:
+ return npos[0]
+ return (x, y)
+def fillfloor(p):
+ onblock = True
+ isblock = False
+ x = p[0]
+ while onblock and not isblock and x >= xmin:
+ x -= 1
+ isblock = isstatic((x, p[1]))
+ onblock = isstatic((x, p[1]+1))
+ if not isblock:
+ return None # edge
+ lx = x+1
+ onblock = True
+ isblock = False
+ x = p[0]
+ while onblock and not isblock and x <= xmax:
+ x += 1
+ isblock = isstatic((x, p[1]))
+ onblock = isstatic((x, p[1]+1))
+ if not isblock:
+ return None
+ rx = x-1
+ return [(i, p[1]) for i in range(lx, rx+1)]
+def count_w_flowing():
+ water = 0
+ for y in range(ymin, ymax+1):
+ for x in range(xmin, xmax+1):
+ if get_map(x,y) == 2:
+ water += 1
+ return water
+def count_w_static():
+ water = 0
+ for y in range(ymin, ymax+1):
+ for x in range(xmin, xmax+1):
+ if get_map(x,y) == 3:
+ water += 1
+ return water
+def simulate():
+ heads = [spring]
+ while len(heads) > 0:
+ cp = heads[-1]
+ if isstatic((cp[0], cp[1]+1)):
+ # solid below => expand
+ res = fillfloor(cp)
+ if res:
+ for p in res:
+ set_map(p[0], p[1], 3)
+ nhead = None
+ for x in range(res[0][0], res[-1][0]+1):
+ np = (x, res[0][1]-1)
+ if get_map(np[0], np[1]) == 2:
+ nhead = np
+ break
+ if nhead == None: # head got trapped
+ heads.pop()
+ else:
+ heads[-1] = nhead
+ continue
+ res = move(cp)
+ if type(res[0]) == tuple:
+ heads.pop()
+ heads += res
+ for p in res:
+ set_map(p[0], p[1], 2)
+ else:
+ if res != cp:
+ if res[1] <= ymax:
+ set_map(res[0], res[1], 2)
+ heads[-1] = res
+ else:
+ heads.pop()
+ else:
+ heads.pop()
+ if aoc.debug_lvl:
+ aoc.debug(heads)
+ input()
+ fwriteMap()
+def solve1(args):
+ simulate()
+ return count_w_flowing() + count_w_static()
+def solve2(args):
+ simulate()
+ return count_w_static()
+, solve2, sols=[39557, 32984])
diff --git a/17/test1 b/17/test1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+x=495, y=2..7
+y=7, x=495..501
+x=501, y=3..7
+x=498, y=2..4
+x=506, y=1..2
+x=498, y=10..13
+x=504, y=10..13
+y=13, x=498..504
diff --git a/src/18/input.txt b/18/input
diff --git a/18/part1 b/18/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+--- Day 18: Settlers of The North Pole ---
+On the outskirts of the North Pole base construction project, many Elves are collecting lumber.
+The lumber collection area is 50 acres by 50 acres; each acre can be either open ground (.), trees
+(|), or a lumberyard (#). You take a scan of the area (your puzzle input).
+Strange magic is at work here: each minute, the landscape looks entirely different. In exactly one
+minute, an open acre can fill with trees, a wooded acre can be converted to a lumberyard, or a
+lumberyard can be cleared to open ground (the lumber having been sent to other projects).
+The change to each acre is based entirely on the contents of that acre as well as the number of
+open, wooded, or lumberyard acres adjacent to it at the start of each minute. Here, "adjacent" means
+any of the eight acres surrounding that acre. (Acres on the edges of the lumber collection area
+might have fewer than eight adjacent acres; the missing acres aren't counted.)
+In particular:
+ - An open acre will become filled with trees if three or more adjacent acres contained trees.
+Otherwise, nothing happens.
+ - An acre filled with trees will become a lumberyard if three or more adjacent acres were
+lumberyards. Otherwise, nothing happens.
+ - An acre containing a lumberyard will remain a lumberyard if it was adjacent to at least one other
+lumberyard and at least one acre containing trees. Otherwise, it becomes open.
+These changes happen across all acres simultaneously, each of them using the state of all acres at
+the beginning of the minute and changing to their new form by the end of that same minute. Changes
+that happen during the minute don't affect each other.
+For example, suppose the lumber collection area is instead only 10 by 10 acres with this initial
+Initial state:
+After 1 minute:
+After 2 minutes:
+After 3 minutes:
+After 4 minutes:
+After 5 minutes:
+After 6 minutes:
+After 7 minutes:
+After 8 minutes:
+After 9 minutes:
+After 10 minutes:
+After 10 minutes, there are 37 wooded acres and 31 lumberyards. Multiplying the number of wooded
+acres by the number of lumberyards gives the total resource value after ten minutes: 37 * 31 = 1147.
+What will the total resource value of the lumber collection area be after 10 minutes?
diff --git a/18/part2 b/18/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+This important natural resource will need to last for at least thousands of years. Are the Elves
+collecting this lumber sustainably?
+What will the total resource value of the lumber collection area be after 1000000000 minutes?
diff --git a/18/ b/18/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+from copy import deepcopy
+from collections import deque
+states = (".", "|", "#")
+ivals = dict()
+ivals["#"] = 0
+ivals["."] = 0
+ivals["|"] = 0
+def pasrse_line(l):
+ return tuple([states.index(c) for c in l])
+vmap = [pasrse_line(l) for l in"\n")]
+xlen, ylen = len(vmap[0]), len(vmap)
+def get_at(x, y):
+ if y < 0 or y >= ylen or x < 0 or x >= xlen:
+ return None
+ return vmap[y][x]
+def next(x, y):
+ v = vmap[y][x]
+ around = list()
+ [[around.append(get_at(x+i-1, y+j-1)) for j in range(3) if not (i == 1 and j == 1)] for i in range(3)]
+ if v == 0:
+ if len([v for v in around if v == 1]) >= 3:
+ return 1
+ elif v == 1:
+ if len([v for v in around if v == 2]) >= 3:
+ return 2
+ elif v == 2:
+ if len([v for v in around if v == 1]) < 1 or len([v for v in around if v == 2]) < 1:
+ return 0
+ return v
+def get_vals():
+ vals = [0 for x in range(3)]
+ for y in range(ylen):
+ for x in range(xlen):
+ vals[vmap[y][x]] += 1
+ return vals
+def draw_map(cmap):
+ for y in range(ylen):
+ aoc.debug("".join([str(c) for c in cmap[y]]))
+def iterate(n):
+ global vmap
+ for i in range(n):
+ omap = [deque() for y in range(ylen)]
+ for y in range(ylen):
+ for x in range(xlen):
+ omap[y].append(next(x, y))
+ vmap = omap
+def get_res():
+ vals = get_vals()
+ return (vals[1] * vals[2])
+def solve1(args):
+ iterate(10)
+ vals = get_vals()
+ return vals[1] * vals[2]
+def solve2(args):
+ iterate(1000)
+ omap = deepcopy(vmap)
+ counter = 0
+ while True:
+ iterate(1)
+ counter += 1
+ if vmap == omap:
+ break
+ return get_res()
+, solve2, sols=[574590, 183787])
diff --git a/18/test1 b/18/test1
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/src/19/input.txt b/19/input
diff --git a/19/part1 b/19/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+--- Day 19: Go With The Flow ---
+With the Elves well on their way constructing the North Pole base, you turn your attention back to
+understanding the inner workings of programming the device.
+You can't help but notice that the device's opcodes don't contain any flow control like jump
+instructions. The device's manual goes on to explain:
+"In programs where flow control is required, the instruction pointer can be bound to a register so
+that it can be manipulated directly. This way, setr/seti can function as absolute jumps, addr/addi
+can function as relative jumps, and other opcodes can cause truly fascinating effects."
+This mechanism is achieved through a declaration like #ip 1, which would modify register 1 so that
+accesses to it let the program indirectly access the instruction pointer itself. To compensate for
+this kind of binding, there are now six registers (numbered 0 through 5); the five not bound to the
+instruction pointer behave as normal. Otherwise, the same rules apply as the last time you worked
+with this device.
+When the instruction pointer is bound to a register, its value is written to that register just
+before each instruction is executed, and the value of that register is written back to the
+instruction pointer immediately after each instruction finishes execution. Afterward, move to the
+next instruction by adding one to the instruction pointer, even if the value in the instruction
+pointer was just updated by an instruction. (Because of this, instructions must effectively set the
+instruction pointer to the instruction before the one they want executed next.)
+The instruction pointer is 0 during the first instruction, 1 during the second, and so on. If the
+instruction pointer ever causes the device to attempt to load an instruction outside the
+instructions defined in the program, the program instead immediately halts. The instruction pointer
+starts at 0.
+It turns out that this new information is already proving useful: the CPU in the device is not very
+powerful, and a background process is occupying most of its time. You dump the background process'
+declarations and instructions to a file (your puzzle input), making sure to use the names of the
+opcodes rather than the numbers.
+For example, suppose you have the following program:
+#ip 0
+seti 5 0 1
+seti 6 0 2
+addi 0 1 0
+addr 1 2 3
+setr 1 0 0
+seti 8 0 4
+seti 9 0 5
+When executed, the following instructions are executed. Each line contains the value of the
+instruction pointer at the time the instruction started, the values of the six registers before
+executing the instructions (in square brackets), the instruction itself, and the values of the six
+registers after executing the instruction (also in square brackets).
+ip=0 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] seti 5 0 1 [0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ip=1 [1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0] seti 6 0 2 [1, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0]
+ip=2 [2, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0] addi 0 1 0 [3, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0]
+ip=4 [4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0] setr 1 0 0 [5, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0]
+ip=6 [6, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0] seti 9 0 5 [6, 5, 6, 0, 0, 9]
+In detail, when running this program, the following events occur:
+ - The first line (#ip 0) indicates that the instruction pointer should be bound to register 0 in
+this program. This is not an instruction, and so the value of the instruction pointer does not
+change during the processing of this line.
+ - The instruction pointer contains 0, and so the first instruction is executed (seti 5 0 1). It
+updates register 0 to the current instruction pointer value (0), sets register 1 to 5, sets the
+instruction pointer to the value of register 0 (which has no effect, as the instruction did not
+modify register 0), and then adds one to the instruction pointer.
+ - The instruction pointer contains 1, and so the second instruction, seti 6 0 2, is executed. This
+is very similar to the instruction before it: 6 is stored in register 2, and the instruction pointer
+is left with the value 2.
+ - The instruction pointer is 2, which points at the instruction addi 0 1 0. This is like a
+relative jump: the value of the instruction pointer, 2, is loaded into register 0. Then, addi finds
+the result of adding the value in register 0 and the value 1, storing the result, 3, back in
+register 0. Register 0 is then copied back to the instruction pointer, which will cause it to end up
+1 larger than it would have otherwise and skip the next instruction (addr 1 2 3) entirely. Finally,
+1 is added to the instruction pointer.
+ - The instruction pointer is 4, so the instruction setr 1 0 0 is run. This is like an absolute
+jump: it copies the value contained in register 1, 5, into register 0, which causes it to end up in
+the instruction pointer. The instruction pointer is then incremented, leaving it at 6.
+ - The instruction pointer is 6, so the instruction seti 9 0 5 stores 9 into register 5. The
+instruction pointer is incremented, causing it to point outside the program, and so the program
+What value is left in register 0 when the background process halts?
diff --git a/19/part2 b/19/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+A new background process immediately spins up in its place. It appears identical, but on closer
+inspection, you notice that this time, register 0 started with the value 1.
+What value is left in register 0 when this new background process halts?
diff --git a/19/ b/19/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+from math import sqrt
+def parse_command(l):
+ s = l.split(" ")
+ args = [s[0]]
+ args = args + [int(v) for v in s[1:]]
+ return args
+data ="\n")
+inspaddr = int(data[0][4:])
+instructs = [parse_command(l) for l in data[1:] if len(l) != 0]
+register = [0 for x in range(inspaddr+1)]
+opmap = dict()
+opmap["addr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + register[b]
+opmap["addi"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + b
+opmap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * register[b]
+opmap["muli"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * b
+opmap["banr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & register[b]
+opmap["bani"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & b
+opmap["borr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | register[b]
+opmap["bori"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | b
+opmap["setr"] = lambda a, b : register[a]
+opmap["seti"] = lambda a, b : a
+opmap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a > register[b])
+opmap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > b)
+opmap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > register[b])
+opmap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a == register[b])
+opmap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == b)
+opmap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == register[b])
+def solve1(args):
+ global register, insptr
+ while register[inspaddr] < len(instructs):
+ insptr = register[inspaddr]
+ ins = instructs[insptr]
+ #aoc.debug(register)
+ # execute command
+ if len(register) <= ins[3]:
+ register += [0 for x in range(ins[3] - len(register) + 1)]
+ register[ins[3]] = opmap[ins[0]](ins[1], ins[2])
+ # increment instruction pointer
+ register[inspaddr] += 1
+ return register[0]
+alpha = [chr(c + ord('a')) for c in range(26)]
+dismap = dict()
+dismap["addr"] = lambda a, b : "%s + %s" % (alpha[a], alpha[b])
+dismap["addi"] = lambda a, b : "%s + %d" % (alpha[a], b)
+dismap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : "%s * %s" % (alpha[a], alpha[b])
+dismap["muli"] = lambda a, b : "%s * %d" % (alpha[a], b)
+dismap["banr"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a] & alpha[b])
+dismap["bani"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a] & b)
+dismap["borr"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a] | alpha[b])
+dismap["bori"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a] | b)
+dismap["setr"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a])
+dismap["seti"] = lambda a, b : str(a)
+dismap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : "(%d > %s)" % (a, alpha[b])
+dismap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : "(%s > %d)" % (alpha[a], b)
+dismap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : "(%s > %s)" % (alpha[a], alpha[b])
+dismap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : "(%d == %s)" % (a, alpha[b])
+dismap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : "(%s == %d)" % (alpha[a], b)
+dismap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : "(%s == %s)" % (alpha[a], alpha[b])
+def disassemble():
+ for i in range(len(instructs)):
+ ins = instructs[i]
+ aoc.debug(i ,":",alpha[ins[3]],"=", dismap[ins[0]](ins[1], ins[2]))
+ aoc.debug()
+""" divisor sum algo disassembled
+c = 1
+b = 1
+a = 0
+while b <= f:
+ c = 1
+ while c <= f:
+ if b * c == f:
+ a += b
+ c += 1
+ b += 1
+def solve2(args):
+ f = 10551276 # found by running
+ res = 0
+ sqrtf = sqrt(f)
+ for i in range(1, int(sqrtf)):
+ if f % i == 0:
+ res += i + f / i
+ if int(sqrtf) % f == 0:
+ res += sqrtf
+ return int(res)
+, solve2, sols=[2072, 27578880])
diff --git a/19/test1 b/19/test1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ip 0
+seti 5 0 1
+seti 6 0 2
+addi 0 1 0
+addr 1 2 3
+setr 1 0 0
+seti 8 0 4
+seti 9 0 5
diff --git a/src/20/.gitignore b/20/.gitignore
diff --git a/src/20/input.txt b/20/input
diff --git a/20/part1 b/20/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+--- Day 20: A Regular Map ---
+While you were learning about instruction pointers, the Elves made considerable progress. When you
+look up, you discover that the North Pole base construction project has completely surrounded you.
+The area you are in is made up entirely of rooms and doors. The rooms are arranged in a grid, and
+rooms only connect to adjacent rooms when a door is present between them.
+For example, drawing rooms as ., walls as #, doors as | or -, your current position as X, and where
+north is up, the area you're in might look like this:
+You get the attention of a passing construction Elf and ask for a map. "I don't have time to draw
+out a map of this place - it's huge. Instead, I can give you directions to every room in the
+facility!" He writes down some directions on a piece of parchment and runs off. In the example
+above, the instructions might have been ^WNE$, a regular expression or "regex" (your puzzle input).
+The regex matches routes (like WNE for "west, north, east") that will take you from your current
+room through various doors in the facility. In aggregate, the routes will take you through every
+door in the facility at least once; mapping out all of these routes will let you build a proper map
+and find your way around.
+^ and $ are at the beginning and end of your regex; these just mean that the regex doesn't match
+anything outside the routes it describes. (Specifically, ^ matches the start of the route, and $
+matches the end of it.) These characters will not appear elsewhere in the regex.
+The rest of the regex matches various sequences of the characters N (north), S (south), E (east),
+and W (west). In the example above, ^WNE$ matches only one route, WNE, which means you can move
+west, then north, then east from your current position. Sequences of letters like this always match
+that exact route in the same order.
+Sometimes, the route can branch. A branch is given by a list of options separated by pipes (|) and
+wrapped in parentheses. So, ^N(E|W)N$ contains a branch: after going north, you must choose to go
+either east or west before finishing your route by going north again. By tracing out the possible
+routes after branching, you can determine where the doors are and, therefore, where the rooms are in
+the facility.
+For example, consider this regex: ^ENWWW(NEEE|SSE(EE|N))$
+This regex begins with ENWWW, which means that from your current position, all routes must begin by
+moving east, north, and then west three times, in that order. After this, there is a branch. Before
+you consider the branch, this is what you know about the map so far, with doors you aren't sure
+about marked with a ?:
+ ?X|.?
+ #?#?#
+After this point, there is (NEEE|SSE(EE|N)). This gives you exactly two options: NEEE and SSE(EE|N).
+By following NEEE, the map now looks like this:
+ ?X|.?
+ #?#?#
+Now, only SSE(EE|N) remains. Because it is in the same parenthesized group as NEEE, it starts from
+the same room NEEE started in. It states that starting from that point, there exist doors which will
+allow you to move south twice, then east; this ends up at another branch. After that, you can either
+move east twice or north once. This information fills in the rest of the doors:
+Once you've followed all possible routes, you know the remaining unknown parts are all walls,
+producing a finished map of the facility:
+Sometimes, a list of options can have an empty option, like (NEWS|WNSE|). This means that routes at
+this point could effectively skip the options in parentheses and move on immediately. For example,
+consider this regex and the corresponding map:
+This regex has one main route which, at three locations, can optionally include additional detours
+and be valid: (NEWS|), (WNSE|), and (SWEN|). Regardless of which option is taken, the route
+continues from the position it is left at after taking those steps. So, for example, this regex
+matches all of the following routes (and more that aren't listed here):
+By following the various routes the regex matches, a full map of all of the doors and rooms in the
+facility can be assembled.
+To get a sense for the size of this facility, you'd like to determine which room is furthest from
+you: specifically, you would like to find the room for which the shortest path to that room would
+require passing through the most doors.
+ - In the first example (^WNE$), this would be the north-east corner 3 doors away.
+ - In the second example (^ENWWW(NEEE|SSE(EE|N))$), this would be the south-east corner 10 doors
+ - In the third example (^ENNWSWW(NEWS|)SSSEEN(WNSE|)EE(SWEN|)NNN$), this would be the north-east
+corner 18 doors away.
+Here are a few more examples:
+Furthest room requires passing 23 doors
+Furthest room requires passing 31 doors
+What is the largest number of doors you would be required to pass through to reach a room? That is,
+find the room for which the shortest path from your starting location to that room would require
+passing through the most doors; what is the fewest doors you can pass through to reach it?
diff --git a/20/part2 b/20/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Okay, so the facility is big.
+How many rooms have a shortest path from your current location that pass through at least 1000
diff --git a/20/ b/20/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+from copy import deepcopy
+data = list(
+def get_map(p):
+ return vmap[p[1] + spos[1]][p[0] + spos[0]]
+def set_map(p, c):
+ global vmap, spos
+ vmap[p[1] + spos[1]][p[0] + spos[0]] = c
+def new_pos(p, c):
+ p = p[:]
+ if c == "N":
+ p[1] -= 2
+ elif c == "S":
+ p[1] += 2
+ elif c == "W":
+ p[0] -= 2
+ elif c == "E":
+ p[0] += 2
+ return p
+def calc_pos(stack):
+ p = [0,0]
+ for c in stack:
+ p = new_pos(p, c)
+ return p
+xmin = 0
+xmax = 0
+ymin = 0
+ymax = 0
+def check_size(stack):
+ global xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
+ p = calc_pos(stack)
+ if p[0] < xmin:
+ xmin = p[0]
+ if p[0] > xmax:
+ xmax = p[0]
+ if p[1] < ymin:
+ ymin = p[1]
+ if p[1] > ymax:
+ ymax = p[1]
+def draw_route(stack):
+ p = calc_pos(stack)
+ set_map(p, ".")
+ np = new_pos(p, stack[-1])
+ cp = [0,0]
+ cp[0] = p[0] + int((p[0] - np[0])/2)
+ cp[1] = p[1] + int((p[1] - np[1])/2)
+ set_map(cp, "+")
+def iter_regex(func):
+ stacklens = [0]
+ stack = []
+ for i in range(1, len(data)-1):
+ c = data[i]
+ if c == "(":
+ stacklens.append(0)
+ elif c == "|":
+ for i in range(stacklens[-1]):
+ stack.pop()
+ stacklens[-1] = 0
+ elif c == ")":
+ for i in range(stacklens[-1]):
+ stack.pop()
+ stacklens.pop()
+ else:
+ stack.append(c)
+ stacklens[-1] += 1
+ func(stack)
+def fwriteMap():
+ f = open("output", "w+")
+ for y in range(len(vmap)):
+ f.write("".join([str(v) for v in vmap[y]]) + "\n")
+ f.close()
+mshape = None
+spos = None
+vmap = None
+def genMap():
+ global vmap, mshape, spos
+ iter_regex(check_size)
+ xdif = xmax - xmin + 2
+ ydif = ymax - ymin + 2
+ spos = (-xmin+1, -ymin+1)
+ mshape = (xdif, ydif)
+ vmap = [["#" for x in range(xdif+1)] for y in range(ydif+1)]
+ vmap[spos[1]][spos[0]] = "X"
+ iter_regex(draw_route)
+adjacent = ((-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1))
+def gen_countmap(sp):
+ countmap = dict()
+ next = dict()
+ next[(sp[0], sp[1])] = 0
+ counter = 0
+ steps = list()
+ while len(next) > 0 and len(steps) == 0: # first steps available will be shortest
+ countmap = {**countmap, **next} # merge dictionaries
+ counter += 1
+ temp = dict()
+ for n in next:
+ for dir in adjacent:
+ nx = n[0]+dir[0]
+ ny = n[1]+dir[1]
+ if get_map((nx, ny)) != "#" and (nx, ny) not in countmap and (nx, ny) not in temp:
+ temp[(nx,ny)] = counter
+ next = temp
+ return countmap
+def next_step(cmap, p):
+ # adjacent squares
+ npos = [[p[0] + dir[0], p[1] + dir[1]] for dir in adjacent]
+ # steps and dist
+ steps = [[np[0], np[1], cmap[np[0], np[1]]] for np in npos if (np[0], np[1]) in cmap]
+ if len(steps) == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return sorted(steps, key = lambda x: x[2])[0] #closest
+def solve1(args):
+ cmap = gen_countmap((0,0))
+ ipos = sorted(cmap, key = lambda x : cmap[x])[-1]
+ return int(cmap[ipos]/2)
+def solve2(args):
+ cmap = gen_countmap((0,0))
+ count = len([v for v in cmap if int(cmap[v]/2) >= 1000 and get_map(v) == "."])
+ return count
+, solve2, sols=[4121, 8636])
diff --git a/20/test1 b/20/test1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/21/input.txt b/21/input
diff --git a/21/part1 b/21/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+--- Day 21: Chronal Conversion ---
+You should have been watching where you were going, because as you wander the new North Pole base,
+you trip and fall into a very deep hole!
+Just kidding. You're falling through time again.
+If you keep up your current pace, you should have resolved all of the temporal anomalies by the next
+time the device activates. Since you have very little interest in browsing history in 500-year
+increments for the rest of your life, you need to find a way to get back to your present time.
+After a little research, you discover two important facts about the behavior of the device:
+First, you discover that the device is hard-wired to always send you back in time in 500-year
+increments. Changing this is probably not feasible.
+Second, you discover the activation system (your puzzle input) for the time travel module.
+Currently, it appears to run forever without halting.
+If you can cause the activation system to halt at a specific moment, maybe you can make the device
+send you so far back in time that you cause an integer underflow in time itself and wrap around back
+to your current time!
+The device executes the program as specified in manual section one and manual section two.
+Your goal is to figure out how the program works and cause it to halt. You can only control
+register 0; every other register begins at 0 as usual.
+Because time travel is a dangerous activity, the activation system begins with a few instructions
+which verify that bitwise AND (via bani) does a numeric operation and not an operation as if the
+inputs were interpreted as strings. If the test fails, it enters an infinite loop re-running the
+test instead of allowing the program to execute normally. If the test passes, the program
+continues, and assumes that all other bitwise operations (banr, bori, and borr) also interpret their
+inputs as numbers. (Clearly, the Elves who wrote this system were worried that someone might
+introduce a bug while trying to emulate this system with a scripting language.)
+What is the lowest non-negative integer value for register 0 that causes the program to halt after
+executing the fewest instructions? (Executing the same instruction multiple times counts as multiple
+instructions executed.)
diff --git a/21/part2 b/21/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+In order to determine the timing window for your underflow exploit, you also need an upper bound:
+What is the lowest non-negative integer value for register 0 that causes the program to halt after
+executing the most instructions? (The program must actually halt; running forever does not count as
diff --git a/21/ b/21/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+from math import sqrt
+def parse_command(l):
+ s = l.split(" ")
+ args = [s[0]]
+ args = args + [int(v) for v in s[1:]]
+ return args
+data ="\n")
+inspaddr = int(data[0][4:])
+instructs = [parse_command(l) for l in data[1:] if len(l) != 0]
+register = [0 for x in range(inspaddr+1)]
+opmap = dict()
+opmap["addr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + register[b]
+opmap["addi"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + b
+opmap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * register[b]
+opmap["muli"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * b
+opmap["banr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & register[b]
+opmap["bani"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & b
+opmap["borr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | register[b]
+opmap["bori"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | b
+opmap["setr"] = lambda a, b : register[a]
+opmap["seti"] = lambda a, b : a
+opmap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a > register[b])
+opmap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > b)
+opmap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > register[b])
+opmap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a == register[b])
+opmap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == b)
+opmap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == register[b])
+def varname(v):
+ return "R"+str(v)
+dismap = dict()
+dismap["addr"] = lambda a, b : "%s + %s" % (varname(a), varname(b))
+dismap["addi"] = lambda a, b : "%s + %d" % (varname(a), b)
+dismap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : "%s * %s" % (varname(a), varname(b))
+dismap["muli"] = lambda a, b : "%s * %d" % (varname(a), b)
+dismap["banr"] = lambda a, b : "%s & %s" % (varname(a), varname(b))
+dismap["bani"] = lambda a, b : "%s & %d" % (varname(a), b)
+dismap["borr"] = lambda a, b : "%s | %s" % (varname(a), varname(b))
+dismap["bori"] = lambda a, b : "%s | %d" % (varname(a), b)
+dismap["setr"] = lambda a, b : "%s" % (varname(a))
+dismap["seti"] = lambda a, b : "%d" % (a)
+dismap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : "(%d > %s)" % (a, varname(b))
+dismap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : "(%s > %d)" % (varname(a), b)
+dismap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : "(%s > %s)" % (varname(a), varname(b))
+dismap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : "(%d == %s)" % (a, varname(b))
+dismap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : "(%s == %d)" % (varname(a), b)
+dismap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : "(%s == %s)" % (varname(a), varname(b))
+def disassemble(s, e):
+ for i in range(s, e):
+ ins = instructs[i]
+ aoc.debug(i ,":",varname(ins[3]),"=", dismap[ins[0]](ins[1], ins[2]))
+ aoc.debug()
+def execute():
+ global register, insptr
+ while register[inspaddr] < len(instructs):
+ insptr = register[inspaddr]
+ ins = instructs[insptr]
+ # execute command
+ if len(register) <= ins[3]:
+ register += [0 for x in range(ins[3] - len(register) + 1)]
+ register[ins[3]] = opmap[ins[0]](ins[1], ins[2])
+ # part 1
+ #if insptr == 13 and register[4] == 1:
+ # aoc.debug(register)
+ # return
+ # increment instruction pointer
+ register[inspaddr] += 1
+def solve1(args):
+ r0 = 1797184 # (first opportunity for comparison r1 and r0)
+ #disassemble(0, len(instructs))
+ #execute()
+ return r0
+def solve2(args):
+ r1 = 0
+ candidates = list()
+ while True:
+ r4 = r1 | 65536 # flip 9th bit
+ r1 = 3798839
+ while True: # scan bytes of r4 and add them to r1 and multiply
+ r5 = r4 & 255
+ r1 += r5
+ r1 = r1 & 16777215
+ r1 *= 65899 # equals 1 00000001 01101011
+ r1 = r1 & 16777215
+ if r4 < 256:
+ break
+ r4 = int(r4/256) # bit shift 8 to the right
+ if r1 not in candidates:
+ candidates.append(r1)
+ elif r1 == candidates[-1]:
+ return candidates[-1]
+, solve2, sols=[1797184, 11011493])
diff --git a/21/test1 b/21/test1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ip 0
+seti 5 0 1
+seti 6 0 2
+addi 0 1 0
+addr 1 2 3
+setr 1 0 0
+seti 8 0 4
+seti 9 0 5
diff --git a/src/22/input.txt b/22/input
diff --git a/22/part1 b/22/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+--- Day 22: Mode Maze ---
+This is it, your final stop: the year -483. It's snowing and dark outside; the only light you can
+see is coming from a small cottage in the distance. You make your way there and knock on the door.
+A portly man with a large, white beard answers the door and invites you inside. For someone living
+near the North Pole in -483, he must not get many visitors, but he doesn't act surprised to see you.
+Instead, he offers you some milk and cookies.
+After talking for a while, he asks a favor of you. His friend hasn't come back in a few hours, and
+he's not sure where he is. Scanning the region briefly, you discover one life signal in a cave
+system nearby; his friend must have taken shelter there. The man asks if you can go there to
+retrieve his friend.
+The cave is divided into square regions which are either dominantly rocky, narrow, or wet (called
+its type). Each region occupies exactly one coordinate in X,Y format where X and Y are integers and
+zero or greater. (Adjacent regions can be the same type.)
+The scan (your puzzle input) is not very detailed: it only reveals the depth of the cave system and
+the coordinates of the target. However, it does not reveal the type of each region. The mouth of the
+cave is at 0,0.
+The man explains that due to the unusual geology in the area, there is a method to determine any
+region's type based on its erosion level. The erosion level of a region can be determined from its
+geologic index. The geologic index can be determined using the first rule that applies from the list
+ - The region at 0,0 (the mouth of the cave) has a geologic index of 0.
+ - The region at the coordinates of the target has a geologic index of 0.
+ - If the region's Y coordinate is 0, the geologic index is its X coordinate times 16807.
+ - If the region's X coordinate is 0, the geologic index is its Y coordinate times 48271.
+ - Otherwise, the region's geologic index is the result of multiplying the erosion levels of the
+regions at X-1,Y and X,Y-1.
+A region's erosion level is its geologic index plus the cave system's depth, all modulo 20183. Then:
+ - If the erosion level modulo 3 is 0, the region's type is rocky.
+ - If the erosion level modulo 3 is 1, the region's type is wet.
+ - If the erosion level modulo 3 is 2, the region's type is narrow.
+For example, suppose the cave system's depth is 510 and the target's coordinates are 10,10. Using %
+to represent the modulo operator, the cavern would look as follows:
+ - At 0,0, the geologic index is 0. The erosion level is (0 + 510) % 20183 = 510. The type is 510 %
+3 = 0, rocky.
+ - At 1,0, because the Y coordinate is 0, the geologic index is 1 * 16807 = 16807. The erosion level
+is (16807 + 510) % 20183 = 17317. The type is 17317 % 3 = 1, wet.
+ - At 0,1, because the X coordinate is 0, the geologic index is 1 * 48271 = 48271. The erosion
+level is (48271 + 510) % 20183 = 8415. The type is 8415 % 3 = 0, rocky.
+ - At 1,1, neither coordinate is 0 and it is not the coordinate of the target, so the geologic index
+is the erosion level of 0,1 (8415) times the erosion level of 1,0 (17317), 8415 * 17317 = 145722555.
+The erosion level is (145722555 + 510) % 20183 = 1805. The type is 1805 % 3 = 2, narrow.
+ - At 10,10, because they are the target's coordinates, the geologic index is 0. The erosion level
+is (0 + 510) % 20183 = 510. The type is 510 % 3 = 0, rocky.
+Drawing this same cave system with rocky as ., wet as =, narrow as |, the mouth as M, the target as
+T, with 0,0 in the top-left corner, X increasing to the right, and Y increasing downward, the
+top-left corner of the map looks like this:
+Before you go in, you should determine the risk level of the area. For the rectangle that has a
+top-left corner of region 0,0 and a bottom-right corner of the region containing the target, add up
+the risk level of each individual region: 0 for rocky regions, 1 for wet regions, and 2 for narrow
+In the cave system above, because the mouth is at 0,0 and the target is at 10,10, adding up the risk
+level of all regions with an X coordinate from 0 to 10 and a Y coordinate from 0 to 10, this total
+is 114.
+What is the total risk level for the smallest rectangle that includes 0,0 and the target's
diff --git a/22/part2 b/22/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Okay, it's time to go rescue the man's friend.
+As you leave, he hands you some tools: a torch and some climbing gear. You can't equip both tools at
+once, but you can choose to use neither.
+Tools can only be used in certain regions:
+ - In rocky regions, you can use the climbing gear or the torch. You cannot use neither (you'll
+likely slip and fall).
+ - In wet regions, you can use the climbing gear or neither tool. You cannot use the torch (if it
+gets wet, you won't have a light source).
+ - In narrow regions, you can use the torch or neither tool. You cannot use the climbing gear (it's
+too bulky to fit).
+You start at 0,0 (the mouth of the cave) with the torch equipped and must reach the target
+coordinates as quickly as possible. The regions with negative X or Y are solid rock and cannot be
+traversed. The fastest route might involve entering regions beyond the X or Y coordinate of the
+You can move to an adjacent region (up, down, left, or right; never diagonally) if your currently
+equipped tool allows you to enter that region. Moving to an adjacent region takes one minute. (For
+example, if you have the torch equipped, you can move between rocky and narrow regions, but cannot
+enter wet regions.)
+You can change your currently equipped tool or put both away if your new equipment would be valid
+for your current region. Switching to using the climbing gear, torch, or neither always takes seven
+minutes, regardless of which tools you start with. (For example, if you are in a rocky region, you
+can switch from the torch to the climbing gear, but you cannot switch to neither.)
+Finally, once you reach the target, you need the torch equipped before you can find him in the dark.
+The target is always in a rocky region, so if you arrive there with climbing gear equipped, you will
+need to spend seven minutes switching to your torch.
+For example, using the same cave system as above, starting in the top left corner (0,0) and moving
+to the bottom right corner (the target, 10,10) as quickly as possible, one possible route is as
+follows, with your current position marked X:
+Switch from using the torch to neither tool:
+Right 3:
+Switch from using neither tool to the climbing gear:
+Down 7:
+Down 3:
+Right 4:
+Up 2:
+Switch from using the climbing gear to the torch:
+This is tied with other routes as the fastest way to reach the target: 45 minutes. In it, 21 minutes
+are spent switching tools (three times, seven minutes each) and the remaining 24 minutes are spent
+What is the fewest number of minutes you can take to reach the target?
diff --git a/22/ b/22/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+import networkx
+adjacent = [[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]
+# create symbol definitions
+symbols = [".", "=", "|"]
+rocky, wet, narrow = 0, 1, 2
+torch, gear, neither = 0, 1, 2
+tooloptions = dict()
+tooloptions[rocky] = (torch, gear)
+tooloptions[wet] = (gear, neither)
+tooloptions[narrow] = (torch, neither)
+# parse input file
+def parse_input(si):
+ s = si.split("\n")
+ depth = int(s[0].split(": ")[1])
+ target = [int(v) for v in s[1].split(": ")[1].split(",")]
+ return depth, target
+# get erosion level from geological index
+def get_erosion_level(n):
+ return (n + depth) % 20183
+# generate map of erosion types
+def gen_map():
+ grid = [[0 for x in range(mrange[0])] for y in range(mrange[1])]
+ # generate values on x side
+ grid[0] = [get_erosion_level(x * 16807) for x in range(mrange[0])]
+ # generate values on y side
+ for y in range(mrange[1]):
+ grid[y][0] = get_erosion_level(y * 48271)
+ # fill in other positions
+ for y in range(1, mrange[1]):
+ for x in range(1, mrange[0]):
+ grid[y][x] = get_erosion_level(grid[y-1][x] * grid[y][x-1])
+ # mod 3 for env type
+ grid = [[grid[y][x] % 3 for x in range(mrange[0])] for y in range(mrange[1])]
+ # start position is rocky
+ grid[target[1]][target[0]] = 0
+ return grid
+# define constants from input file
+depth, target = parse_input(
+mrange = (target[0] + 100, target[1] + 100) # 100 block padding for potential hook-paths
+vmap = gen_map()
+def risk_level(width, height):
+ risk = 0
+ for y in range(height + 1):
+ for x in range(width + 1):
+ risk += vmap[y][x]
+ return risk
+def adj(p):
+ return [[p[0] + di[0], p[1] + di[1]] for di in adjacent]
+def dijkstra():
+ graph = networkx.Graph()
+ for y in range(mrange[1]):
+ for x in range(mrange[0]):
+ tools = tooloptions[vmap[y][x]]
+ # always takes 7 minutes to switch, 2 z-options for each tool
+ graph.add_edge((x, y, tools[0]), (x, y, tools[1]), weight = 7)
+ for (nx, ny) in adj((x, y)):
+ if 0 <= nx < mrange[0] and 0 <= ny < mrange[1]:
+ ntools = tooloptions[vmap[ny][nx]]
+ # if tool is usable in both environments
+ for tool in [t for t in tools if t in ntools]:
+ # then it only takes 1 minute
+ graph.add_edge((x, y, tool), (nx, ny, tool), weight = 1)
+ return networkx.dijkstra_path_length(graph,
+ (0, 0, torch), (target[0], target[1], torch))
+def solve1(args):
+ return risk_level(target[0], target[1])
+def solve2(args):
+ return dijkstra()
+, solve2, sols=[11359, 976])
diff --git a/src/23/input.txt b/23/input
diff --git a/23/part1 b/23/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+--- Day 23: Experimental Emergency Teleportation ---
+Using your torch to search the darkness of the rocky cavern, you finally locate the man's friend: a
+small reindeer.
+You're not sure how it got so far in this cave. It looks sick - too sick to walk - and too heavy
+for you to carry all the way back. Sleighs won't be invented for another 1500 years, of course.
+The only option is experimental emergency teleportation.
+You hit the "experimental emergency teleportation" button on the device and push I accept the risk
+on no fewer than 18 different warning messages. Immediately, the device deploys hundreds of tiny
+nanobots which fly around the cavern, apparently assembling themselves into a very specific
+formation. The device lists the X,Y,Z position (pos) for each nanobot as well as its signal radius
+(r) on its tiny screen (your puzzle input).
+Each nanobot can transmit signals to any integer coordinate which is a distance away from it less
+than or equal to its signal radius (as measured by Manhattan distance). Coordinates a distance away
+of less than or equal to a nanobot's signal radius are said to be in range of that nanobot.
+Before you start the teleportation process, you should determine which nanobot is the strongest
+(that is, which has the largest signal radius) and then, for that nanobot, the total number of
+nanobots that are in range of it, including itself.
+For example, given the following nanobots:
+pos=<0,0,0>, r=4
+pos=<1,0,0>, r=1
+pos=<4,0,0>, r=3
+pos=<0,2,0>, r=1
+pos=<0,5,0>, r=3
+pos=<0,0,3>, r=1
+pos=<1,1,1>, r=1
+pos=<1,1,2>, r=1
+pos=<1,3,1>, r=1
+The strongest nanobot is the first one (position 0,0,0) because its signal radius, 4 is the largest.
+Using that nanobot's location and signal radius, the following nanobots are in or out of range:
+ - The nanobot at 0,0,0 is distance 0 away, and so it is in range.
+ - The nanobot at 1,0,0 is distance 1 away, and so it is in range.
+ - The nanobot at 4,0,0 is distance 4 away, and so it is in range.
+ - The nanobot at 0,2,0 is distance 2 away, and so it is in range.
+ - The nanobot at 0,5,0 is distance 5 away, and so it is not in range.
+ - The nanobot at 0,0,3 is distance 3 away, and so it is in range.
+ - The nanobot at 1,1,1 is distance 3 away, and so it is in range.
+ - The nanobot at 1,1,2 is distance 4 away, and so it is in range.
+ - The nanobot at 1,3,1 is distance 5 away, and so it is not in range.
+In this example, in total, 7 nanobots are in range of the nanobot with the largest signal radius.
+Find the nanobot with the largest signal radius. How many nanobots are in range of its signals?
diff --git a/23/part2 b/23/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Now, you just need to figure out where to position yourself so that you're actually teleported when
+the nanobots activate.
+To increase the probability of success, you need to find the coordinate which puts you in range of
+the largest number of nanobots. If there are multiple, choose one closest to your position (0,0,0,
+measured by manhattan distance).
+For example, given the following nanobot formation:
+pos=<10,12,12>, r=2
+pos=<12,14,12>, r=2
+pos=<16,12,12>, r=4
+pos=<14,14,14>, r=6
+pos=<50,50,50>, r=200
+pos=<10,10,10>, r=5
+Many coordinates are in range of some of the nanobots in this formation. However, only the
+coordinate 12,12,12 is in range of the most nanobots: it is in range of the first five, but is not
+in range of the nanobot at 10,10,10. (All other coordinates are in range of fewer than five
+nanobots.) This coordinate's distance from 0,0,0 is 36.
+Find the coordinates that are in range of the largest number of nanobots. What is the shortest
+manhattan distance between any of those points and 0,0,0?
diff --git a/23/ b/23/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+import math
+# nanobots consist of tuples containing: (position, radius)
+nanobots = list()
+# parse a line of input file
+def parse_entry(l):
+ s = l.split(">, ")
+ pos = [int(v) for v in s[0].split("=<")[1].split(",")]
+ radius = int(s[1].split("=")[1])
+ nanobots.append((pos, radius))
+data = [parse_entry(l) for l in"\n") if len(l) != 0]
+# manhattan distance
+def dist(p1, p2):
+ xd = abs(p1[0] - p2[0])
+ yd = abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
+ zd = abs(p1[2] - p2[2])
+ return xd + yd + zd
+# two nanobots range overlap
+def is_overlap(nb1, nb2):
+ return nb1[1] + nb2[1] >= dist(nb1[0], nb2[0])
+# nanobots range completely inside anothers range
+def is_inside(nb1, nb2):
+ return dist(nb1[0], nb2[0]) <= nb2[1] - nb1[1]
+# check if range of nanobot is inside grid
+def tile_in_range(tile, nb, gridsize):
+ hgridsize = math.floor(gridsize / 2) # case gridsize = 1 => squares should have 0 width
+ nbp = nb[0]
+ ds = [abs(nbp[i] - tile[i]) for i in range(3)]
+ md = max(ds)
+ if md == 0:
+ return True
+ ds = [d * hgridsize / md for d in ds] # get distance along squares sides
+ return dist(nbp, tile) - sum(ds) <= nb[1]
+def solve1(args):
+ maxr = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[1])
+ inrange = 0
+ for nb in nanobots:
+ if dist(nb[0], maxr[0]) <= maxr[1]:
+ inrange += 1
+ return inrange
+def solve2(args):
+ global nanobots
+ # use smaller getting grid like binary search to find position in range of most nanobots
+ minpx = min(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][0])[0][0]
+ minpy = min(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][1])[0][1]
+ minpz = min(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][2])[0][2]
+ minp = (minpx, minpy, minpz)
+ maxpx = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][0])[0][0]
+ maxpy = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][1])[0][1]
+ maxpz = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][2])[0][2]
+ maxp = (maxpx, maxpy, maxpz)
+ gridsize = max([maxp[i] - minp[i] for i in range(3)]) # largest dif dim to ensure all nanbots are in the grid
+ bestpos = None
+ while gridsize >= 1:
+ maxintile = 0
+ # traverse grid in steps of gridsize
+ xsteps = math.ceil((maxp[0] - minp[0]) / gridsize) + 1
+ ysteps = math.ceil((maxp[1] - minp[1]) / gridsize) + 1
+ zsteps = math.ceil((maxp[2] - minp[2]) / gridsize) + 1
+ for nx in range(xsteps):
+ for ny in range(ysteps):
+ for nz in range(zsteps):
+ x = minp[0] + nx * gridsize
+ y = minp[1] + ny * gridsize
+ z = minp[2] + nz * gridsize
+ intile = 0
+ for nb in nanobots:
+ # check if nanobots range intersects with tile
+ if tile_in_range((x, y, z), nb, gridsize):
+ intile += 1
+ if maxintile < intile:
+ maxintile = intile
+ bestpos = (x, y, z)
+ elif maxintile == intile:
+ dist = sum([abs(v) for v in (x, y, z)])
+ bestdist = sum([abs(v) for v in bestpos])
+ # if two gridtiles have the same count,
+ # choose the one closest to the origin
+ if maxintile == 0 or dist < bestdist:
+ bestpos = (x, y, z)
+ if gridsize == 1:
+ break
+ gridsize = math.floor(gridsize / 2)
+ minp = [v - gridsize for v in bestpos]
+ maxp = [v + gridsize for v in bestpos]
+ return sum(bestpos)
+, solve2, sols=[573, 107279292])
diff --git a/src/24/input.txt b/24/input
diff --git a/24/part1 b/24/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+--- Day 24: Immune System Simulator 20XX ---
+After a weird buzzing noise, you appear back at the man's cottage. He seems relieved to see his
+friend, but quickly notices that the little reindeer caught some kind of cold while out exploring.
+The portly man explains that this reindeer's immune system isn't similar to regular reindeer immune
+The immune system and the infection each have an army made up of several groups; each group consists
+of one or more identical units. The armies repeatedly fight until only one army has units
+Units within a group all have the same hit points (amount of damage a unit can take before it is
+destroyed), attack damage (the amount of damage each unit deals), an attack type, an initiative
+(higher initiative units attack first and win ties), and sometimes weaknesses or immunities. Here is
+an example group:
+18 units each with 729 hit points (weak to fire; immune to cold, slashing)
+ with an attack that does 8 radiation damage at initiative 10
+Each group also has an effective power: the number of units in that group multiplied by their attack
+damage. The above group has an effective power of 18 * 8 = 144. Groups never have zero or negative
+units; instead, the group is removed from combat.
+Each fight consists of two phases: target selection and attacking.
+During the target selection phase, each group attempts to choose one target. In decreasing order of
+effective power, groups choose their targets; in a tie, the group with the higher initiative chooses
+first. The attacking group chooses to target the group in the enemy army to which it would deal the
+most damage (after accounting for weaknesses and immunities, but not accounting for whether the
+defending group has enough units to actually receive all of that damage).
+If an attacking group is considering two defending groups to which it would deal equal damage, it
+chooses to target the defending group with the largest effective power; if there is still a tie, it
+chooses the defending group with the highest initiative. If it cannot deal any defending groups
+damage, it does not choose a target. Defending groups can only be chosen as a target by one
+attacking group.
+At the end of the target selection phase, each group has selected zero or one groups to attack, and
+each group is being attacked by zero or one groups.
+During the attacking phase, each group deals damage to the target it selected, if any. Groups attack
+in decreasing order of initiative, regardless of whether they are part of the infection or the
+immune system. (If a group contains no units, it cannot attack.)
+The damage an attacking group deals to a defending group depends on the attacking group's attack
+type and the defending group's immunities and weaknesses. By default, an attacking group would deal
+damage equal to its effective power to the defending group. However, if the defending group is
+immune to the attacking group's attack type, the defending group instead takes no damage; if the
+defending group is weak to the attacking group's attack type, the defending group instead takes
+double damage.
+The defending group only loses whole units from damage; damage is always dealt in such a way that it
+kills the most units possible, and any remaining damage to a unit that does not immediately kill it
+is ignored. For example, if a defending group contains 10 units with 10 hit points each and receives
+75 damage, it loses exactly 7 units and is left with 3 units at full health.
+After the fight is over, if both armies still contain units, a new fight begins; combat only ends
+once one army has lost all of its units.
+For example, consider the following armies:
+Immune System:
+17 units each with 5390 hit points (weak to radiation, bludgeoning) with
+ an attack that does 4507 fire damage at initiative 2
+989 units each with 1274 hit points (immune to fire; weak to bludgeoning,
+ slashing) with an attack that does 25 slashing damage at initiative 3
+801 units each with 4706 hit points (weak to radiation) with an attack
+ that does 116 bludgeoning damage at initiative 1
+4485 units each with 2961 hit points (immune to radiation; weak to fire,
+ cold) with an attack that does 12 slashing damage at initiative 4
+If these armies were to enter combat, the following fights, including details during the target
+selection and attacking phases, would take place:
+Immune System:
+Group 1 contains 17 units
+Group 2 contains 989 units
+Group 1 contains 801 units
+Group 2 contains 4485 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 1 185832 damage
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 185832 damage
+Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 107640 damage
+Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 1 76619 damage
+Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 153238 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 24725 damage
+Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 84 units
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units
+Immune System group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 51 units
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 1, killing 17 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 905 units
+Group 1 contains 797 units
+Group 2 contains 4434 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 184904 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 22625 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 22625 damage
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 144 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 761 units
+Group 1 contains 793 units
+Group 2 contains 4434 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 183976 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 19025 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 19025 damage
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 143 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 618 units
+Group 1 contains 789 units
+Group 2 contains 4434 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 183048 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 15450 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 15450 damage
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 3 units
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 143 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 475 units
+Group 1 contains 786 units
+Group 2 contains 4434 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 182352 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 11875 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 11875 damage
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 2 units
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 333 units
+Group 1 contains 784 units
+Group 2 contains 4434 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181888 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 8325 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 8325 damage
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 1 unit
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 191 units
+Group 1 contains 783 units
+Group 2 contains 4434 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181656 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 4775 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 4775 damage
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 1 unit
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 49 units
+Group 1 contains 782 units
+Group 2 contains 4434 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181424 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 1225 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 1225 damage
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 0 units
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 49 units
+Immune System:
+No groups remain.
+Group 1 contains 782 units
+Group 2 contains 4434 units
+In the example above, the winning army ends up with 782 + 4434 = 5216 units.
+You scan the reindeer's condition (your puzzle input); the white-bearded man looks nervous. As it
+stands now, how many units would the winning army have?
diff --git a/24/part2 b/24/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+Things aren't looking good for the reindeer. The man asks whether more milk and cookies would help
+you think.
+If only you could give the reindeer's immune system a boost, you might be able to change the outcome
+of the combat.
+A boost is an integer increase in immune system units' attack damage. For example, if you were to
+boost the above example's immune system's units by 1570, the armies would instead look like this:
+Immune System:
+17 units each with 5390 hit points (weak to radiation, bludgeoning) with
+ an attack that does 6077 fire damage at initiative 2
+989 units each with 1274 hit points (immune to fire; weak to bludgeoning,
+ slashing) with an attack that does 1595 slashing damage at initiative 3
+801 units each with 4706 hit points (weak to radiation) with an attack
+ that does 116 bludgeoning damage at initiative 1
+4485 units each with 2961 hit points (immune to radiation; weak to fire,
+ cold) with an attack that does 12 slashing damage at initiative 4
+With this boost, the combat proceeds differently:
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 989 units
+Group 1 contains 17 units
+Group 1 contains 801 units
+Group 2 contains 4485 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 185832 damage
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 1 185832 damage
+Infection group 2 would deal defending group 1 53820 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 1577455 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 1577455 damage
+Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 206618 damage
+Infection group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 9 units
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 335 units
+Immune System group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 32 units
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 84 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 905 units
+Group 1 contains 8 units
+Group 1 contains 466 units
+Group 2 contains 4453 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 108112 damage
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 1 108112 damage
+Infection group 2 would deal defending group 1 53436 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 1443475 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 1443475 damage
+Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 97232 damage
+Infection group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 8 units
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 306 units
+Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 29 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 876 units
+Group 2 contains 4453 units
+Group 1 contains 160 units
+Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 106872 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 1397220 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 1397220 damage
+Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 83 units
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 427 units
+After a few fights...
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 64 units
+Group 2 contains 214 units
+Group 1 contains 19 units
+Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 5136 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 102080 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 102080 damage
+Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 4 units
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 32 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 60 units
+Group 1 contains 19 units
+Group 2 contains 182 units
+Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 4408 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 95700 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 95700 damage
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 19 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 60 units
+Group 2 contains 182 units
+Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 4368 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 95700 damage
+Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 3 units
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 30 units
+After a few more fights...
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 51 units
+Group 2 contains 40 units
+Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 960 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 81345 damage
+Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 0 units
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 27 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 51 units
+Group 2 contains 13 units
+Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 312 damage
+Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 81345 damage
+Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 0 units
+Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 13 units
+Immune System:
+Group 2 contains 51 units
+No groups remain.
+This boost would allow the immune system's armies to win! It would be left with 51 units.
+You don't even know how you could boost the reindeer's immune system or what effect it might have,
+so you need to be cautious and find the smallest boost that would allow the immune system to win.
+How many units does the immune system have left after getting the smallest boost it needs to win?
diff --git a/24/ b/24/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+immunesys = 0
+infection = 1
+ctype = 0
+# parse input from file
+def parse_input():
+ groups = list()
+ for l in"\n"):
+ pl = parse_entry(l)
+ if pl != None:
+ groups.append(pl)
+ return groups
+# parse line of input
+def parse_entry(line):
+ global ctype
+ group = None
+ if "Immune" in line:
+ ctype = immunesys
+ elif "Infection" in line:
+ ctype = infection
+ elif line != "":
+ ls = line.split()
+ group = dict()
+ group["type"] = ctype
+ group["units"] = int(ls[0])
+ group["unithp"] = int(ls[4])
+ group["initiative"] = int(ls[-1])
+ group["weak"] = list()
+ group["immune"] = list()
+ if "(" in line:
+ parenthstr = line.split("(")[1].split(")")[0]
+ traits = parenthstr.split(";")
+ for traitstr in traits:
+ info = traitstr.split()
+ group[info[0]] = [v.replace(",","") for v in info[2:]]
+ dmginfo = line.split("does")[1].split("damage")[0].split()
+ group["dmg"] = int(dmginfo[0])
+ group["dmgtype"] = dmginfo[1]
+ return group
+def effective_power(g):
+ return g["units"] * g["dmg"]
+def damage(attacker, defender):
+ dmg = effective_power(attacker)
+ dmg *= (0 if attacker["dmgtype"] in defender["immune"] else 1)
+ dmg *= (2 if attacker["dmgtype"] in defender["weak"] else 1)
+ return dmg
+groups = parse_input()
+def fight():
+ global groups
+ lunits = 0
+ immalive = len([g for g in groups if g["type"] == immunesys])
+ infalive = len([g for g in groups if g["type"] == infection])
+ while immalive > 0 and infalive > 0:
+ # target selection
+ attacked = list()
+ attackpairs = list()
+ groups = sorted(groups, key = lambda x : (effective_power(x), x["initiative"]), reverse = True)
+ for group in groups:
+ # choose group of other army, which is not already being attacked and sort appropriately
+ enemies = [g for g in groups if g["type"] != group["type"] and g not in attacked]
+ if len(enemies) == 0:
+ continue
+ target = max(enemies, key = lambda x : \
+ (damage(group, x), effective_power(x), x["initiative"]))
+ if damage(group, target) != 0: # enemies which arent immune
+ attacked.append(target)
+ attackpairs.append((groups.index(group), groups.index(target)))
+ # attacking phase
+ attackpairs = sorted(attackpairs, key = lambda x : groups[x[0]]["initiative"], reverse = True)
+ for ap in attackpairs:
+ attacker = groups[ap[0]]
+ attacked = groups[ap[1]]
+ # if attacker or defender is dead, no need to attack
+ if attacker["units"] > 0 and attacked["units"] > 0:
+ dmg = damage(attacker, attacked)
+ # remove whole numbers of units
+ attacked["units"] = max(0, attacked["units"] - dmg // attacked["unithp"])
+ groups = [g for g in groups if g["units"] > 0]
+ immalive = sum([g["units"] for g in groups if g["type"] == immunesys])
+ infalive = sum([g["units"] for g in groups if g["type"] == infection])
+ units = immalive + infalive
+ if units == lunits:
+ return units
+ lunits = units
+ return units
+def solve1(args):
+ return fight()
+def solve2(args):
+ global groups
+ immunewin = False
+ boost = 1
+ while not immunewin:
+ groups = parse_input()
+ for g in groups:
+ if g["type"] == immunesys:
+ g["dmg"] += boost
+ fight()
+ immunewin = (sum([0 if g["type"] == immunesys else 1 for g in groups]) == 0)
+ boost += 1
+ aoc.debug("boost:", boost)
+ return sum([v["units"] for v in groups])
+, solve2, sols=[10538, 9174])
diff --git a/src/25/input.txt b/25/input
diff --git a/25/part1 b/25/part1
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+--- Day 25: Four-Dimensional Adventure ---
+The reindeer's symptoms are getting worse, and neither you nor the white-bearded man have a
+solution. At least the reindeer has a warm place to rest: a small bed near where you're sitting.
+As you reach down, the reindeer looks up at you, accidentally bumping a button on your wrist-mounted
+device with its nose in the process - a button labeled "help".
+"Hello, and welcome to the Time Travel Support Hotline! If you are lost in time and space, press 1.
+If you are trapped in a time paradox, press 2. If you need help caring for a sick reindeer, press 3.
+If you--"
+A few seconds later, you hear a new voice. "Hello; please state the nature of your reindeer." You
+try to describe the situation.
+"Just a moment, I think I can remotely run a diagnostic scan." A beam of light projects from the
+device and sweeps over the reindeer a few times.
+"Okay, it looks like your reindeer is very low on magical energy; it should fully recover if we can
+fix that. Let me check your timeline for a source.... Got one. There's actually a powerful source
+of magical energy about 1000 years forward from you, and at roughly your position, too! It looks
+like... hot chocolate? Anyway, you should be able to travel there to pick some up; just don't
+forget a mug! Is there anything else I can help you with today?"
+You explain that your device isn't capable of going forward in time. "I... see. That's tricky.
+Well, according to this information, your device should have the necessary hardware to open a small
+portal and send some hot chocolate back to you. You'll need a list of fixed points in spacetime; I'm
+transmitting it to you now."
+"You just need to align your device to the constellations of fixed points so that it can lock on to
+the destination and open the portal. Let me look up how much hot chocolate that breed of reindeer
+"It says here that your particular reindeer is-- this can't be right, it says there's only one like
+that in the universe! But THAT means that you're--" You disconnect the call.
+The list of fixed points in spacetime (your puzzle input) is a set of four-dimensional coordinates.
+To align your device, acquire the hot chocolate, and save the reindeer, you just need to find the
+number of constellations of points in the list.
+Two points are in the same constellation if their manhattan distance apart is no more than 3 or if
+they can form a chain of points, each a manhattan distance no more than 3 from the last, between the
+two of them. (That is, if a point is close enough to a constellation, it "joins" that
+constellation.) For example:
+ 0,0,0,0
+ 3,0,0,0
+ 0,3,0,0
+ 0,0,3,0
+ 0,0,0,3
+ 0,0,0,6
+ 9,0,0,0
+In the above list, the first six points form a single constellation: 0,0,0,0 is exactly distance 3
+from the next four, and the point at 0,0,0,6 is connected to the others by being 3 away from
+0,0,0,3, which is already in the constellation. The bottom two points, 9,0,0,0 and 12,0,0,0 are in a
+separate constellation because no point is close enough to connect them to the first constellation.
+So, in the above list, the number of constellations is 2. (If a point at 6,0,0,0 were present, it
+would connect 3,0,0,0 and 9,0,0,0, merging all of the points into a single giant constellation
+In this example, the number of constellations is 4:
+In this one, it's 3:
+Finally, in this one, it's 8:
+The portly man nervously strokes his white beard. It's time to get that hot chocolate.
+How many constellations are formed by the fixed points in spacetime?
diff --git a/25/part2 b/25/part2
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- Part Two ---
+A small glowing portal opens above the mug you prepared and just enough hot chocolate streams in to
+fill it. You suspect the reindeer has never encountered hot chocolate before, but seems to enjoy it
+anyway. You hope it works.
+It's time to start worrying about that integer underflow in time itself you set up a few days ago.
+You check the status of the device: "Insufficient chronal energy for activation. Energy required: 50
+The reindeer bumps the device with its nose.
+"Energy required: 49 stars."
diff --git a/25/ b/25/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import sys
+import aoc
+def parse_entry(l):
+ return [int(v) for v in l.split(",")]
+coordinates = [parse_entry(l) for l in"\n") if len(l) != 0]
+def dist(c1, c2):
+ return sum([abs(c1[i] - c2[i]) for i in range(4)])
+def get_close(coords, c):
+ match = list()
+ j = 0
+ while j in range(len(coords)):
+ if dist(c, coords[j]) <= 3:
+ match.append(coords[j])
+ coords.pop(j)
+ else:
+ j += 1
+ return match
+sum = 0
+for cons in constellations:
+ sum += len(cons)
+def solve1(args):
+ constellations = list()
+ available = coordinates[:]
+ while len(available) != 0:
+ match = get_close(available, available[0])
+ j = 0
+ while j < len(match):
+ match += get_close(available, match[j])
+ j += 1
+ constellations.append(match)
+ return len(constellations)
+def solve2(args):
+ return ""
+, solve2, sols=[386, ""])
diff --git a/25/test1 b/25/test1
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/25/test2 b/25/test2
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/25/test3 b/25/test3
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/25/test4 b/25/test4
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+DAYS = $(shell seq 1 25 | xargs printf "%02i\n")
+.PHONY: all
+define make-day
+all:: $1/run
+.PHONY: $1/run
+ @echo "== day $1 =="
+ @echo -en "\npart 1: " && cd $1 && time python3 1
+ @echo -en "\npart 2: " && cd $1 && time python3 2
+ @echo ""
+$(foreach day,$(DAYS),$(eval $(call make-day,$(day))))
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Advent Of Code 2018
-All 25 solutions written in Python3
+Solutions to the annual [coding advent calendar]( written in Python 3.
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import sys, os
+debug_lvl = os.getenv("AOC_DEBUG")
+debug_lvl = int(debug_lvl) if debug_lvl is not None else 0
+input_name = os.getenv("AOC_INPUT")
+input_name = input_name if input_name is not None else "input"
+data = open(input_name).read().strip("\n")
+def debug(*args, **kwargs):
+ if debug_lvl:
+ print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr)
+def run(solve1, solve2, sols=[None, None]):
+ if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ part = int(sys.argv[1])
+ if part == 1:
+ answer = solve1(sys.argv[2:])
+ print(answer)
+ if sols[part - 1] is not None:
+ assert(answer == sols[part - 1])
+ else:
+ print("warn: no solution available", file=sys.stderr)
+ elif part == 2:
+ answer = solve2(sys.argv[2:])
+ print(answer)
+ if sols[part - 1] is not None:
+ assert(answer == sols[part - 1])
+ else:
+ print("warn: no solution available", file=sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ assert(False) # bad part
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-file = open("input.txt")
-sinput =
-def parseLine():
- return
-sinput = [parseLine(l) for l in sinput.split("\n")]
-def solve1():
- return
-def solve2():
- return
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/1/ b/src/1/
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-file = open("input.txt")
-data = [int(x) for x in file.readlines()]
-def solve1(): # answer: 411
- print(sum(data))
-def solve2(): # answer: 56360
- totshift = 0
- fvals = list()
- for c in data:
- fvals.append(totshift)
- totshift += c
- print("total shift: " + str(totshift))
- doubles = list()
- if totshift == 0:
- doubles.append([len(data), 0])
- i = 0
- while i < len(fvals):
- for j in range(len(fvals)):
- if i == j:
- continue
- dif = fvals[j] - fvals[i]
- if dif % totshift == 0:
- inds = list([i, j])
- if j > i:
- inds = inds[::-1]
- if totshift > 0: #ends on c
- if fvals[inds[0]] > fvals[inds[1]]:
- inds = inds[::-1]
- else:
- if fvals[inds[0]] < fvals[inds[1]]:
- inds = inds[::-1]
- pos = (abs(dif) // totshift) * len(data) + inds[0]
- doubles.append([pos, fvals[inds[1]]])
- i += 1
- if len(doubles) == 0: #fail
- return
- min = doubles[0]
- for d in doubles:
- if d[0] < min[0]:
- min = d
- print(min[1])
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/10/ b/src/10/
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-def parseLine(l):
- s = l.split(">")
- vals = list()
- for ss in s:
- if len(ss) == 0:
- continue
- ss = ss.split("<",1)[1]
- vals.append([int(x) for x in ss.split(",")])
- return vals
-data = [parseLine(l) for l in open("input.txt").read().split("\n") if len(l) != 0]
-posdata = [x[0] for x in data]
-veldata = [x[1] for x in data]
-def checkAdjacent(pi):
- for p in posdata:
- if abs(p[0] - pi[0]) + abs(p[1] - pi[1]) == 1:
- return True
- return False
-def checkData():
- for p in posdata:
- if not checkAdjacent(p):
- return False
- return True
-def calcMax():
- minx = None
- maxx = None
- miny = None
- maxy = None
- for p in posdata:
- if minx is None or p[0] < minx:
- minx = p[0]
- if maxx is None or p[0] > maxx:
- maxx = p[0]
- if miny is None or p[1] < miny:
- miny = p[1]
- if maxy is None or p[1] > maxy:
- maxy = p[1]
- return minx, maxx, miny, maxy
-def solveBoth():
- count = 0
- distx = None
- disty = None
- while True:
- for i in range(len(data)):
- posdata[i][0] += veldata[i][0]
- posdata[i][1] += veldata[i][1]
- count += 1
- minx, maxx, miny, maxy = calcMax()
- if distx == None:
- distx = maxx - minx
- disty = maxy - miny
- else:
- cdistx = maxx - minx
- cdisty = maxy - miny
- if cdistx > distx or cdisty > disty:
- for i in range(len(data)):
- posdata[i][0] -= veldata[i][0]
- posdata[i][1] -= veldata[i][1]
- count -= 1
- break
- else:
- distx = cdistx
- disty = cdisty
- if count % 100 == 0:
- print("\r" + " " * 50, end="")
- print(f"\rcluster size: {distx}, {disty}", end="")
- print("\r" + " " * 50 + "\r", end="")
- print("part 1: " + str(count))
- minx, maxx, miny, maxy = calcMax()
- print("part 2: ");
- for y in range(maxy - miny + 1):
- print("".join([("#" if list([x + minx, y + miny]) in posdata else " ") for x in range(maxx - minx + 1)]))
diff --git a/src/11/ b/src/11/
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-args = sys.argv
-gridserial = int(open("input.txt").read())
-# rack ID = x + 10
-# intial power = rackID * y
-# power += gridserial
-# power *= rackID
-# power = str(power)[2]
-# power -= 5
-def getPower(x,y):
- id = x + 10
- power = id * y
- power += gridserial
- power *= id
- spower = str(power)
- if len(spower) > 2:
- power = int(spower[-3])
- else:
- power = 0
- power -= 5
- return power
-def solve1():
- maxpower = None
- coords = None
- for x in range(300-2):
- for y in range(300-2):
- power = 0;
- for i in range(3):
- for j in range(3):
- power += getPower(x+i,y+j)
- if maxpower == None or power > maxpower:
- maxpower = power
- coords = (x, y)
- print(f"{coords[0]},{coords[1]}")
-def genMap():
- vmap = [[0 for y in range(300)] for x in range(300)]
- for x in range(300):
- for y in range(300):
- vmap[x][y] = getPower(x,y)
- return vmap
-def solve2():
- maxpower = None
- res = None
- pmap = genMap()
- vmap = [[list() for y in range(300)] for x in range(300)]
- for s in range(1, 301):
- print(f"\rTrying: {s}", end="")
- cmaxpower = None
- cres = None
- for x in range(300-(s-1)):
- for y in range(300-(s-1)):
- vmap[x][y] += [pmap[x+(s-1)][y+i] for i in range(s)]
- vmap[x][y] += [pmap[x+i][y+(s-1)] for i in range(s-1)]
- power = sum(vmap[x][y]);
- if cmaxpower == None or power > cmaxpower:
- cmaxpower = power
- cres = (x, y, s)
- if maxpower == None or cmaxpower > maxpower:
- maxpower = cmaxpower
- res = cres
- elif cmaxpower < maxpower:
- break
- print("\r" + " " * 50 + "\r", end="")
- print(f"{res[0]},{res[1]},{res[2]}")
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/12/ b/src/12/
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-lines = open("input.txt").read().split("\n")
-istate = lines[0].split(": ")[1]
-rules = [l.split(" => ") for l in lines[2:] if l != ""]
-rules = [r[0] for r in rules if r[1] == "#"]
-def nextGen(pots):
- pmin = min(pots)
- pmax = max(pots)
- npots = list()
- for i in range(pmin-4, pmax+1):
- for r in rules:
- match = True
- for j in range(5):
- if (r[j] == "#") != ((i+j) in pots):
- match = False
- break
- if match:
- npots.append(i+2)
- break
- return npots
-def getPots():
- pots = list()
- for i in range(len(istate)):
- if istate[i] == "#":
- pots.append(i)
- return pots
-def solve1():
- pots = getPots()
- for i in range(20):
- pots = nextGen(pots)
- print(sum(pots))
- return
-def solve2():
- pots = getPots()
- psum = sum(pots)
- pdif = None
- i = 0
- while (True):
- pots = nextGen(pots)
- i += 1
- csum = sum(pots)
- if pdif == csum - psum:
- print(csum + pdif * (50000000000 - 164))
- break
- pdif = csum - psum
- psum = csum
- return
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/13/ b/src/13/
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-f = open("input.txt")
-contents =
-test_contents = """
-| |
-| /<+-\\
-| | | v
-\\>+</ |
- | ^
- \\<->/
-tmap = [list(l) for l in contents.split("\n") if len(l) != 0]
-xlen = len(tmap[0])
-ylen = len(tmap)
-arrows = dict()
-arrows["<"] = (-1, 0)
-arrows[">"] = (1, 0)
-arrows["^"] = (0, -1)
-arrows["v"] = (0, 1)
-directions = [(-1,0), (0,-1), (1, 0), (0, 1)] # l - u - r - d
-def checkPos(x,y):
- if x < xlen and x >= 0 and y < ylen and y >= 0:
- return tmap[y][x]
- return " "
-def correct(x, y):
- cr = checkPos(x+1, y)
- cl = checkPos(x-1, y)
- cu = checkPos(x, y-1)
- cd = checkPos(x, y+1)
- if cr == "|": cr = " "
- if cl == "|": cl = " "
- if cu == "-": cu = " "
- if cd == "-": cd = " "
- r = cr != " "
- l = cl != " "
- u = cu != " "
- d = cd != " "
- sum = r + l + u + d
- if sum > 2:
- return "+"
- # 2 around
- if r:
- if l:
- return "-"
- elif u:
- return "/"
- else:
- return "\\"
- else:
- if not l:
- return "|"
- elif u:
- return "/"
- else:
- return "\\"
-carts = list()
-for y in range(ylen):
- for x in range(xlen):
- if tmap[y][x] in arrows:
- carts.append([x, y, arrows[tmap[y][x]], 0, 0])
- tmap[y][x] = correct(x,y)
-def cartAt(x, y):
- global carts
- for i in range(len(carts)):
- c = carts[i]
- if c[0] == x and c[1] == y and not c[4]:
- return i
- return None
-def drawMap():
- for y in range(ylen):
- print("".join(["#" if cartAt(x,y) != None else tmap[y][x] for x in range(len(tmap[y]))]))
-def advance(cart):
- ncart = [0 for x in range(5)]
- ncart[0] = cart[0]+cart[2][0]
- ncart[1] = cart[1]+cart[2][1]
- col = cartAt(ncart[0], ncart[1])
- if col != None:
- return ncart[0], ncart[1], col
- c = tmap[ncart[1]][ncart[0]]
- d = directions.index(cart[2])
- if c == "+":
- d = (d + len(directions)-1 + cart[3]) % len(directions)
- ncart[2] = directions[d]
- ncart[3] = (cart[3] + 1) % 3
- else: #dont need to change direction for '-' and '|'
- if c == "/":
- ncart[2] = directions[3-d]
- elif c == "\\":
- if d == 0: #l
- ncart[2] = directions[1]
- elif d == 1: #u
- ncart[2] = directions[0]
- elif d == 2: #r
- ncart[2] = directions[3]
- elif d == 3: #d
- ncart[2] = directions[2]
- else:
- ncart[2] = cart[2]
- ncart[3] = cart[3]
- return ncart
-def solve1():
- global carts
- crash = None
- while not crash:
- carts = sorted(carts, key=lambda x:(x[0], x[1]))
- for c in range(len(carts)):
- nc = advance(carts[c])
- if len(nc) == 3:
- crash = nc
- break
- else:
- carts[c] = nc
- print(f"{crash[0]},{crash[1]}")
-def solve2():
- global carts
- while len(carts) > 1:
- carts = sorted(carts, key=lambda x:(x[0], x[1]))
- rcarts = list()
- for c in range(len(carts)):
- if carts[c][4]: continue;
- nc = advance(carts[c])
- if len(nc) == 3:
- carts[c][4] = 1
- carts[nc[2]][4] = 1
- rcarts.append(carts[c])
- rcarts.append(carts[nc[2]])
- else:
- carts[c] = nc
- for c in rcarts:
- if c in carts: # prevent doubles
- carts.remove(c)
- print(f"{carts[0][0]},{carts[0][1]}")
-def main():
- if len(args) == 2:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/13/ b/src/13/
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-f = open("input.txt")
-contents =
-contents_sample = """
-| | /----\\
-| /-+--+-\ |
-| | | | v |
-\-+-/ \-+--/
- \------/
-tmap = [list(l) for l in contents.split("\n") if len(l) != 0]
-xlen = len(tmap[0])
-ylen = len(tmap)
-arrows = dict()
-arrows["<"] = (-1, 0)
-arrows[">"] = (1, 0)
-arrows["^"] = (0, -1)
-arrows["v"] = (0, 1)
-directions = [(-1,0), (0,-1), (1, 0), (0, 1)] # l - u - r - d
-def checkPos(x,y):
- """
- if x >= xlen:
- x = x % xlen
- elif x < 0:
- x = xlen + x
- if y >= ylen:
- y = y % ylen
- elif y < 0:
- y = ylen + y
- """
- v = 0
- if x < xlen and x >= 0 and y < ylen and y >= 0:
- if tmap[y][x] != " ": v = 1
- return v
-def correct(x, y):
- r = checkPos(x+1, y)
- l = checkPos(x-1, y)
- u = checkPos(x, y-1)
- d = checkPos(x, y+1)
- if r + l + d + u >= 3:
- return "+"
- # 2 around
- if r:
- if l:
- return "-"
- elif u:
- return "/"
- else:
- return "\\"
- else:
- if not l:
- return "|"
- elif u:
- return "/"
- else:
- return "\\"
-carts = list()
-for y in range(ylen):
- for x in range(xlen):
- if tmap[y][x] in arrows:
- carts.append([x, y, arrows[tmap[y][x]], 0])
- tmap[y][x] = correct(x,y)
-def cartAt(x, y):
- global carts
- for i in range(len(carts)):
- c = carts[i]
- if c[0] == x and c[1] == y:
- return i
- return None
-def advance(cart):
- ncart = [0 for x in range(4)]
- ncart[0] = cart[0]+cart[2][0]
- ncart[1] = cart[1]+cart[2][1]
- col = cartAt(ncart[0], ncart[1])
- if col:
- return ncart[0], ncart[1], col
- c = tmap[ncart[1]][ncart[0]]
- d = directions.index(cart[2])
- if c == "+":
- d = (d + len(directions)-1 + cart[3]) % len(directions)
- ncart[2] = directions[d]
- ncart[3] = (cart[3] + 1) % 3
- else: #dont need to change direction for '-' and '|'
- if c == "/":
- ncart[2] = directions[3-d]
- elif c == "\\":
- if d == 0: #l
- ncart[2] = directions[1]
- elif d == 1: #u
- ncart[2] = directions[0]
- elif d == 2: #r
- ncart[2] = directions[3]
- elif d == 3: #d
- ncart[2] = directions[2]
- else:
- ncart[2] = cart[2]
- ncart[3] = cart[3]
- return ncart
-def drawMap():
- for y in range(ylen):
- print("".join(["#" if cartAt(x,y) else tmap[y][x] for x in range(len(tmap[y]))]))
-def solve1():
- global carts
- crash = None
- while not crash:
- carts = sorted(carts, key=lambda x:(x[0], x[1]))
- for c in range(len(carts)):
- nc = advance(carts[c])
- if len(nc) == 3:
- crash = nc
- break
- else:
- carts[c] = nc
- print("Crash at:", str(crash[0]), str(crash[1]))
- return
-def solve2():
- global carts
- while len(carts) > 1:
- carts = sorted(carts, key=lambda x:(x[0], x[1]))
- rcarts = list()
- for c in range(len(carts)):
- nc = advance(carts[c])
- if len(nc) == 3:
- print(nc[2], c)
- rcarts.remove(carts[c])
- carts.remove(carts[nc[2]])
- else:
- carts[c] = nc
- for c in rcarts:
- carts.remove(c)
- print(carts[0][0], carts[0][1])
- return
diff --git a/src/14/ b/src/14/
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-inputstr = open("input.txt").read().replace("\n","")
-recipes = [3,7]
-def solve1():
- global recipes, inputstr
- end = int(inputstr)
- workers = [i for i in range(2)]
- while len(recipes) < end + 10:
- recipes += [int(c) for c in str(sum(recipes[workers[i]] for i in range(len(workers))))]
- for i in range(len(workers)):
- workers[i] = (workers[i] + recipes[workers[i]]+1) % len(recipes)
- print("".join([str(x) for x in recipes[end:]]))
-def solve2():
- global recipes, inputstr
- ilen = len(inputstr)
- inputstr = [int(c) for c in inputstr]
- workers = [i for i in range(2)]
- stop = False
- counter = 0
- while not stop:
- for v in [int(c) for c in str(sum(recipes[workers[i]] for i in range(len(workers))))]:
- if recipes[-ilen:] == inputstr:
- stop = True
- break
- recipes.append(v)
- for i in range(len(workers)):
- workers[i] = (workers[i] + recipes[workers[i]]+1) % len(recipes)
- print(len(recipes)-ilen)
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/15/ b/src/15/
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-debug = False
-file = open("input.txt")
-input = file.readlines()
-#sample 1 - (works!)
-ainput = """#######
-#sample 2 - (works!)
-binput = """#######
-#sample 3 - (works!)
-cinput = """#######
-#sample 4 - (works!)
-dinput = """#######
-#sample 5 - (works!)
-einput = """#########
-#sample 6 - (works!)
-finput = """#######
-sinput = dinput
-actors = list()
-input = [l.replace("\n","") for l in input]
-def parseEntity(x, y):
- global actors
- c = input[y][x]
- if c == "#":
- return 1
- else:
- if c == "G":
- actors.append([x, y, 200, 1, len(actors), 3])
- elif c == "E":
- actors.append([x, y, 200, 0, len(actors), 3])
- return 0
-ylen = len(input)
-xlen = len(input[0])
-adjacent = [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]] # first in reading order
-vmap = list()
-def setGame():
- global vmap, actors
- actors = list()
- vmap = [[parseEntity(x, y) for x in range(xlen)] for y in range(ylen)]
-def inmap(cmap, cx, cy):
- for i in range(len(cmap)):
- ent = cmap[i]
- if ent[0] == cx and ent[1] == cy:
- return i
- return None
-def iswall(x,y):
- return vmap[y][x] != 0
-def isblocked(x, y):
- return (vmap[y][x] != 0 or inmap(actors, x, y) != None)
-def freeAdjacent(x, y):
- poslist = list()
- for dir in adjacent:
- nx = x + dir[0]
- ny = y + dir[1]
- if not isblocked(nx, ny):
- poslist.append((nx,ny))
- return poslist
-def flatten(l):
- flat = list()
- for ll in l:
- flat += ll
- return flat
-def drawMap():
- global actors
- for y in range(ylen):
- for x in range(xlen):
- ind = inmap(actors, x, y)
- print(("G" if actors[ind][3] == 1 else "E") if ind != None else ("." if vmap[y][x] == 0 else "#"), end="")
- print()
-def getSteps(cmap, a1):
- # adjacent squares
- npos = [[a1[0] + dir[0], a1[1] + dir[1]] for dir in adjacent]
- # pos of enemy and distance
- steps = [[np[0], np[1], cmap[np[0], np[1]]] for np in npos if (np[0], np[1]) in cmap]
- return steps
-def closestStep(a1, a2):
- countmap = dict()
- next = dict()
- next[(a2[0], a2[1])] = 0
- counter = 0
- steps = list()
- while len(next) > 0 and len(steps) == 0: # first steps available will be shortest
- countmap = {**countmap, **next} # merge dictionaries
- counter += 1
- temp = dict()
- for n in next:
- for dir in adjacent:
- nx = n[0]+dir[0]
- ny = n[1]+dir[1]
- if not isblocked(nx, ny) and (nx, ny) not in countmap and (nx, ny) not in temp:
- temp[(nx,ny)] = counter
- next = temp
- steps = getSteps(countmap, a1)
- # if reachable
- if len(steps) != 0:
- return sorted(steps, key = lambda x : (x[1], x[0]))[0]
- else:
- return [None]
-def move(a):
- global actors
- # best steps from enemies
- steps = [[na[0], na[1]] + closestStep(a, na) for na in actors if na[3] != a[3]]
- # only where step is possible
- steps = [s for s in steps if s[2] != None]
- # skip when none possible
- if len(steps) == 0:
- return
- # best move
- bestmove = sorted(steps, key = lambda x : (x[4], x[1], x[0]))[0]
- a[0] = bestmove[2]
- a[1] = bestmove[3]
-def getInrange(a):
- global actors
- inrange = list()
- for dir in adjacent:
- nx = a[0] + dir[0]
- ny = a[1] + dir[1]
- ind = inmap(actors, nx, ny)
- if ind != None and actors[ind][3] != a[3]:
- inrange.append(ind)
- return inrange
-def nextTick(tick):
- global actors
- actors = sorted(actors, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
- i = len(actors)-1
- while i >= 0:
- a = actors[i]
- inrange = getInrange(a) # get enemies in range
- if len(inrange) == 0:
- move(a)
- inrange = getInrange(a)
- if len(inrange) != 0:
- inrange = [actors[ai] + [ai] for ai in inrange]
- # lowest health in reading order
- cai = sorted(inrange, key = lambda x : (x[2], x[1], x[0]))[0][-1]
- # attack player
- actors[cai][2] -= a[5] # attack
- if actors[cai][2] <= 0:
- actors.pop(cai) # dead
- print("death -",cai)
- if minalive() == 0 and i != 0: # incomplete round
- return False
- if cai < i: i -= 1
- if debug and False:
- print()
- print("small step -",a[4])
- drawMap()
- statusReport()
- i -= 1
- if debug:
- print()
- print("tick:", tick)
- drawMap()
- statusReport()
- else:
- print(tick)
- return True
-def minalive():
- alive = [0,0]
- for a in actors:
- alive[1 * (a[3] == 0)] += 1
- return min(alive)
-def sumHP():
- return sum(a[2] for a in actors)
-def statusReport():
- global actors
- #drawMap()
- sactors = sorted(actors, key = lambda x:x[4])
- for a in sactors:
- print("HP:", a[2])
- print()
-def elvesAlive():
- return len([a for a in actors if a[3] == 0])
-def startBattle(eap):
- global actors
- setGame() # reset
- for a in actors:
- if a[3] == 0:
- a[5] = eap
- elfcount = elvesAlive()
- ticks = 0
- while minalive() > 0:
- if nextTick(ticks):
- ticks += 1
- statusReport()
- return ((sumHP() * ticks), (elfcount - elvesAlive())) # res and casualties
-def solve1():
- res = startBattle(3)
- print("answer:", res[0]);
-def solve2():
- eap = 4
- res = startBattle(eap)
- while res[1] != 0:
- eap += 1
- res = startBattle(eap)
- #print(eap)
- print("answer:",res[0])
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/16/notes.txt b/src/16/notes.txt
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-R4 = 65536
-n * 256 > 65536 <=> n = 257
-0 : R1 = 123
-1 : R1 = R1 & 456
-2 : R1 = (R1 == 72)
-3 : R3 = R1 + R3
-4 : R3 = 0
-5 : R1 = 0
-6 : R4 = R1 | 65536
-7 : R1 = 3798839
-8 : R5 = R4 & 255
-9 : R1 = R1 + R5
-10 : R1 = R1 & 16777215
-11 : R1 = R1 * 65899
-12 : R1 = R1 & 16777215
-13 : R5 = (256 > R4)
-14 : R3 = R5 + R3
-15 : R3 = R3 + 1
-16 : R3 = 27
-17 : R5 = 0
-18 : R2 = R5 + 1
-19 : R2 = R2 * 256
-20 : R2 = (R2 > R4)
-21 : R3 = R2 + R3
-22 : R3 = R3 + 1
-23 : R3 = 25
-24 : R5 = R5 + 1
-25 : R3 = 17
-26 : R4 = R5
-27 : R3 = 7
-28 : R5 = (R1 == R0)
-29 : R3 = R5 + R3
-30 : R3 = 5
-6851325 (low)
-4903765 (low)
-\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/16/ b/src/16/
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-def parseLog(ls):
- data = list()
- before = [int(v) for v in ls[0].split("[")[1].split("]")[0].split(",")]
- ins = [int(v) for v in ls[1].split(" ")]
- after = [int(v) for v in ls[2].split("[")[1].split("]")[0].split(",")]
- return (before, ins, after)
-file = open("input.txt")
-inslog = list()
-input = file.readlines()
-progsec = None
-for i in range(0, len(input), 4):
- if input[i] == "\n":
- progsec = i
- break
- inslog.append(parseLog(input[i:i+4]))
-register = list()
-opmap = dict()
-opmap["addr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + register[b]
-opmap["addi"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + b
-opmap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * register[b]
-opmap["muli"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * b
-opmap["banr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & register[b]
-opmap["bani"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & b
-opmap["borr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | register[b]
-opmap["bori"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | b
-opmap["setr"] = lambda a, b : register[a]
-opmap["seti"] = lambda a, b : a
-opmap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a > register[b])
-opmap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > b)
-opmap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > register[b])
-opmap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a == register[b])
-opmap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == b)
-opmap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == register[b])
-def getPossible(ins):
- global register
- sregister = register[:]
- before = ins[0]
- after = ins[2]
- register = before
- a = ins[1][1]
- b = ins[1][2]
- c = ins[1][3]
- ops = list(opmap.values())
- possibles = list()
- for i in range(len(ops)):
- op = ops[i]
- res = None
- try:
- res = op(a, b)
- except:
- continue
- if res == after[c]:
- possibles.append(i)
- register = sregister
- return possibles
-def solve1():
- global register
- uncertain = 0
- for ins in inslog:
- if len(getPossible(ins)) >= 3:
- uncertain += 1
- print(uncertain)
- return
-def solve2():
- possible = dict()
- for ins in inslog:
- o = ins[1][0]
- if o in possible:
- possible[o] = [op for op in getPossible(ins) if op in possible[o]]
- else:
- possible[o] = getPossible(ins)
- certain = False
- while not certain:
- singles = [p[0] for p in possible.values() if len(p) == 1]
- for p in possible:
- if len(possible[p]) != 1:
- possible[p] = [v for v in possible[p] if v not in singles]
- certain = True
- for p in possible.values():
- if len(p) != 1:
- certain = False
- break
- ntrans = dict()
- for p in possible: # flatten
- ntrans[p] = possible[p][0]
- for i in range(progsec, len(input)): # execute program
- l = input[i]
- if l == "\n": continue
- cmd = [int(v) for v in l.split(" ")]
- while len(register)-1 < cmd[3]:
- register.append(0)
- register[cmd[3]] = list(opmap.values())[ntrans[cmd[0]]](cmd[1], cmd[2])
- print(register[0])
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/17/ b/src/17/
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-debug = False
-def parseLine(l):
- s = l.split(", ")
- if s[0].startswith("y="):
- s = s[::-1]
- res = [[int(x) for x in v.split("=")[1].split("..")] for v in s]
- return res
-file = open("input.txt")
-sinput =
-ainput = """x=495, y=2..7
-y=7, x=495..501
-x=501, y=3..7
-x=498, y=2..4
-x=506, y=1..2
-x=498, y=10..13
-x=504, y=10..13
-y=13, x=498..504"""
-sinput = [l for l in sinput.split("\n") if len(l) != 0]
-constraints = [parseLine(l) for l in sinput]
-xmin = min(c[0][0] for c in constraints)-1
-xmax = max(c[0][-1] for c in constraints)+1
-ymin = min(c[1][0] for c in constraints)
-ymax = max(c[1][-1] for c in constraints)
-xdif = xmax - xmin + 1
-ydif = ymax - ymin + 1
-#print(xmin, xmax)
-#print(ymin, ymax)
-vmap = [[0 for x in range(xdif)] for y in range(ydif)]
-def setMap(x, y, v):
- global vmap
- if y < ymin or y > ymax or x < xmin or x > xmax:
- return
- vmap[y-ymin][x-xmin] = v
-def getMap(x, y):
- global vmap
- if x > xmax or x < xmin:
- return 1
- elif y > ymax:
- return 0
- return vmap[y-ymin][x-xmin]
-def drawWall(c):
- if len(c[0]) == 1:
- for y in range(c[1][0], c[1][1] + 1):
- setMap(c[0][0], y, 1)
- else:
- for x in range(c[0][0], c[0][1] + 1):
- setMap(x, c[1][0], 1)
-for c in constraints:
- drawWall(c)
-spring = (500, 0)
-def interpretChar(v):
- chars = [".", "#", "|", "~"]
- return chars[v]
-def drawMap():
- for y in range(ydif):
- print("".join([interpretChar(v) for v in vmap[y]]))
-def fwriteMap():
- f = open("output","w+")
- for y in range(ydif):
- f.write("".join([interpretChar(v) for v in vmap[y]])+"\n")
- f.close()
-def isstatic(p):
- return getMap(p[0], p[1]) in (1, 3)
-def isfree(p):
- return getMap(p[0], p[1]) == 0
-def move(p):
- x = p[0]
- y = p[1]
- if isfree((x, y+1)):
- return (x, y+1)
- onblock = isstatic((x, y+1))
- if not onblock:
- return (x,y)
- npos = [(x + dir, y) for dir in [-1, 1]]
- npos = [np for np in npos if isfree(np) and onblock]
- if len(npos) > 1:
- return npos
- elif len(npos) == 1:
- return npos[0]
- return (x, y)
-def fillfloor(p):
- onblock = True
- isblock = False
- x = p[0]
- while onblock and not isblock and x >= xmin:
- x -= 1
- isblock = isstatic((x, p[1]))
- onblock = isstatic((x, p[1]+1))
- if not isblock:
- return None # edge
- lx = x+1
- onblock = True
- isblock = False
- x = p[0]
- while onblock and not isblock and x <= xmax:
- x += 1
- isblock = isstatic((x, p[1]))
- onblock = isstatic((x, p[1]+1))
- if not isblock:
- return None
- rx = x-1
- return [(i, p[1]) for i in range(lx, rx+1)]
-def countWFlowing():
- water = 0
- for y in range(ymin, ymax+1):
- for x in range(xmin, xmax+1):
- if getMap(x,y) == 2:
- water += 1
- return water
-def countWStatic():
- water = 0
- for y in range(ymin, ymax+1):
- for x in range(xmin, xmax+1):
- if getMap(x,y) == 3:
- water += 1
- return water
-def simulate():
- heads = [spring]
- while len(heads) > 0:
- cp = heads[-1]
- if isstatic((cp[0], cp[1]+1)):
- # solid below => expand
- res = fillfloor(cp)
- if res:
- for p in res:
- setMap(p[0], p[1], 3)
- nhead = None
- for x in range(res[0][0], res[-1][0]+1):
- np = (x, res[0][1]-1)
- if getMap(np[0], np[1]) == 2:
- nhead = np
- break
- if nhead == None: # head got trapped
- heads.pop()
- else:
- heads[-1] = nhead
- continue
- res = move(cp)
- if type(res[0]) == tuple:
- heads.pop()
- heads += res
- for p in res:
- setMap(p[0], p[1], 2)
- else:
- if res != cp:
- if res[1] <= ymax:
- setMap(res[0], res[1], 2)
- heads[-1] = res
- else:
- heads.pop()
- else:
- heads.pop()
- if debug:
- print(heads)
- input()
- fwriteMap()
-def solve1():
- simulate()
- #fwriteMap()
- print(countWFlowing() + countWStatic())
- return
-def solve2():
- simulate()
- #fwriteMap()
- print(countWStatic())
- return
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/18/ b/src/18/
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-from copy import deepcopy
-from collections import deque
-states = (".", "|", "#")
-ivals = dict()
-ivals["#"] = 0
-ivals["."] = 0
-ivals["|"] = 0
-def parseLine(l):
- return tuple([states.index(c) for c in l])
-inputstr = open("input.txt").read()
-sinputstr = """.#.#...|#.
-vmap = [parseLine(l) for l in inputstr.split("\n") if len(l) != 0]
-ylen = len(vmap)
-xlen = len(vmap[0])
-def getAt(x, y):
- if y < 0 or y >= ylen or x < 0 or x >= xlen:
- return None
- return vmap[y][x]
-def next(x, y):
- v = vmap[y][x]
- around = list()
- [[around.append(getAt(x+i-1, y+j-1)) for j in range(3) if not (i == 1 and j == 1)] for i in range(3)]
- if v == 0:
- if len([v for v in around if v == 1]) >= 3:
- return 1
- elif v == 1:
- if len([v for v in around if v == 2]) >= 3:
- return 2
- elif v == 2:
- if len([v for v in around if v == 1]) < 1 or len([v for v in around if v == 2]) < 1:
- return 0
- return v
-def getVals():
- vals = [0 for x in range(3)]
- for y in range(ylen):
- for x in range(xlen):
- vals[vmap[y][x]] += 1
- return vals
-def drawMap(cmap):
- for y in range(ylen):
- print("".join([str(c) for c in cmap[y]]))
-def iterate(n):
- global vmap
- for i in range(n):
- omap = [deque() for y in range(ylen)]
- for y in range(ylen):
- for x in range(xlen):
- omap[y].append(next(x, y))
- vmap = omap
-def getRes():
- vals = getVals()
- return (vals[1] * vals[2])
-def solve1():
- #drawMap(vmap)
- iterate(10)
- vals = getVals()
- #drawMap(vmap)
- print(vals[1] * vals[2])
- return
-def solve2():
- iterate(1000)
- omap = deepcopy(vmap)
- counter = 0
- while True:
- iterate(1)
- counter += 1
- if vmap == omap:
- break
- #print(counter)
- print(getRes())
- #drawMap(vmap)
- return
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/19/ b/src/19/
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-from math import sqrt
-def parseCommand(l):
- s = l.split(" ")
- args = [s[0]]
- args = args + [int(v) for v in s[1:]]
- return args
-file = open("input.txt")
-input =
-sinput = """#ip 0
-seti 5 0 1
-seti 6 0 2
-addi 0 1 0
-addr 1 2 3
-setr 1 0 0
-seti 8 0 4
-seti 9 0 5"""
-input = input.split("\n")
-inspaddr = int(input[0][4:])
-instructs = [parseCommand(l) for l in input[1:] if len(l) != 0]
-register = [0 for x in range(inspaddr+1)]
-opmap = dict()
-opmap["addr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + register[b]
-opmap["addi"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + b
-opmap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * register[b]
-opmap["muli"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * b
-opmap["banr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & register[b]
-opmap["bani"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & b
-opmap["borr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | register[b]
-opmap["bori"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | b
-opmap["setr"] = lambda a, b : register[a]
-opmap["seti"] = lambda a, b : a
-opmap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a > register[b])
-opmap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > b)
-opmap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > register[b])
-opmap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a == register[b])
-opmap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == b)
-opmap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == register[b])
-def solve1():
- global register, insptr
- while register[inspaddr] < len(instructs):
- insptr = register[inspaddr]
- ins = instructs[insptr]
- #print(register)
- # execute command
- if len(register) <= ins[3]:
- register += [0 for x in range(ins[3] - len(register) + 1)]
- register[ins[3]] = opmap[ins[0]](ins[1], ins[2])
- # increment instruction pointer
- register[inspaddr] += 1
- print(register[0])
-alpha = [chr(c + ord('a')) for c in range(26)]
-dismap = dict()
-dismap["addr"] = lambda a, b : "%s + %s" % (alpha[a], alpha[b])
-dismap["addi"] = lambda a, b : "%s + %d" % (alpha[a], b)
-dismap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : "%s * %s" % (alpha[a], alpha[b])
-dismap["muli"] = lambda a, b : "%s * %d" % (alpha[a], b)
-dismap["banr"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a] & alpha[b])
-dismap["bani"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a] & b)
-dismap["borr"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a] | alpha[b])
-dismap["bori"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a] | b)
-dismap["setr"] = lambda a, b : str(alpha[a])
-dismap["seti"] = lambda a, b : str(a)
-dismap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : "(%d > %s)" % (a, alpha[b])
-dismap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : "(%s > %d)" % (alpha[a], b)
-dismap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : "(%s > %s)" % (alpha[a], alpha[b])
-dismap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : "(%d == %s)" % (a, alpha[b])
-dismap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : "(%s == %d)" % (alpha[a], b)
-dismap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : "(%s == %s)" % (alpha[a], alpha[b])
-def disassemble():
- for i in range(len(instructs)):
- ins = instructs[i]
- print(i ,":",alpha[ins[3]],"=", dismap[ins[0]](ins[1], ins[2]))
- print()
-def solve2(): # disassembled and reverse engineered to solve
- #disassemble()
- #return
- f = 10551276 # found by running
- res = 0
- sqrtf = sqrt(f)
- for i in range(1, int(sqrtf)):
- if f % i == 0:
- res += i + f / i
- if int(sqrtf) % f == 0:
- res += sqrtf
- print(int(res))
- """ divisor sum algo disassembled
- c = 1
- b = 1
- a = 0
- while b <= f:
- c = 1
- while c <= f:
- if b * c == f:
- a += b
- c += 1
- print(".")
- b += 1
- """
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/2/ b/src/2/
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-file = open("input.txt")
-data = [x.replace("\n","") for x in file.readlines()]
-def solve1():
- doubles = 0
- triples = 0
- for s in data:
- counts = list((0,) * 26) # characters
- for c in s:
- counts[ord(c[0])-97] += 1
- if 2 in counts:
- doubles += 1
- if 3 in counts:
- triples += 1
- print(doubles * triples)
-def compare(s1, s2):
- dif = 0
- same = list()
- for i in range(len(s1)):
- if s1[i] != s2[i]:
- dif += 1
- else:
- same.append(s1[i])
- return(dif, same)
-def solve2():
- for i in range(len(data)):
- for j in range(i, len(data)):
- if i == j:
- continue
- res = compare(data[i], data[j])
- if res[0] == 1:
- print("".join(res[1]))
- return
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/20/ b/src/20/
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-from copy import deepcopy
-sinput = list(open("input.txt").read().strip())
-ainput = "^ENWWW(NEEE|SSE(EE|N))$"
-def getMap(p):
- return vmap[p[1] + spos[1]][p[0] + spos[0]]
-def setMap(p, c):
- global vmap, spos
- vmap[p[1] + spos[1]][p[0] + spos[0]] = c
-def newpos(p, c):
- p = p[:]
- if c == "N":
- p[1] -= 2
- elif c == "S":
- p[1] += 2
- elif c == "W":
- p[0] -= 2
- elif c == "E":
- p[0] += 2
- return p
-def calcpos(stack):
- p = [0,0]
- for c in stack:
- p = newpos(p, c)
- return p
-xmin = 0
-xmax = 0
-ymin = 0
-ymax = 0
-def checkSize(stack):
- global xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
- p = calcpos(stack)
- if p[0] < xmin:
- xmin = p[0]
- if p[0] > xmax:
- xmax = p[0]
- if p[1] < ymin:
- ymin = p[1]
- if p[1] > ymax:
- ymax = p[1]
-def drawRoute(stack):
- p = calcpos(stack)
- setMap(p, ".")
- np = newpos(p, stack[-1])
- cp = [0,0]
- cp[0] = p[0] + int((p[0] - np[0])/2)
- cp[1] = p[1] + int((p[1] - np[1])/2)
- setMap(cp, "+")
-def iterRegex(func):
- stacklens = [0]
- stack = []
- for i in range(1, len(sinput)-1):
- c = sinput[i]
- if c == "(":
- stacklens.append(0)
- elif c == "|":
- for i in range(stacklens[-1]):
- stack.pop()
- stacklens[-1] = 0
- elif c == ")":
- for i in range(stacklens[-1]):
- stack.pop()
- stacklens.pop()
- else:
- stack.append(c)
- stacklens[-1] += 1
- func(stack)
-def fwriteMap():
- f = open("output", "w+")
- for y in range(len(vmap)):
- f.write("".join([str(v) for v in vmap[y]]) + "\n")
- f.close()
-mshape = None
-spos = None
-vmap = None
-def genMap():
- global vmap, mshape, spos
- iterRegex(checkSize)
- xdif = xmax - xmin + 2
- ydif = ymax - ymin + 2
- spos = (-xmin+1, -ymin+1)
- mshape = (xdif, ydif)
- vmap = [["#" for x in range(xdif+1)] for y in range(ydif+1)]
- vmap[spos[1]][spos[0]] = "X"
- iterRegex(drawRoute)
-adjacent = ((-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1))
-def genCountmap(sp):
- countmap = dict()
- next = dict()
- next[(sp[0], sp[1])] = 0
- counter = 0
- steps = list()
- while len(next) > 0 and len(steps) == 0: # first steps available will be shortest
- countmap = {**countmap, **next} # merge dictionaries
- counter += 1
- temp = dict()
- for n in next:
- for dir in adjacent:
- nx = n[0]+dir[0]
- ny = n[1]+dir[1]
- if getMap((nx, ny)) != "#" and (nx, ny) not in countmap and (nx, ny) not in temp:
- temp[(nx,ny)] = counter
- next = temp
- return countmap
-def nextStep(cmap, p):
- # adjacent squares
- npos = [[p[0] + dir[0], p[1] + dir[1]] for dir in adjacent]
- # steps and dist
- steps = [[np[0], np[1], cmap[np[0], np[1]]] for np in npos if (np[0], np[1]) in cmap]
- if len(steps) == 0:
- return None
- else:
- return sorted(steps, key = lambda x: x[2])[0] #closest
-### SETUP
-#print("finished generating..")
-def solve1():
- cmap = genCountmap((0,0))
- ipos = sorted(cmap, key = lambda x : cmap[x])[-1]
- print(int(cmap[ipos]/2))
- #fwriteMap()
- return
-def solve2():
- cmap = genCountmap((0,0))
- count = len([v for v in cmap if int(cmap[v]/2) >= 1000 and getMap(v) == "."])
- print(count)
- return
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/21/ b/src/21/
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-from math import sqrt
-def parseCommand(l):
- s = l.split(" ")
- args = [s[0]]
- args = args + [int(v) for v in s[1:]]
- return args
-file = open("input.txt")
-sinput =
-ainput = """#ip 0
-seti 5 0 1
-seti 6 0 2
-addi 0 1 0
-addr 1 2 3
-setr 1 0 0
-seti 8 0 4
-seti 9 0 5"""
-sinput = sinput.split("\n")
-inspaddr = int(sinput[0][4:])
-instructs = [parseCommand(l) for l in sinput[1:] if len(l) != 0]
-register = [0 for x in range(inspaddr+1)]
-opmap = dict()
-opmap["addr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + register[b]
-opmap["addi"] = lambda a, b : register[a] + b
-opmap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * register[b]
-opmap["muli"] = lambda a, b : register[a] * b
-opmap["banr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & register[b]
-opmap["bani"] = lambda a, b : register[a] & b
-opmap["borr"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | register[b]
-opmap["bori"] = lambda a, b : register[a] | b
-opmap["setr"] = lambda a, b : register[a]
-opmap["seti"] = lambda a, b : a
-opmap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a > register[b])
-opmap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > b)
-opmap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] > register[b])
-opmap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (a == register[b])
-opmap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == b)
-opmap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : 1 * (register[a] == register[b])
-def varname(v):
- return "R"+str(v)
-dismap = dict()
-dismap["addr"] = lambda a, b : "%s + %s" % (varname(a), varname(b))
-dismap["addi"] = lambda a, b : "%s + %d" % (varname(a), b)
-dismap["mulr"] = lambda a, b : "%s * %s" % (varname(a), varname(b))
-dismap["muli"] = lambda a, b : "%s * %d" % (varname(a), b)
-dismap["banr"] = lambda a, b : "%s & %s" % (varname(a), varname(b))
-dismap["bani"] = lambda a, b : "%s & %d" % (varname(a), b)
-dismap["borr"] = lambda a, b : "%s | %s" % (varname(a), varname(b))
-dismap["bori"] = lambda a, b : "%s | %d" % (varname(a), b)
-dismap["setr"] = lambda a, b : "%s" % (varname(a))
-dismap["seti"] = lambda a, b : "%d" % (a)
-dismap["gtir"] = lambda a, b : "(%d > %s)" % (a, varname(b))
-dismap["gtri"] = lambda a, b : "(%s > %d)" % (varname(a), b)
-dismap["gtrr"] = lambda a, b : "(%s > %s)" % (varname(a), varname(b))
-dismap["eqir"] = lambda a, b : "(%d == %s)" % (a, varname(b))
-dismap["eqri"] = lambda a, b : "(%s == %d)" % (varname(a), b)
-dismap["eqrr"] = lambda a, b : "(%s == %s)" % (varname(a), varname(b))
-def disassemble(s, e):
- for i in range(s, e):
- ins = instructs[i]
- print(i ,":",varname(ins[3]),"=", dismap[ins[0]](ins[1], ins[2]))
- print()
-def executeProgram():
- global register, insptr
- while register[inspaddr] < len(instructs):
- insptr = register[inspaddr]
- ins = instructs[insptr]
- # execute command
- if len(register) <= ins[3]:
- register += [0 for x in range(ins[3] - len(register) + 1)]
- register[ins[3]] = opmap[ins[0]](ins[1], ins[2])
- # part 1
- #if insptr == 13 and register[4] == 1:
- # print(register)
- # return
- # increment instruction pointer
- register[inspaddr] += 1
-### SETUP
-def solve1():
- r0 = 1797184 # (first opportunity for comparison r1 and r0)
- #disassemble(0, len(instructs))
- #executeProgram()
- print(r0)
- return
-def solve2():
- r1 = 0
- possibles = list()
- while True:
- r4 = r1 | 65536 # flip 9th bit
- r1 = 3798839
- while True: # scan bytes of r4 and add them to r1 and multiply
- r5 = r4 & 255
- r1 += r5
- r1 = r1 & 16777215
- r1 *= 65899 # equals 1 00000001 01101011
- r1 = r1 & 16777215
- if r4 < 256:
- break
- r4 = int(r4/256) # bit shift 8 to the right
- if r1 not in possibles:
- possibles.append(r1)
- #print("=>",r1)
- elif r1 == possibles[-1]:
- print(possibles[-1])
- break
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/22/ b/src/22/
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# second part was solved with help from subreddit
-from sys import argv as args
-import networkx
-adjacent = [[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]
-# load file
-file = open("input.txt")
-sinput =
-# create symbol definitions
-symbols = [".", "=", "|"]
-rocky, wet, narrow = 0, 1, 2
-torch, gear, neither = 0, 1, 2
-tooloptions = dict()
-tooloptions[rocky] = (torch, gear)
-tooloptions[wet] = (gear, neither)
-tooloptions[narrow] = (torch, neither)
-# parse input file
-def parseInput(si):
- s = si.split("\n")
- depth = int(s[0].split(": ")[1])
- target = [int(v) for v in s[1].split(": ")[1].split(",")]
- return depth, target
-# get erosion level from geological index
-def getErosionLevel(n):
- return (n + depth) % 20183
-# generate map of erosion types
-def genMap():
- grid = [[0 for x in range(mrange[0])] for y in range(mrange[1])]
- # generate values on x side
- grid[0] = [getErosionLevel(x * 16807) for x in range(mrange[0])]
- # generate values on y side
- for y in range(mrange[1]):
- grid[y][0] = getErosionLevel(y * 48271)
- # fill in other positions
- for y in range(1, mrange[1]):
- for x in range(1, mrange[0]):
- grid[y][x] = getErosionLevel(grid[y-1][x] * grid[y][x-1])
- # mod 3 for env type
- grid = [[grid[y][x] % 3 for x in range(mrange[0])] for y in range(mrange[1])]
- # start position is rocky
- grid[target[1]][target[0]] = 0
- return grid
-# define constants from input file
-depth, target = parseInput(sinput)
-mrange = (target[0] + 100, target[1] + 100) # 100 block padding for potential hook-paths
-vmap = genMap()
-# risk level of area is sum of risk levels
-def getRiskLevel(width, height):
- risk = 0
- for y in range(height + 1):
- for x in range(width + 1):
- risk += vmap[y][x]
- return risk
-# indices of blocks around pos p
-def getAround(p):
- return [[p[0] + di[0], p[1] + di[1]] for di in adjacent]
-# traverse grid using dijkstra's algorithm (3d)
-def dijkstra():
- graph = networkx.Graph()
- for y in range(mrange[1]):
- for x in range(mrange[0]):
- tools = tooloptions[vmap[y][x]]
- graph.add_edge((x, y, tools[0]), (x, y, tools[1]), weight = 7) # always takes 7 minutes to switch, 2 z-options for each tool
- for (nx, ny) in getAround((x, y)): # for all surrounding positions
- if 0 <= nx < mrange[0] and 0 <= ny < mrange[1]:
- ntools = tooloptions[vmap[ny][nx]]
- for tool in [t for t in tools if t in ntools]: # if tool is usable in both environments
- graph.add_edge((x, y, tool), (nx, ny, tool), weight = 1) # then it only takes 1 minute
- return networkx.dijkstra_path_length(graph, (0, 0, torch), (target[0], target[1], torch))
-#print("setup done..")
-def solve1():
- print(getRiskLevel(target[0], target[1]))
-def solve2():
- print(dijkstra())
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/23/ b/src/23/
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# 2nd part solved with the help of subreddit
-from sys import argv as args
-import math
-# read input file
-file = open("input.txt")
-sinput =
-# nanobots consist of tuples containing: (position, radius)
-nanobots = list()
-# parse a line of input file
-def parseLine(l):
- s = l.split(">, ")
- pos = [int(v) for v in s[0].split("=<")[1].split(",")]
- radius = int(s[1].split("=")[1])
- nanobots.append((pos, radius))
-# parse input file
-sinput = [parseLine(l) for l in sinput.split("\n") if len(l) != 0]
-# manhattan distance
-def dist(p1, p2):
- xd = abs(p1[0] - p2[0])
- yd = abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
- zd = abs(p1[2] - p2[2])
- return xd + yd + zd
-# two nanobots range overlap
-def isoverlap(nb1, nb2):
- return nb1[1] + nb2[1] >= dist(nb1[0], nb2[0])
-# nanobots range completely inside anothers range
-def isinside(nb1, nb2):
- return dist(nb1[0], nb2[0]) <= nb2[1] - nb1[1]
-# check if range of nanobot is inside grid
-def tileinrange(tile, nb, gridsize):
- hgridsize = math.floor(gridsize / 2) # case gridsize = 1 => squares should have 0 width
- nbp = nb[0]
- ds = [abs(nbp[i] - tile[i]) for i in range(3)]
- md = max(ds)
- if md == 0:
- return True
- ds = [d * hgridsize / md for d in ds] # get distance along squares sides
- return dist(nbp, tile) - sum(ds) <= nb[1]
-def solve1():
- maxr = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[1])
- inrange = 0
- for nb in nanobots:
- if dist(nb[0], maxr[0]) <= maxr[1]:
- inrange += 1
- print(inrange)
-def solve2():
- global nanobots
- # use smaller getting grid like binary search to find position in range of most nanobots
- minpx = min(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][0])[0][0]
- minpy = min(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][1])[0][1]
- minpz = min(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][2])[0][2]
- minp = (minpx, minpy, minpz)
- maxpx = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][0])[0][0]
- maxpy = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][1])[0][1]
- maxpz = max(nanobots, key = lambda x : x[0][2])[0][2]
- maxp = (maxpx, maxpy, maxpz)
- gridsize = max([maxp[i] - minp[i] for i in range(3)]) # largest dif dim to ensure all nanbots are in the grid
- bestpos = None
- while gridsize >= 1:
- maxintile = 0
- # traverse grid in steps of gridsize
- xsteps = math.ceil((maxp[0] - minp[0]) / gridsize) + 1
- ysteps = math.ceil((maxp[1] - minp[1]) / gridsize) + 1
- zsteps = math.ceil((maxp[2] - minp[2]) / gridsize) + 1
- for nx in range(xsteps):
- for ny in range(ysteps):
- for nz in range(zsteps):
- x = minp[0] + nx * gridsize
- y = minp[1] + ny * gridsize
- z = minp[2] + nz * gridsize
- intile = 0
- for nb in nanobots:
- if tileinrange((x, y, z), nb, gridsize): # check if nanobots range intersects with tile
- intile += 1
- if maxintile < intile:
- maxintile = intile
- bestpos = (x, y, z)
- elif maxintile == intile:
- if maxintile == 0 or sum([abs(v) for v in (x, y, z)]) < sum([abs(v) for v in bestpos]): # if two gridtiles have the same count, choose the one closest to the origin
- bestpos = (x, y, z)
- if gridsize == 1:
- break
- gridsize = math.floor(gridsize / 2)
- minp = [v - gridsize for v in bestpos]
- maxp = [v + gridsize for v in bestpos]
- print(sum(bestpos))
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/24/notes.txt b/src/24/notes.txt
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-infection and immune sys are armies
- - made of groups of identical units
- - group:
- - same hitpoint
- - same attack damage
- - same initiative (who attacks first has highest)
- - same weaknesses / immunities
- - effective power = n of members * attack damage
-target selection:
- - highest effective power chooses first sorted
- if tie => higher initiative chooses first
- - choose group it would damage most
- if tie => largest effective power
- if tie => largest intiative
- if no group => no attack
- - attack in descending order of initiative
- - regardless of army
- - immune: 0 dmg
- - weak: 2 x dmg
- - only full death, units dont have dynamic health
-(army, # of units, # of hp, initiative, dict of weaknesses / immunity, damage, type)
diff --git a/src/24/ b/src/24/
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-sinput = open("input.txt").read()
-immunesys = 0
-infection = 1
-ctype = 0
-# parse input from file
-def parseInput():
- groups = list()
- for l in sinput.split("\n"):
- pl = parseLine(l)
- if pl != None:
- groups.append(pl)
- return groups
-# parse line of input
-def parseLine(line):
- global ctype
- group = None
- if "Immune" in line:
- ctype = immunesys
- elif "Infection" in line:
- ctype = infection
- elif line != "":
- ls = line.split()
- group = dict()
- group["type"] = ctype
- group["units"] = int(ls[0])
- group["unithp"] = int(ls[4])
- group["initiative"] = int(ls[-1])
- group["weak"] = list()
- group["immune"] = list()
- if "(" in line:
- parenthstr = line.split("(")[1].split(")")[0]
- traits = parenthstr.split(";")
- for traitstr in traits:
- info = traitstr.split()
- group[info[0]] = [v.replace(",","") for v in info[2:]]
- dmginfo = line.split("does")[1].split("damage")[0].split()
- group["dmg"] = int(dmginfo[0])
- group["dmgtype"] = dmginfo[1]
- return group
-def getEffectivePower(g):
- return g["units"] * g["dmg"]
-def getDamage(attacker, defender):
- dmg = getEffectivePower(attacker)
- dmg *= (0 if attacker["dmgtype"] in defender["immune"] else 1)
- dmg *= (2 if attacker["dmgtype"] in defender["weak"] else 1)
- return dmg
-groups = parseInput()
-def fight():
- global groups
- lunits = 0
- immalive = len([g for g in groups if g["type"] == immunesys])
- infalive = len([g for g in groups if g["type"] == infection])
- while immalive > 0 and infalive > 0:
- # target selection
- attacked = list()
- attackpairs = list()
- groups = sorted(groups, key = lambda x : (getEffectivePower(x), x["initiative"]), reverse = True)
- for group in groups:
- # choose group of other army, which is not already being attacked and sort appropriately
- enemies = [g for g in groups if g["type"] != group["type"] and g not in attacked]
- if len(enemies) == 0:
- continue
- target = max(enemies, key = lambda x : (getDamage(group, x), getEffectivePower(x), x["initiative"]))
- if getDamage(group, target) != 0: # enemies which arent immune
- attacked.append(target)
- attackpairs.append((groups.index(group), groups.index(target)))
- # attacking phase
- attackpairs = sorted(attackpairs, key = lambda x : groups[x[0]]["initiative"], reverse = True)
- for ap in attackpairs:
- attacker = groups[ap[0]]
- attacked = groups[ap[1]]
- if attacker["units"] > 0 and attacked["units"] > 0: # if attacker or defender is dead, no need to attack
- dmg = getDamage(attacker, attacked)
- attacked["units"] = max(0, attacked["units"] - dmg // attacked["unithp"]) # remove whole numbers of units
- groups = [g for g in groups if g["units"] > 0]
- immalive = sum([g["units"] for g in groups if g["type"] == immunesys])
- infalive = sum([g["units"] for g in groups if g["type"] == infection])
- units = immalive + infalive
- if units == lunits:
- return units
- lunits = units
- return units
-def solve1():
- print(fight())
-def solve2():
- global groups
- immunewin = False
- boost = 1
- while not immunewin:
- groups = parseInput()
- for g in groups:
- if g["type"] == immunesys:
- g["dmg"] += boost
- fight()
- immunewin = (sum([0 if g["type"] == immunesys else 1 for g in groups]) == 0)
- boost += 1
- #print("boost:", boost)
- print("units:", sum([v["units"] for v in groups]))
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/25/ b/src/25/
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-sinput = open("input.txt").read()
-ainput = """1,-1,-1,-2
-ainput = """1,-1,0,1
-ainput = """0,0,0,0
- 3,0,0,0
- 0,3,0,0
- 0,0,3,0
- 0,0,0,3
- 0,0,0,6
- 9,0,0,0
-ainput = """-1,2,2,0
-def parseLine(l):
- return [int(v) for v in l.split(",")]
-coordinates = [parseLine(l) for l in sinput.split("\n") if len(l) != 0]
-def dist(c1, c2):
- return sum([abs(c1[i] - c2[i]) for i in range(4)])
-def getClose(coords, c):
- match = list()
- j = 0
- while j in range(len(coords)):
- if dist(c, coords[j]) <= 3:
- match.append(coords[j])
- coords.pop(j)
- else:
- j += 1
- return match
-def solve1():
- constellations = list()
- available = coordinates[:]
- while len(available) != 0:
- match = getClose(available, available[0])
- j = 0
- while j < len(match):
- match += getClose(available, match[j])
- j += 1
- constellations.append(match)
- print(len(constellations))
- """
- sum = 0
- for cons in constellations:
- sum += len(cons)
- print(sum)
- """
- return
-def solve2():
- return
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/3/ b/src/3/
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-file = open("input.txt")
-data = [x for x in file.readlines()]
-#data = "#1 @ 1,3: 4x4","#2 @ 3,1: 4x4","#3 @ 5,5: 2x2"
-def parserect(l):
- split = l.split("@")
- id = int(split[0].replace("#",""))
- split = split[1].split(":")
- pos = [int(x) for x in split[0].split(",")]
- size = [int(x) for x in split[1].split("x")]
- return pos, size, id
-def createMap():
- global rectdata
- rectdata = [parserect(l) for l in data]
- msize = list([0,0])
- for i in range(len(rectdata)):
- r = rectdata[i]
- xm = r[0][0] + r[1][0]
- ym = r[0][1] + r[1][1]
- if i == 0 or xm > msize[0]:
- msize[0] = xm
- if i == 0 or ym > msize[1]:
- msize[1] = ym
- map = [[list() for y in range(msize[1])] for x in range(msize[0])]
- for r in rectdata:
- sx = r[0][0]
- sy = r[0][1]
- for x in range(sx, sx + r[1][0]):
- for y in range(sy, sy + r[1][1]):
- map[x][y].append(r[2])
- return map
-def solve1(): # answer: 114946
- map = createMap()
- overlap = 0
- for x in range(len(map)):
- for y in range(len(map[0])):
- if len(map[x][y]) > 1:
- overlap += 1
- print(overlap)
-def solve2(): # answer: 877
- map = createMap()
- overlap = set()
- for x in range(len(map)):
- for y in range(len(map[0])):
- if len(map[x][y]) > 1:
- for id in map[x][y]:
- overlap.add(id)
- # print(overlap)
- for i in range(1, len(rectdata)):
- if i not in overlap:
- print(i)
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/4/ b/src/4/
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-file = open("input.txt")
-data = [x for x in file.readlines()]
-def parse_entry(l):
- split = l.split(" ")
- date = " ".join(split[:2])
- time = int(split[1].split(":")[1].replace("]",""))
- if split[2] == "Guard":
- awake = None
- id = int(split[3].replace("#",""))
- else:
- id = 0
- awake = (True if split[2] == "wakes" else False)
- return time, id, awake, date
-class guard:
- def __init__(self, _id):
- self.shifts = list()
- = _id
- self.awake = None
-def gen_shiftmap():
- shiftdata = [parse_entry(l) for l in data]
- shiftdata = sorted(shiftdata, key=lambda x: x[3]) #sort by date
- shiftmap = dict()
- ltime = shiftdata[0][0]
- cgid = shiftdata[0][1]
- for i in range(len(shiftdata)):
- entry = shiftdata[i]
- ctime = entry[0]
- gid = entry[1]
- cawake = entry[2]
- if gid != 0: # new shift
- if gid not in shiftmap:
- shiftmap[gid] = guard(gid)
- #if i != 0 and not shiftmap[cgid].awake: # not first
- # shiftmap[cgid].shifts.append((ltime, timedif(ctime, ltime), None))
- #ltime = ctime
- cgid = gid
- else:
- g = shiftmap[cgid]
- if cawake:
- if not g.awake:
- shiftmap[cgid].shifts.append((ltime, ctime - ltime))
- else:
- ltime = ctime
- g.awake = cawake
- return shiftmap
-def solve1():
- shiftmap = gen_shiftmap()
- maxsleep = None
- mg = None
- for g in shiftmap.values():
- minslept = 0
- for t in g.shifts:
- minslept += t[1]
- if not maxsleep or minslept > maxsleep:
- maxsleep = minslept
- mg = g
- timel = [0 for x in range(60)]
- for t in mg.shifts:
- for i in range(t[0], t[0] + t[1]):
- timel[(i-1)%60] += 1
- minute = timel.index(max(timel))+1
- print(minute *
-def solve2():
- shiftmap = gen_shiftmap()
- timetables = dict()
- for g in shiftmap.values():
- timetables[] = [0 for x in range(60)]
- for t in g.shifts:
- for i in range(t[0], t[0] + t[1]):
- timetables[][i] += 1
- max = None
- mmin = None
- mgid = None
- for i in range(60):
- for gid in timetables:
- t = timetables[gid]
- if max is None or t[i] > max:
- max = t[i]
- mmin = i
- mgid = gid
- print(mgid * mmin)
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/5/ b/src/5/
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-file = open("input.txt")
-input =
-#s = list("dabAcCaCBAcCcaDA")
-def reactPol(s):
- i = 0
- while i < len(s)-1:
- cs = "".join(s[i:i+2])
- csl = cs.lower()
- if csl[0] == csl[1] and cs[0] != cs[1]: # builds pair with next letter
- s.pop(i)
- s.pop(i) # pop both letters
- if i > 0:
- i -= 1 # check prev
- else:
- i += 1
- return len(s)
-def solve1():
- print(reactPol(list(input)))
-def solve2():
- min = None
- for i in range(26):
- ls = str(chr(i+97))
- print(f"\rTesting: {ls}", end="")
- cs = list(input.replace(ls, "").replace(ls.upper(), ""))
- len = reactPol(cs)
- if min == None or len < min:
- min = len
- print(f"\r \r{min}")
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/6/ b/src/6/
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-f = open("input.txt")
-data = f.readlines()
-def parseEntry(l):
- split = l.split(",")
- return int(split[0]), int(split[1])
-data = [parseEntry(l) for l in data if len(l) != 0]
-minx = None
-miny = None
-maxx = None
-maxy = None
-for c in data:
- if minx == None or c[0] < minx:
- minx = c[0]
- elif maxx == None or c[0] > maxx:
- maxx = c[0]
- if miny == None or c[1] < miny:
- miny = c[1]
- elif maxy == None or c[1] > maxy:
- maxy = c[1]
-def getClosest(x,y):
- mc = None
- md = None
- ad = None
- for i in range(len(data)):
- c = data[i]
- dist = abs(c[0] - x) + abs(c[1] - y) # manhattan distance
- if md == None or dist < md:
- md = dist
- mc = i
- ad = None
- elif dist == md:
- ad = dist
- return mc, ad
-def getCombinedDist(x,y):
- dist = 0
- for i in range(len(data)):
- c = data[i]
- dist += abs(c[0] - x) + abs(c[1] - y)
- return dist
-def solve1():
- areas = dict()
- for x in range(minx, maxx):
- for y in range(miny, maxy):
- mc, ad = getClosest(x, y)
- if ad == None:
- if mc not in areas:
- areas[mc] = 1
- else:
- areas[mc] += 1
- # remove outside points
- for i in range(len(data)):
- c = data[i]
- mc, ac = getClosest(minx, c[1])
- if (mc == i):
- areas.pop(i)
- continue
- mc, ac = getClosest(maxx, c[1])
- if (mc == i):
- areas.pop(i)
- continue
- mc, ac = getClosest(c[0], miny)
- if (mc == i):
- areas.pop(i)
- continue
- mc, ac = getClosest(c[0], maxy)
- if (mc == i):
- areas.pop(i)
- continue
- print(max(areas.values()))
-def solve2():
- safezone = 0
- for x in range(minx, maxx):
- for y in range(miny, maxy):
- dist = getCombinedDist(x,y)
- if (dist < 10000):
- safezone += 1
- print(safezone)
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/7/ b/src/7/
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-file = open("input.txt")
-data = [x for x in file.readlines()]
-data =
-Step C must be finished before step A can begin.
-Step C must be finished before step F can begin.
-Step A must be finished before step B can begin.
-Step A must be finished before step D can begin.
-Step B must be finished before step E can begin.
-Step D must be finished before step E can begin.
-Step F must be finished before step E can begin.
-#data = data.split("\n")
-def removeReq(req, instructs): # remove requirements
- for res in instructs:
- if req in instructs[res]:
- instructs[res].remove(req)
-def parseEntry(l):
- split = l.split(" ")
- firstl = split[1]
- nextl = split[-3]
- return firstl, nextl
-def genInstructs():
- global data
- data = [parseEntry(l) for l in data if len(l) != 0]
- instructs = dict()
- for ins in data:
- req = ins[0]
- res = ins[1]
- if res not in instructs:
- instructs[res] = [ req ]
- else:
- instructs[res].append(req)
- values = list(instructs.values())[:]
- for reslist in values:
- for res in reslist:
- if res not in instructs:
- instructs[res] = []
- return instructs
-def solve1():
- instructs = genInstructs()
- i = 0
- plan = list()
- while i < len(instructs):
- res = sorted(instructs.keys())[i] # alphabetically
- if len(instructs[res]) == 0:
- plan.append(res)
- instructs.pop(res, None)
- removeReq(res, instructs)
- i = 0
- else:
- i += 1
- print("".join(plan))
- return
-def overlap(arr1, arr2):
- for a1 in arr1:
- if a1 in arr2:
- return True
- return False
-def checkfail(workers):
- done = True
- for w in workers:
- if w[2]:
- done = False
- break
- return done
-def solve2():
- instructs = genInstructs()
- # (5) worker: (task, time, done)
- workers = [["", 0, False] for x in range(5)]
- time = -1
- stop = False
- while not stop:
- time += 1
- for i in range(len(workers)):
- w = workers[i]
- if time >= w[1]:
- if w[2]:
- removeReq(w[0], instructs)
- #print("end : " + str(i) + " - " + str((w[0], w[1])))
- w[2] = False
- #i = 0
- if len(instructs) == 0 and checkfail(workers):
- stop = True
- break
- for i in range(len(workers)):
- w = workers[i]
- if time >= w[1]:
- for res in sorted(instructs.keys()):
- if len(instructs[res]) == 0:
- w[0] = res
- #print(instructs)
- #print("start : " + str(i) + " - " + str((res, time)))
- w[1] = time + ord(res)-65+1 + 60
- w[2] = True
- instructs.pop(res, None)
- break
- #print()
- print(time)
- return
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/8/ b/src/8/
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv as args
-file = open("input.txt")
-data = [int(x) for x in" ")]
-#data = [int(x) for x in "2 3 0 3 10 11 12 1 1 0 1 99 2 1 1 2".split(" ")]
-def getNodes(nsize, index):
- nodes = list()
- for i in range(nsize):
- cnsize = data[index + 0]
- mdsize = data[index + 1]
- cnodes, index = getNodes(cnsize, index + 2)
- metadata = data[index:index + mdsize]
- nodes.append([cnodes, metadata])
- index = index + mdsize
- return nodes, index
-def nodeSum(nodes):
- metadata = 0
- for n in nodes:
- metadata += sum(n[1]) + nodeSum(n[0])
- return metadata
-def nodeValue(n):
- if len(n[0]) == 0:
- return sum(n[1])
- else:
- value = 0
- for i in range(len(n[1])):
- ni = n[1][i]-1
- if ni < len(n[0]):
- value += nodeValue(n[0][ni])
- return value
-def solve1():
- nodes,index = getNodes(1, 0)
- print(nodeSum(nodes))
-def solve2():
- nodes,index = getNodes(1, 0)
- print(nodeValue(nodes[0]))
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()
diff --git a/src/9/ b/src/9/
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-from collections import deque
-from sys import argv as args
-words = open("input.txt").read().split(" ")
-playercount = int(words[0])
-lastworth = int(words[6])
-def getHighScore(playercount, lastworth): #optimized with deque
- lastworth = lastworth - lastworth % 23
- players = [0 for x in range(playercount)]
- marbles = deque([0])
- pos = 0
- for i in range(1, lastworth+1):
- if i % 23 == 0:
- cp = (i-1) % playercount
- players[cp] += i + marbles[(len(marbles) + pos - 7) % len(marbles)]
- marbles.rotate((len(marbles) - 1 - pos) + 7)
- marbles.pop()
- pos = 0
- else:
- if i < 3:
- pos = 1
- marbles.rotate(1)
- marbles.append(i)
- else:
- marbles.rotate((len(marbles)- 1 -pos) - 1)
- marbles.append(i)
- pos = len(marbles)-1
- #print(pos,marbles)
- print(max(players))
-def solve1():
- getHighScore(playercount, lastworth)
-def solve2():
- getHighScore(playercount, lastworth * 100)
-def main():
- if len(args) > 1:
- if args[1] == "1":
- solve1()
- elif args[1] == "2":
- solve2()